“The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God.”
~ 1 Chronicles 13:10


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you help your dad and/or ma? Do you help your teachers? Do you help your Heavenly Father? What is something that you have done that has helped your dad and/or ma? What is something that you have done that has helped one of your teachers? What is something that you have done that has helped your Heavenly Father? Helping your dad and/or ma is good. You are doing chores that your dad and/or ma have tasked you to do. Helping one of your teachers is good. You are doing a task that the teacher has told you to do. Thinking that you need to help your Heavenly Father is not good. Your Heavenly Father wants you to pursue Him for His help. Your dad and/or ma will teach you how to be a help. Your teachers will task you ways to be a help. Your Heavenly Father expects you to ask Him for His help. Your Heavenly Father may even become angry with a guy or gal if he or she tries to be a help to Him. Your Heavenly Father zapped Uzzah when Uzzah tried to be a help to Him. The historian who scribed the Chronicles Book gives a detailed report in 1 Chronicles 13 of what took place that led God to zap Uzzah.

It all began when the ark of God ended up in Philistine territory. After the Philistine people group’s guys and gals had it in their possession for seven months, the Philistines people group’s guys and gals were ready to give the ark of God back to God’s specially chosen guys and gals. During the time that the Philistine people group’s guys and gals had the ark of God in their possession, your Heavenly Father kept causing the Philistine people group’s guys and gals to die. The ark of God was something that your Heavenly Father had His specially chosen guys build just for Him where His presence could always reside in with them as they traveled to the land that He told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . this specially made ark of God that was built for your Heavenly Father’s presence to reside in was a very holy place that could only be gone into by at specific times by a high priest. The ark of God was to be carried by guys from the Levi tribal clan. The ark of God had a ring built into each corner through which long poles were to be inserted. The Levi tribal clan guys would carry the ark of God using the long poles. When the Philistine people group’s guys and gals decided that they absolutely had to get the ark of God out of their land area because of the havoc that was taking place in their land area that was being caused by your Heavenly Father, they used a new cart and a couple of oxen to haul the ark of God out of their territory. The Philistine people group’s guys would leave the ark of God in Kiriath Jearim.

It is around 3000 years ago. David has just become king over God’s specially chosen guys and gals who are living in the land that God had given to them to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . it appears that one of David’s first pieces of business in his inauguration plan as king over God’s specially chosen guys and gals is to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. David first conferred with his military guys to get their thoughts about bringing the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. David’s military guys gave him the go ahead for him to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. David then checked with the leaders among God’s specially chosen guys who were scattered throughout the land area that had become known as Israel about bringing the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. David got a go ahead from the leaders among God’s specially chosen guys for him to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. Your grandpaa thinks that David was wise to talk with the different Israelite people group’s leaders before he began doing what he did to try to bring the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. David decided to use a new cart to carry the ark of God from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem. Before your grandpaa implemented the rural resident leadership training center in Bolivia, your grandpaa met a couple of times with the guys among the South America Mission Bolivia field team missionaries. Your grandpaa wanted to hear the guys’ thoughts about beginning a rural resident leadership training center. After your grandpaa got the go ahead from the guys among the South America Mission field team missionaries to start up a rural resident leadership training center, your grandpaa made a trip throughout eastern Bolivia – visiting the different churches that were associated with A.I.E.O. (Asociación de Iglesia Evangélica de Oriente) for their go ahead to start a rural resident training program. The church leaders would respond to what your grandpaa was telling them by referring to the pending rural resident leadership training center as a ‘Centro de Capacitación’. The training center would become called ‘el Centro de Capacitación’. Jim Davids – who was the Bolivian field missionary team’s Field Director, broached teaching classes in module over two week periods versus teaching several courses at a time in concurrent classes. Accumulating data, pursuing consensus and chasing goals are good things to do. David had a consensus to pursue a goal but he failed to accumulate the kind of data that he needed to have in order to keep Uzzah from getting himself zapped by your Heavenly Father. While David and God’s specially chosen guys and gals were celebrating singing – accompanied with harps, lyres, tambourines, cymbals and trumpets, and while the ark of God was being carried from Kiriath Jearim to the city of Jerusalem, the oxen that were pulling the cart stumbled. Verse 10 says, “The LORD’s anger burned against Uzzah, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God.” A Christ-follower guy, gal or kid is to put his or her trust in his or her Heavenly Father.

1 Chronicles 13 (557)