“The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.”
~ 1 Chronicles 6:3


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you remember who were/are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids? The Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids were/are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Each Israelite people group’s tribal clan of guys, gals and kids represented one of Jacob’s twelve sons. Jacob during a trip that he was on had his name changed by God to Israel. The Israelite people group of guys, gals and kids was comprised of the extended families of the twelve sons of Jacob or Israel. Jacob’s grandpa was Abraham. God promised Abraham that his extended family would always have as their very own land the land where he was living. Over 500 years would pass before God finally kept the promise that He made to Abraham – when He made it possible for Abraham’s extended family of guys, gals and kids to go to the same land where Abraham had once lived. God through divinely ordering plagues and miracles relocated from Egypt – where the Israelite people group’s guys were being enslaved by Egyptian guys, the three million or so Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids to the land that He promised Abraham that his extended family of guys, gals and kids would always have as their very own land. The Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids would in time become again enslaved by another people group – first after the northern tribal clans were overrun in 722 B.C. by Assyria and then after the southern tribal clans were overrun in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

God chose the Levi tribal clan out of the twelve Israelite tribal clans to specifically be the tribal clan to serve Him. Why do you think that God chose the Levi tribal clan to be the tribal clan to exclusively serve Him? Do you think that Levi one of Jacob’s favorite kids? Levi was the third boy who was born to Jacob and Leah. Because Leah knew that Jacob did not love her as much as he loved her kid sis – Rachel, Leah gave her third son a name which means attached hoping that the name Levi would have Jacob wanting to become more attached to her. Jacob – while he was on his deathbed, would actually curse his son Levi. Levi and his bro Simeon – another one of Leah’s kids, had together decided to kill the Shechemite guys who had done something really awful to their sis – Dinah. Why do you think that God would choose one of Jacob’s kids – Levi, who had blood on his hands from helping to kill the Shechemite guys who . . . to have Levi’s extended tribal clan guys become for the eleven other Israelite tribal clans the designated advocates of a new belief paradigm? God chose Levi’s extended tribal clan guys to be the guys to specifically worship Him by offering sacrifices to Him, singing to Him and caring for His temple for Him in spite of Levi having been cursed by his own dad. The chronicler – in 1 Chronicles 6, recorded Levi’s family tree. Levi had three boys. Levi’s second boy was Kohath. Kohath had four boys. Kohath’s oldest boy – Amram, had three kids. The chronicler in verse 3 listed Amram’s kids along with the kids of one of his sons – Aaron, “The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.” If you are wondering as to what happened to the Simeon tribal clan, the Simeon tribal clan – even though Simeon was the second oldest of the six boys born to Leah and Jacob, apparently ended up being divided and assimilated into the other tribal clans.

Aaron and Moses – two sons of Amram and Jochebed, became well-known. Moses should have been killed after he was born but . . . because so many boys were being born to the Israelite people group’s gals – making the Egyptian Pharaoh nervous, the guy decided to make an edict or law that said the every baby boy who was born to an Israelite people group’s family unit was to be killed. Your grandpaa will have the opportunity to write a lot more about Moses – and how God helped Moses become a great Israelite people group leader. Aaron was three years older than his bro Moses. God chose Aaron to be the Israelite people group’s spiritual leader. Aaron had four boys. When Aaron’s two oldest boys – Nadab and Abihu, decided to worship God in a way that God did not want to be worshipped, God burned them to death. Worshipping God was/is a very important, serious discipline. God wanted His specially chosen and He wants His specially elected guys and gals to worship Him. God wanted His specially chosen guys and gals to bring sacrifices to Him. God chose the Levi tribal clan guys to make the animal sacrifices to Him, sing songs to Him and care for His temple for Him. God today chooses guys out of the body of Christ – which is the universal church of the guys, gals and kids who He has specially elected for Himself, to serve Him as servant leaders to His Christ-follower flocks. Your grandpaa knows that he and your grandmaa were very blessed to have had God call them to do what your grandmaa and grandpaa are doing as missionaries. Because God sent Himself as God the Son to planet Earth to be sacrificed on a cross to redeem the sins of your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad, ma, you and every other guy, gals and kid who . . . God no longer needs to have animal sacrifices made to Him by the guys who He has chosen to be His servant leaders for all the guys, gals and kids who He has elected to be His adopted kids. God still expects the guys who He has chosen to be the servant leaders to the guys, gals and kids who He has led as God the Spirit to make decisions of faith to believe in Him to worship Him through singing and in caring for the guys, gals and kids who are in the body of Christ – the universal Christ-follower communities of guys, gals and kids. It is a blessing to be called by God to be a servant leader on planet Earth among His specially chosen guys and gal. It is not easy though to be a servant leader to God’s specially elected guys and gals on planet Earth. God has a higher standard and a greater expectation for the guys who He chooses to be His servant leaders to His adopted kids.

1 Chronicles 6 (252)