He said to his men, ‘“The LORD forbid that I should so such a thing to my master, the LORD’s anointed, or lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the LORD.”
~ 1 Samuel 24:6


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you know a kid who does not like you? Is there a kid in your school who you do not like? There can be a reason for not liking another kid. You may be jealous of the kid. It may be because the kid may have more friends than you have. The kid may be smarter than you. The kid may have better things than what you have. You may be really scared of the kid. The kid may use you for a punching bag. The kid may take your things. The kid may say things that are hurtful. How would you like to have a guy or gal always trying to kill you because he or she feels like you are always a threat to him or her? How do you think that a guy or gal can become a threat to another guy or gal? If you are liked more by other kids than another kid, the kid who sees that you are liked more than he or she is liked, may become jealous of you. Have you ever been really jealous of another kid because you know that the kid is liked more than what you are by other kids? It is easy to become jealous of another kid. Do you think that it is good to be jealous of another kid? Do you think that it is good to be scared of another kid? Do you think that it is good to make other kids jealous of you? Do you think that it is good to make other kids scared of you? There will be times as you grow older when you are going to wish that you are like another kid, that you live where another kid lives and that you have as much as another kid has. Your grandpaa is sure that you are always going to want to have every kid like you. Your grandpaa is also sure that there will be some kids who just will not like you very much. Your grandpaa knows that it is real easy for other guys and gals to like your grandmaa but it is much harder for the same guys and gals to like your grandpaa. When a guy, gal or kid looks at your grandmaa, your grandmaa will smile at the guy, gal and kid with a happy, beautiful smile. Your grandmaa makes guys, gals and kids feel like she genuinely cares about them as a person. When a guy, gal or kid looks at your grandpaa, your grandpaa does not smile at the guy, gal or kid. Your grandpaa likes to say his false teeth will fall out of his mouth if he smiles. Your grandpaa can look really gruff. Your grandpaa can scare guys, gals and kids when your grandpaa looks gruff. Your grandpaa does not scare kids like you very often because kids like you can tell that your grandpaa is not really gruff. Sometimes guys and gals will feel that your grandpaa does not care about them. It is because your grandpaa can make a guy or gal feel that he or she is not liked by your grandpaa just by the way that your grandpaa looks at him or her. Your grandpaa is very thankful that God had your grandmaa want to marry him as . . .

It is sometimes in God’s perfect plan – which God is constantly unfolding, that God will have a kid jealous of you. David was a young guy when God told Samuel to anoint David to be a king over Israel. David was a handsome, strong young guy. David lived on planet Earth about 3000 years ago. David was caring for his dad’s sheep when God told Samuel to look for Israel’s next king. When Samuel anointed David to be the next king over Israel, there was a guy in place who was Israel’s acting king. Saul was Israel’s king at this time. King Saul did not know how to be a good king. The guys, gals and kids who were living in Israel were God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. These guys and gals because all the other countries around them had kings wanted a king, too. The Israelite people group’s guys and gals were jealous of the guys and gals in the other people groups in the other countries around them. God had given His specially chosen guys and gals a king who tried to be a good king but . . . King Saul did sometimes trust in God to do what needed to be done but . . . King Saul too often tried trusting in himself or in other guys to do what needed to be done. David almost always trusted God to do what needed to be done. When David killed Goliath – who was a giant, King Saul gave David special attention. When King Saul saw David’s popularity, King Saul became jealous of David. King Saul because he was jealous of David tried to kill David. What do you think that David did? David had to leave the area to keep from being killed by King Saul. David found some guys who were looking for a guy to lead them. David ended up having to live like a criminal instead of living like a king. Do you think that David complained? David believed that God wanted him to wait until the right moment and then God would allow him to be Israel’s king. David in the meantime had to be careful that King Saul did not find him.

1 Samuel 24 is an account of a time when King Saul almost found David. A guy told King Saul where David could be found. He told King Saul that David was hiding in the Desert of En Gedi near the Crags of the Wild Goats. King Saul headed for the area where he had been told David was hiding. King Saul went to that area with one goal in mind – to kill David. King Saul took with him 3000 guys to help him find David so that he might kill David. When King Saul got near to where David was purportedly hiding, King Saul decided to stop for a few moments to use a cave that was located near some sheep pens. King Saul needed to relieve himself. King Saul used the cave like you would use your bathroom. David and his guys were hiding in the back of this cave. David’s guys thought that David should kill King Saul. David’s guys thought that God had King Saul enter the cave so that . . . David did not want King Saul to be killed. While King Saul was relieving himself – or resting for a moment, David cut off a piece of King Saul’s robe. Why do you think that David did not kill King Saul when he had the opportunity? Verse 6 says “He said to his men, ‘“The LORD forbid that I should so such a thing to my master, the LORD’s anointed, or lift my hand against him; for he is the anointed of the LORD.’” Just as David trusted in God’s will, you are to trust in God.

1 Samuel 24 (154)