“When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.”
~ Revelation 18:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you think that it is wrong for one country to want to destroy another country? Do you think that it is wrong for a guy to want to be the one single ruler over all the countries that are scattered around planet Earth? Do you think that it is wrong for a guy to want to be richer than any other guy who is living on planet Earth? Ask your dad why there are so many countries scattered around planet Earth. Would you like to be one day the ruler or king or queen or president or dictator of a country that is located someplace on planet Earth? What do you think that it would be like to have the most power, most prestige and greatest position on planet Earth? What do you think that it would be like to live in a country where the guy who is the ruler of your country will not let you do what you would like to do? What do you think that it would be like to live in a country where the ruler of your country if you disagree with him will have you be put in a prison or killed? What do you think that it would be like to live in a country where the guy who is the ruler of your country has everywhere in your country pictures and posters of himself, has had all kinds of statutes made of his likeness and has an expectation of being treated as if he is like a god? If you are living in a country like the United States, you have the freedom to say publicly that you disagree with even the president of your country. If you are living in a country like Iraq, you would be killed if you said anything publicly against the present despotic, tyrannical leader. Do you think that it is better for kids – like you, to grow up in a country where kids have freedoms and liberties or do you think that it is better for kids – like you, to grow up in a country where kids have to learn to rob, kill and serve a guy who irrationally thinks that he is godlike?

Just hours after your grandmaa and grandpaa arrived for the first time in Santa Cruz, Bolivia with your dad and your Aunt Lynn, a South American Mission field team missionary mentioned to your grandpaa that he was praying that Bolivia would experience anarchy. Anarchy is having guys and gals cause mayhem, chaos and disorder just to destabilize the existing government. Del thought that if guys and gals who lived in Bolivia rebelled against their government by literally fighting against their country’s soldiers, killing the country’s elected officials and having unruly, bad guys take over the country that the guys, gals and kids who were living in Bolivia would get a wakeup call to turn to God for the answers for an inner peace that they innately were hoping to find. What would you do today if you were living in the country of Iraq? Would you die fighting for a guy who thinks that he is godlike or would you capitulate or give up to a guy who thinks that he represents good and has all the right answers? Iraq is just not another country that has an autocratic, tyrannical dictator as a leader; Iraq is the land area where God began life on planet Earth. Iraq was known 2600 years ago as Babylonia. In present day’s Iraq’s land area, there is located about fifty miles south of Baghdad – which is a super city of about six million guys, gals and kids, another city known as Babylon. Babylon about 2600 years ago had become a major commercial center for all the existing countries on planet Earth. Babylon about 2600 years ago had become the epitome or the embodiment of evil. Revelations 18 talks about Babylon. The name Babylon over time has become symbolic or descriptive of a city and belief system that is polluted or corrupted with evil. There have been guys and gals who have thought that just maybe the name Babylon may be representative of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church’s belief paradigm. Your grandpaa does not believe that. Who or what do you think that John was writing about when he scribed his Revelation Book as God the Spirit was dictating to him what to write?

Your grandpaa thinks that the name Babylon may have both a literal and a figurative meaning or significance. Your grandpaa thinks that the name Babylon does symbolize or represent evil. Your grandpaa thinks that Satan may have used and is still using Babylon for his planet Earth’s base where he oversees his bad angels and evil spirits as they manipulate guys and gals all over planet Earth to do disobedient things against God the Father – Who is the Creator of all things. Your grandpaa thinks that Baghdad today may be yesterday’s Babylon. Your grandpaa thinks that Baghdad – Babylon, might just be the center of Satan’s planet Earth’s base. Your grandpaa thinks that what is taking place today in Iraq – Babylonia, just might be God’s divine timing to mete out His judgment on Satan’s planet Earth’s base. The countries or nations that God is using now to eliminate or purge out the evil that is found in Iraq – Babylonia, and especially in Baghdad – Babylon, are countries or nations who support Israel – which is where many of God’s specially chosen guy, gals and kids live. Why do you think that countries or nations such as Russia, France and Germany – along with the Palestinian people group of guys and gals and the guys and gals who make up the Muslim world, are so upset about what is taking place in Iraq and Baghdad? Verse 9 says, “‘When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her.” Russia, France and Germany aided and abetted Iraq’s despot ruler – Saddam Hussein, by selling him all kinds of things that helped him to remain in power as the maniacal ruler over the guys and gals who are living in Iraq. Russia, France and Germany gave Iraq help behind the backs of the countries like the United States and against agreed upon United Nation treaties. Your grandpaa thinks that God may be sending one more and maybe His last wakeup call to every guy, gal and kid who is living on planet Earth to put his or her trust only in Him or . . .

Revelation 18 (358)