“You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?”
~ Jeremiah 12:1


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you ask your Heavenly Father questions? Do you complain to your Heavenly Father? Have you ever asked your Heavenly Father why there seems to be so much wrongfulness, unjustness and unfairness seemingly occurring always everywhere on planet Earth or why there seems to be flooding, famines and fighting seemingly transpiring always someplace on planet Earth? Do you think that your Heavenly Father is okay with you asking Him questions? Do you think that your Heavenly Father minds it when you are complaining to Him? Do you ask your earthly dad questions? If you are asking your earthly dad questions, is he okay with you asking him questions? Do you complain to your earthly dad? If you complain to your earthly dad, does he mind it that you complain to him? Do you think that it is good to ask questions? Do you think that it is good to complain? Jeremiah asked questions. Jeremiah complained. Jeremiah regularly conversed with his Heavenly Father. Jeremiah saw wrongfulness, unjustness and unfairness taking place in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. Jeremiah saw fighting and famines taking place in the land of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. God had Jeremiah be for Him a prophet spokesman for more than fifty years to His specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, who He had living in the land area of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. Jeremiah lived on planet Earth about 2600 years ago. Jeremiah in Jeremiah 12 confesses to his Heavenly Father the inner struggles that he has with His specially chosen guys and gals. Jeremiah asks his Heavenly Father in verse 1, “You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?” Do you ever wonder about the same things that Jeremiah asked his Heavenly Father – like why does God – Who is your Heavenly Father, let bad guys and gals live as kings and queens?

Your grandpaa oftentimes thinks about why God has allowed and is allowing appalling, vile things to happen on planet Earth. Your grandpaa is very thankful that God has blessed your grandmaa and grandpaa by allowing them the privilege of serving Him as cross-cultural missionaries in Bolivia and now in Guatemala. God made it possible for your grandmaa and grandpaa to go to Guatemala as ambassadors to enable guys and gals to be Christ-follower leaders in their churches and communities. Jeremiah prophesied in the land area of Judah. The city of Jerusalem is located in the land area of Juda. Your grandpaa thinks that the guys who were living in the land area of Judah knew the Mosaic Law’s mandates. The Mosaic Law was what God passed on about 850 years earlier through Moses to His specially chosen guys and gals for them to obediently observe. God included warnings in the Mosaic Law. God specifically warned His specially chosen guys and gals in the Mosaic Law that if they opted to worship the idols and false gods that were being worshipped by guys and gals in neighboring nations and if they did not worship only Him in the ways that He had outlined for them to worship Him through the Mosaic Law, that He would induce a foreign nation’s army to overrun the city of Jerusalem plus the foreign nation’s army would take some of the guys and gals who were living in the city of Jerusalem back with them to their own country to live. When Jeremiah complained to God about even his own family wanting him dead, God reminded Jeremiah of what He had been telling him all along – that because of their evilness and sinfulness against Him that He would have His specially chosen guys and gals taken away and transplanted in another country. God also reminded Jeremiah that even though He would be Who would prompt a foreign nation’s army to overrun the city of Jerusalem and . . ., that He would one day have this foreign nation overrun by another foreign nation’s army and its guys and gals taken away from their country.

Assyria’s army over 2700 years ago overran the land area that was known as Israel. The country of Syria today is more or less within the land area that Assyrian guys and gals inhabited over 2700 years ago. Babylonia’s army 2589 years ago as of the initial writing of this ‘missive’ overran the land area that was known as Judah. The country of Iraq today is more or less within the land area that Babylonian guys and gals inhabited over 2600 years ago. The Israelite people group’s guys and gals – God’s specially chosen guys and gals, and the Assyrian and Babylonian nations of guys and gals at different times were all prosperous having everything that any guy and gal would ever want to have. God between 2725 and 2550 years ago would have these three nations/countries of guys and gals ravaged one right after another. The Assyrians first ravaged Israel’s land area followed by the Babylonians ravaging Assyrian’s land area as well as Judah’s land area followed by the Babylonian land area being ravaged by Persia’s army. Persia’s land area today is the country of Iran. Your grandpaa has found it really intriguing that over the past twenty-five years or so that these land areas which now make up Israel, Iraq, Syria and Iran have been involved in conflicts. These nations/countries have been societally conditioned to have an inner hatred for each other. Even though Syria recently helped Iraq, your grandpaa believes that the feelings that Syria and Iraq have towards each other have not changed. Even though Israel’s neighbors do not want Israel to exist, Israel has become an established nation over the past twenty-five years; Iraq has become a prison for its own guys and gals, Syria has become a base for really bad dudes and Iran is constantly fomenting tension. God told Jeremiah over 2600 years ago that He would reestablish His specially chosen guys and gals. What do you think that God is doing today – in 2020, with covid-19?

Jeremiah 12 (365)