“Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or the left.”
~ Joshua 23:6


Hi James and Ellen,

How old would you like to get to before you die? Do you think that your dad and ma are old? Do you think that your grandmaa and grandpaa are really old? Your grandpaa’s dad died seventeen days ago. Your grandpaa’s dad when he died was 89 years old. Getting old happens to every guy, gal and kid. Dying one day happens to every guy, gal and kid. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that getting old is something good that takes place in the life of every guy, gal and kid. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that they no longer have the same kind of oomph and energy that they had when they were kids your age. Your grandmaa and grandpaa can feel their bodies aching and hurting more today than what their bodies did when they were kids your age. Your grandpaa knows that he just may have a lot of earthly life still ahead of him. Your grandpaa’s grandma on your grandpaa’s ma’s side of his family was 96 years old when she died. If your grandpaa lives to be as old as his grandma on his ma’s side of his family lived, your grandpaa is going to live for another 35 years. Your grandpaa’s ma right now is 86 years old. Now that your grandpaa’s dad has died, your grandpaa’s ma is looking forward to being able to flying to Delaware and to other places in the United States where your grandpaa’s ma’s kids and grandkids live. Guys and gals 3300 years ago lived to be over 100 years old. Moses was 120 years old when he died. Joshua was close to 110 years old and close to dying when he called a special meeting. This special meeting that Joshua called is recounted in Joshua 23.

Why do you think that when he became really old Joshua called a special meeting of God’s specially chosen guys and gals? Joshua knew that he would not be living much longer on planet Earth. Do you remember who Joshua was? About 60 years before he called this special meeting, Joshua was a spy. Joshua – as a spy, spied out the land that God had promised His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . Joshua returned from this spy mission – which he went on with eleven other guys, really believing that it was doable – even though there were giants living in the land that was known as Canaan, for God’s special chosen guys, gals and kids – the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids, to be able to go into and to conquer the land that God had promised His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . only one other guy – Caleb, among the eleven other guys, sided with Joshua. Joshua ended up becoming Moses’ right hand guy. Joshua and Caleb were the only two guys among all the guys their age who God let go into the land that God had promised His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always to live in as their very own land if . . . shortly after Moses died, Joshua led God’s specially chosen guys and gals into the land that God had promised His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always to live in as their own land if . . . Joshua spent the last 20 or so years of his life leading the fight to purge Canaan’s land area of all the people groups of guys, gals and kids who had taken up living in Canaan. Joshua before he died wanted to give one last admonition or warning to God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Verse 6 recounts what Joshua told the Israelite people group’s elders, leaders, judges and officials. Joshua told them that they needed to “‘Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or the left.” Your grandpaa’s dad near the end of his earthly life on planet Earth was very concerned about each one of his grandkids that they become true believers in and followers of what the Bible says. Your grandpaa’s dad and ma about three years ago celebrated being married for 60 years. All your grandpaa’s bros and sisters came to Volga to help their dad and ma celebrate being married for 60 years. Your grandpaa’s dad and ma were honored by their kids, by their kids’ spouses and by some of their grandkids with a dinner for having being married for 60 years. Even though your grandpaa’s dad’s body needed a major overhaul, your grandpaa’s dad’s mind was still very alert. Your grandpaa’s dad spoke for a short time after this special dinner to urge all his grandkids – like your dad, to make sure that they were right with the Lord – as he knew that he was and that he wanted them to be right with the Lord, too. Your grandpaa’s dad was sure and he was thankful that all his own kids have a right relationship with his Lord.

Before your grandpaa’s dad died, your grandpaa’s dad selected for during his funeral service the songs that he wanted sung, the scripture that he wanted read and the pallbearers who he wanted to carry his casket. A number of years ago, your grandpaa’s dad and ma chose the caskets that they wanted to be buried in and they had tombstones made and placed in the cemetery where they wanted to be buried. The pastor of the church where the funeral service was held for your grandpaa’s dad mentioned during the service that he had helped about fifteen families with the preparations for the funeral of a guy or gal who had died in their family but because your grandpaa’s dad and ma along with one of your grandpaa’s bros and one of your grandpaa’s sisters had already done all the work for your grandpaa’s dad’s burial that he did not have to do anything. Another one of your grandpaa’s bros spoke during the funeral service. Your grandpaa gave a short eulogy about his dad. Your grandpaa’s dad’s funeral service became a celebration time as the guys and gals who came to his funeral service knew that your grandpaa’s dad had lived his life obeying God. God’s specially chosen guys and gals about 700 years after going into the land that God gave them to always to have to live in as their own land if . . . would not be doing what Joshua admonished them to do so . . .

Joshua 23 (397)