“Therefore the earth will mourn and the heavens above grow dark, because I have spoken and will not relent, I have decided and will not turn back.”
~ Jeremiah 4:28


Hi James and Ellen,

As God – as God the Father, looks down today from His central command center in heaven at the tiny outpost that He created and put in orbit about six thousand years ago in His immeasurable, infinite firmament, what do you think that God – as God the Father, is seeing? As God – as God the Spirit, moves about the spinning globe that is called Earth, whose shoulders do you think that God – as God the Spirit, is tapping and why? God – as God the Son, is sitting next to God – as God the Father, in the central command center in heaven where He is advocating for each one of the guys, gals and kids who God specially elected to be His adopted kids before He created and positioned in orbit a gyrating sphere that is called Earth. Your grandpaa thinks that God – as God the Son, has put behind Him the horrendous suffering that He had to endure on a cross for the sins of the microscopic specks that were, are or will become inhabitants on that tiny spinning dot that is situated in the middle of an ever expanding cosmos that God put into motion. Do you think that God – as God the Father, as He looks down on the blurry specks known as humans as they are doing survival on the oval-shaped, revolving mass that is called Earth, is seeing them faithfully expressing their gratitude to their Creator Maker for the experience of being for a millisecond a being? God could have created preprogrammed automated beings to communicate only praise to their designer and developer. God instead formed beings – angels, heavenly creatures and humans – all with the potential of thinking of themselves as being equal or even being superior to the very Being Who is allowing them to exist in the first place on planet Earth. Do you think that God is angry and frustrated today with what He sees from His central command center in heaven and with all the reports that He is receiving from God – as God the Spirit, about the actions and attitudes of the guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth? There is no way that God could ever and will ever goof in what He has done and will do. God always leaves on His absolute and unconditional control switch for the awesome marvel that He created to reflect His glory back to Himself. Every unfolding visible and invisible component or atom of what is in God’s awesomely created cosmic spectacle points to a supernatural Divine Being in total control.

Your Father God is not personally known by all that many guys, gals and kids who are living on this rotating fragile egg that is known as planet Earth. Your Father God would be completely ignored by even you if He did not do things or allow things to take place that will get the attention of His earthbound beings such as putting in motion massive hurricanes and typhoons that have raised and are raising havoc in different places on planet Earth, such as sudden catastrophic events such as destructive earthquakes and inundating floods that have taken and are taking place in different places on planet Earth and such as allowing fascist Muslim guys to exist in places like Afghanistan and Iran that is leading to good guys, gals and kids being killed so that their Islamic belief paradigm will be feared and followed. What is taking place today on planet Earth was taking place in a similar context during the time when Jeremiah was living on planet Earth. God chose Jeremiah to be a prophet spokesman for Him on planet Earth from 640 B.C. to 587 B.C. Jeremiah is credited as being one of the greatest Hebrew prophets to live on planet Earth during the time that the Jews or Hebrews – who are God’s specially chosen guys and gals, were living in the land that God told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . God’s belief paradigm for His specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, was for them to always live their lives in absolute obedience to His worship expectations. God specifically told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were categorically not to worship the inanimate handmade clay, wood, stone and metal gods that their neighboring people groups of guys and gals worshipped. God wanted the complete attention of His specially chosen guys and gals at all times. When God’s specially chosen guys and gals got to where they were spending almost all of their time doing exactly what God had told them not to do which has them almost totally ignoring what God had told them through the laws that He had given to them through Moses that God unequivocally expected His specially chosen guys and gals to obediently follow, God told Jeremiah to pass on to His specially chosen guys and gals a final warning that very dire things were about to happen to them.

Jeremiah 4 is a chapter of doom. Jeremiah explains to God’s specially chosen guys and gals what God is going to do to them because they were not worshipping only Him. Your Father God had invaders – specifically an army from a land area that is now known as Iraq, ready to inflict awful hardships on His specially chosen guys and gals because of their disobedient, defiant actions and attitudes towards Him. Babylonia – which is the land area that is now Iraq, would be scourged at a later date by your Father God because of the appalling treatment that He had them inflict on His specially chosen guys and gals. Jeremiah lived during a period of time when guys and gals who were living throughout the settled land suffered in horrific ways because your Father God wanted to get their attention. Verse 28 says, “Therefore the earth will mourn and the heavens above grow dark, because I have spoken and will not relent, I have decided and will not turn back.”” Your Father God had guys, gals and kids who were living on the planet Earth at that time feel His wrath getting their attention. Your grandpaa thinks that his Father God has turned up His wrath dial again here on planet Earth in order to get the attention of His specially elected guys, gals and kids.

Jeremiah 4 (515)