“At the LORD’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry. Thus they were counted, as the LORD commanded Moses.”
~ Numbers 4:49


Hi James and Ellen,

What is your favorite color? Do you know what colors God had His specially chosen guys use when He had them built a tabernacle where He could be worshipped and have His presence? God wanted His specially chosen guys to use blue, scarlet and purple cloth. The tabernacle was 150 long – which is as long as half the length of a football field, and 75 feet wide. The Holy of Holies was at the back of the tabernacle area. God’s presence with His specially chosen guy, gals and kids was in the Holy of Holies. Moses had God’s specially chosen guys build the tabernacle and the Holy of Holies along with making the items that God had instructed him to make for inside the tabernacle – such as a table, a lampstand and a gold altar. Moses also instructed God’s specially chosen guys to make the plates, dishes, bowls, wick trimmers, jars, trays, bread, jars of oil, meat forks, firepans, shovels, sprinkling bowls and incenses that God had instructed him to have made for inside the tabernacle. Everything that was made by God’s specially chosen guys was dedicated to God. Everything that was dedicated to God was considered holy. God instructed Moses to have everything that had been made for inside the tabernacle to be covered with either a blue, scarlet or purple cloth whenever He had His specially chosen guys, gals and kids move from one place to another place. The Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids at this time were being led by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night. God’s presence was always in the cloud and in the pillar of fire. After the Holy of Holies was finished and dedicated, God’s presence was in the Holy of Holies. No guys – except the guys in Aaron’s immediate family, could go near the Holy of Holies. Aaron was selected by God to be the high priest to oversee – along with his sons, the tabernacle and the Holy of Holies. God told Moses to put the responsibility on three Levite family clans to move the tabernacle and the Holy of Holies each time that He had His specially chosen guys, gals and kids move. Gershom was Levi’s oldest son. Kohath was Levi’s second born son. Merari was the Levi’s youngest son. The guys in the family clans of Gershom, Kohath and Merari were tasked the responsibility of taking down and putting up the tabernacle and for carrying all the curtains, poles and all the items that were inside the tabernacle and Holy of Holies when the more than two million Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids were led by God to move from one place to another place.

Why do you think that God wanted so many things covered with blue? If you were ever to take Bible classes, you may learn how to apply typology. Typology in the context of the Bible means that certain numbers and colors have secondary meanings. Typology says that 7 is not just a number but that 7 in typology symbolizes perfection. Typology says that blue does not tell you the color of the sky but that blue in typology symbolizes deity. Deity in the context of the Bible represents the Godhead. The Godhead is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Whenever something is covered with a blue cloth – and the blue cloth represents deity and the deity is the Godhead, it would have been as if the presence of God was covering everything. Typology says scarlet and purple symbolize royalty. Royalty means the esteeming of something or someone. Is there anyone who you can think of who might be more esteemed or royal than God? God made sure that everything that He had Moses have His specially chosen guys make to be used by Aaron and his sons inside the tabernacle and in the Holy of Holies would be covered in royal cloths that symbolized Himself. After everything inside the tabernacle and Holy of Holies had been covered by blue, scarlet and purple cloths, God instructed Moses to instruct the guys in Aaron’s three family clans to cover with sea cow hides everything that had been covered with blue, scarlet and purple cloths.

God chose the Levi family clan guys to be the guys responsible for moving His presence – which was in the Holy of Holies, from one place to another place. God specifically selected Aaron and the family clans of Aaron’s three sons – Korath, Gershom and Merari, to be the ones to do whatever needed to be done regarding the tabernacle and Holy of Holies. God specifically wanted guy thirty years old to fifty years old from the family clans of Korath, Gershom and Merari to be responsible for the tabernacle and Holy of Holies. It meant that only guys your dad’s age could do what God wanted done with the tabernacle, everything inside the tabernacle and the Holy of Holies when He had His specially chosen guys, gals and kids move from one place to another place. Numbers 4 has God telling Moses exactly what he wanted Moses to do. God told Moses to find out how many guys there were – whose ages ranged between thirty and fifty, who were in the Korath, Gershom and Merari family clans as these guys would be the guys who would serve Him through carrying the tabernacle along with all the things that were found inside the tabernacle and Holy of Holies. The Korathite family clan was tasked to carry everything that had anything to do with the Holy of Holies. The Gershonite family clan was tasked to take down, put up and carry the curtains for the tabernacle. The Merarite family clan was tasked to take down, put up and carry the poles which were used for the tabernacle. Verse 49 states “At the LORD’s command through Moses, each was assigned his work and told what to carry. Thus they were counted, as the LORD commanded Moses.” Your grandpaa believes that as you grow older that you will begin to sense what it is that God – before He created planet Earth, assigned you to do on planet Earth. Your grandpaa believes that God’s assignment for you both will be to have your lives reflect His glory back to Him.

Numbers 4 (145)