“But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt.”
~ Numbers 16:30


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you rebellious kids? Ask your dad and/or ma if they think that you are rebellious kids. Do you think that it is good to be rebellious? What does it mean to you to be rebellious? A kid being rebellious means that a kid – like you, is being disobedient to the guys and gals – like a dad and ma, who God has put in place to lead , guide, help and be responsible for the kid. When a kid is being rebellious, the kid is being mutinous, insolent, seditious, defiant, insubordinate, and unloyal to the guys and gals – like a dad and ma, who God has put in the kid’s life to be the guys and gals to lead, guide, help and be responsible for him or her. When a kid is being rebellious in his or her home or at his or her school or just in life, the kid is thinking that he or she knows more than his or her dad, ma, teacher and every guy and gal around him or her. A rebellious kid will not want to have another kid lead, guide, help and be responsible for him or her. The kid will find other rebellious kids who the kid will lead against the guys and gals who are not accepting and agreeing with them. Do you know a kid who is rebellious? A kid who is rebellious will never be happy, will be a complainer and will blame other kids or circumstances for his or her retorts and conflicts. A kid who is rebellious will not think that he or she has a problem with being rebellious.

Being rebellious is not good. If a kid 3400 years ago was always rebellious, the kid’s dad was to take his kid to the old guys in the town in which they lived or lived near to have the town’s guys throw rocks at the kid until the kid was no longer breathing. Guys stoning a rebellious kid until the kid is dead does not happen anymore anywhere. The rebellious nature of a guy, gal or kid cannot be hidden from God. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that they have to deal with a rebellious guy, gal or kid. Your grandmaa and grandpaa during the years that they were missionaries in Bolivia implemented and administrated a resident Bible education program in Concepción, Ñuflo de Chávez. The guys who studied at the Bible training center came from all over eastern Bolivia. The married guys were required to have their wives and kids come with them to Concepción. The married students’ families lived in small rooms at the rural, resident Bible education center’s complex. The Bible education center’s complex covered a quarter of a square block. There were one year sixteen guys, eleven gals and over forty kids living with your grandmaa and grandpaa on the Bible education center’s grounds. Do you think that every guy and gal at the Concepción Bible education center got along with each other? With the exception of one wife – every other guy and gal got along well with each other. The one gal would get into disagreements with the other wives. This gal did not seem to want to get along with the other wives. After a couple of times of the gal becoming upset with other wives at the rural resident Bible education training center in Concepción, your grandmaa put this gal and the gal who the gal had become upset with together in one of the rooms in the place where your grandmaa and grandpaa lived. The room was located in the church that is located on the same property that was used for the Bible education program. Your grandmaa told the two gals that they could not to leave the room until they had prayed together. Doing this worked – for a couple of times. When this same gal continued to get into clashes with the other wives, your grandpaa had this gal and her husband remain in their small room with their door closed at the Bible education center until . . . while Hugo and Delcy talked in their room, the other Bible education center’s wives cared for their kids. Hugo was not allowed to attend any classes. Your grandpaa told Hugo that he and Delcy would have to leave the Bible education training center if Delcy felt that she could not change the way that she acted towards the other wives. Your grandpaa told Hugo and Delcy that they had to stay in their room until they decided what they wanted to do. Because Hugo really wanted to stay, Hugo helped his wife change the way that she was acting. Because of the two years of having been imparted Biblical truths at the rural resident training center, Hugo has been a church leader and pastor for the past eighteen years.

God chose Moses about 3400 years ago to be the guy who He wanted to lead, guide, help and be responsible for His specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Numbers 16 has Moses recording a guy by the name of Korah deciding that he was the guy with all the right answers and that what Moses had done and was doing was all wrong. Korah was a great-grandson son of Levi. Levi was one of Israel’s sons. God had given the extended family of one of Levi’s sons – Korath, the responsibility of overseeing the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was where God’s presence on planet Earth was with His specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Korah got three Reuben tribal clan guys – Dathan, Abiram and On, and 250 Israelite guys who were well known leaders and members of the council to side with him to go with him to take away the charge that God had called Moses to do. Korah thought that he was going against Moses. Korah did not know that he was going against God – telling God that He made a mistake when He chose Moses to lead His specially chosen guys, gals and kids to a Promised Land. Moses wrote in verse 30 how and why he wanted God to deal with Korah’s rebellion against him. “But if the LORD brings about something totally new, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with everything that belongs to them, and they go down alive into the grave, then you will know that these men have treated the LORD with contempt.’” God did what Moses thought that He should do. God – because of one rebellious guy, split the earth open to swallow Korah and his household, burned to death the 250 guys and slew with a plague 14,700 guys and gals. To be rebellious leads to big time hurts.

Numbers 16 (147)