1 Chronicles 4

1 Chronicles 4

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.” ~ 1 Chronicles 4:10   Hi James and Ellen, Do you like to...
1 Chronicles 18

1 Chronicles 18

“He put garrisons in Edom, and all the Edomites became subject to David, The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.” ~ 1 Chronicles 18:13   Hi James and Ellen, How does a guy or a gal or a kid get the victory? How often do you disagree with your...
1 Chronicles 24

1 Chronicles 24

“They divided them impartially by drawing lots, for there were officials of the sanctuary and officials of God among the descendants of both Eleazar and Ithamar.” ~ 1 Chronicles 24:5   Hi James and Ellen, You have to make decisions every day. You have to make...
1 Chronicles 21

1 Chronicles 21

‘“three years of famine, three months of being swept away before your enemies, with their swords overtaking you, or three days of the sword of the LORD—days of plague in the land, with the angel of the LORD ravaging every part of Israel.’ Now then, decide how I should...