Deuteronomy 13

Deuteronomy 13

“you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The LORD your God is testing you to find our whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.” ~ Deuteronomy 13:3   Hi James and Ellen, Ask your dad and/or ma if a couple of...
Deuteronomy 9

Deuteronomy 9

“But be assured today that the LORD your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; he will subdue them before you. And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the LORD has promised you.” ~...
Deuteronomy 18

Deuteronomy 18

“For the LORD your God has chosen them and their descendants out of your tribes to stand and minister in the LORD’s name always.” ~ Deuteronomy 18:5   Hi James and Ellen, Do you know why your grandmaa and grandpaa are living in Guatemala? Do you know why your...