Jeremiah 38

Jeremiah 38

“This is what the LORD says: “Whoever stays in this city will die by the sword, famine or plague, but whoever goes over to the Babylonians will live. He will escape with his life; he will live.” ~ Jeremiah 38:2   Hi James and Ellen, Are you good at...
Jeremiah 25

Jeremiah 25

“At that time those slain by the LORD will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like refuse lying on the ground.” ~ Jeremiah 25:33   Hi James and Ellen, What do you think...
Jeremiah 28

Jeremiah 28

“Therefore, this is what the LORD says: ‘“I am about to remove you from the face of the earth. This very year you are going to die, because you have preached rebellion against the LORD.” ~ Jeremiah 28:16   Hi James and Ellen, Have you ever seen a...
Jeremiah 26

Jeremiah 26

“As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right.” ~ Jeremiah 26:14   Hi James and Ellen, If you knew that you would be possibly killed doing something today, would you do it? Jeremiah did it. Jeremiah knew that he would...
Jeremiah 10

Jeremiah 10

“But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens with his understanding.” ~ Jeremiah 10:12   Hi James and Ellen, Do you like to make choices? If you had to choose between eating a hamburger or a...
Jeremiah 4

Jeremiah 4

“Therefore the earth will mourn and the heavens above grow dark, because I have spoken and will not relent, I have decided and will not turn back.” ~ Jeremiah 4:28   Hi James and Ellen, As God – as God the Father, looks down today from His central...