“for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the people on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.”
~ Deuteronomy 14:2


Hi James and Ellen,

Your grandpaa enjoys eating – a lot! Your grandpaa one time was told that he was a human garbage disposal. Your grandpaa has also been told several times that he has an iron stomach. Your grandpaa likes to put a hot sauce in the soup or on the rice or on the meat that he is eating. Do you enjoy eating? If you enjoy eating, what kinds of foods do you like to eat? Do you like to eat different kinds of really sweet cereals? Do you like to eat bread and pastas – such as macaroni and cheese and spaghetti? Do you like to eat different types of vegetables? Do you like to eat meat? Do you like to drink milk and eat cheese? Do you eat the food that your dad and ma want you to eat? Do you eat the food that God wants you to eat? What kind of foods do you think that God wants you to eat? God wants you to take care of your bodies. Why do you think that God wants you to take care of your bodies? Your life exists in your bodies. God wants you to think of your bodies as being temples for Him on planet Earth. God’s presence is living literally in your bodies which means that God’s presence is figuratively shaping your lives. If you were kids living 3450 years ago, you could eat any kind of vegetable that was available for your ma to fix for you to eat. If you were kids living 3450 years ago, you could eat bread and cheese and drink milk. If you were kids living 3450 years ago, you would not be able to eat sweet cereals or pastas as no gal knew yet how to make sweet cereals or pastas. If you were kids living 3450 years ago – and if you were an Israelite people group kid, you could only eat the meat of certain animals, birds, fish and bugs. Deuteronomy 14 has the list of all the animals, birds, fish and bugs that God said kids – and guys and gals, who lived 3450 years ago, could eat. Verse 2 says what the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids were to God, “for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the people on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.”

The Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids knew 3450 years ago that they were God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. God told His specially chosen guys, gals and kids – the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids, what He wanted them to eat. God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were to eat only animals that had hooves that were split and that chewed a cud. Oxen, sheep, goats, deer, gazelles, roe deer, ibex, wild goats, mountain sheep and antelope all have split hooves and chew a cud. God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were not to eat camels, rabbits, conies and pigs because they do not have both split hooves and chew a cud. God told his specially chosen guys, gals and kids that they could eat doves but they could not to eat birds like gulls, vultures, black vultures, red and black kites, eagles, falcons, ravens, horned and screech owls, little and great owls, white and desert owls, hawks, ospreys, cormorants, storks, herons, hoopoes and bats. God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they could eat any fish that had fins and scales. Fish like crappies, perch, bass and bluegills could be eaten by God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids but fish like bullheads, catfish, sting rays and eels were not to be eaten. God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they could eat a flying bug that did not swarm but they were not to eat any flying bug that swarmed. God told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were not to eat any animal that they found dead – even if the animal was on God’s list of animals that He had given His specially chosen guys, gals and kids the okay to eat. God also specifically told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were not to fix a baby goat to eat by boiling the baby goat in the baby goat’s mother’s milk.

When God – as God the Son, suffered and died on planet Earth for your sins, God took away the laws that He expected His specially chosen guys, gals and kids to live by and He gave His specially elected guys, gals and kids the okay to eat whatever was eatable to eat. When your grandpaa lived in Bolivia, your grandpaa liked to go to a restaurant that had on their menu a parrillada. A parrillada is a combination of ten or so different kinds of meat that would be brought on a hibachi to your grandpaa’s table. The small rectangular hibachi would be left on the table with hot coals on the bottom of the hibachi under the grill holding the different meats. The hibachi would oftentimes have on it a piece of liver, a piece of heart, a piece of cow’s udder, milk ducts, pieces of intestines, blood sausages, other kinds of meat sausage, kidneys, a piece of steak and a piece of chicken. Your grandpaa could eat all the meat in a parrillada all by himself. Your grandmaa does not like to eat a lot of the kinds of foods that your grandpaa likes to eat. When your grandmaa has the chance to eat a pounded, breaded piece of meat called milanesa, your grandmaa will ask for a milanesa. When your grandmaa and grandpaa lived in Bolivia, your grandmaa and grandpaa both liked to eat picante de pollo. Picante de pollo is a piece of chicken which has been covered with a tomato sauce that has hot peppers in it. Chuño is often eaten with picante de pollo. Chuño is what a reconstituted dried potato is called that is grown in the higher elevations of Bolivia and which gets stomped on by the guys, gals and kids who are living in the Alto Plano of Bolivia to get the moisture out it to dry it. God also told His specially chosen guys and gals to take care of the Levi tribal clan’s guys, gals and kids who lived among them. God told His specially chosen guys and gals to make sure that they gave tithes of money, grain, wine, oil and first born of animals to the Levi tribal clan’s guys and gals. If you were an Israelite people group kid who lived 3450 years ago, you would have had to live by God’s laws. What God wants you to do today is to always thank Him each day for the food that He has given to you to eat.

Deuteronomy 14 (316)