“Then he went into the inner sanctuary and measured the jambs of the entrance; each was two cubits wide. The entrance was six cubits wide, and the projecting walls on each side of it were seven cubits wide.”
~ Ezekiel 41:3


Hi James and Ellen,

Ezekiel had a vision on April 28, 573 B.C. Ezekiel saw a new temple in his vision. Ezekiel had a guide in his vision. The guide was an angel being who looked like a guy. The angel being took Ezekiel in his vision on a virtual tour of the new temple. The angel being gave Ezekiel the specific dimensions of everything that he saw. Ezekiel 41 is the second chapter recounting Ezekiel’s vision/virtual tour of the new temple. This new temple was located in the city of Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army had fourteen years earlier obliterated the temple that Solomon had built for God’s Divine presence to reside in that had been in the city of Jerusalem. The temple that was built by Solomon was probably the most beautiful, remarkable structure that has ever been and will ever be built at any time by mankind. What Ezekiel was seeing in this vision was another absolutely marvelous, amazing structure. Do you know what a blueprint is? Have you ever seen a blueprint? Would you like to be an architect when you become an adult? Ezekiel related in minute, meticulous detail what he saw in this virtual vision as he was recording it for posterity in what is now the Ezekiel Book. You are being taught to measure everything in feet. Ezekiel used cubits as his measuring norm. A length of a cubit is equal to eighteen inches or a foot and a half. The new temple that Ezekiel saw in his vision was 100 cubits long and 100 cubits wide. The new temple in feet that Ezekiel saw in his vision was 150 feet long and 150 feet wide. Ezekiel in this part of his vision saw the outer sanctuary and part of the inner sanctuary. The angel being who was showing this new temple to Ezekiel had a measuring line which he used to measure everything. This angel being even measured the width of the door jambs, the thickness of the walls of the temple and a whole lot of other things. Ezekiel also recorded in his Ezekiel Book a description of the ornate carvings that he saw on the doors and walls. Ezekiel saw cherubim, palm trees, lion faces, guy faces, etc. carved into the walls and doors. Even though Ezekiel could see everything in his vision, Ezekiel could only stand outside the walls of the temple sanctuary as only priests and the angel being could go into the inner sanctuary of the temple. Verse 3 says, “Then he went into the inner sanctuary and measured the jambs of the entrance; each was two cubits wide. The entrance was six cubits wide, and the projecting walls on each side of it were seven cubits wide.”

What Ezekiel was seeing in his vision was a 100 square cubit or 150 square foot symmetric structure that was symbolic of perfection. Your Heavenly Father’s Divine presence could not reside in anything less than something that was as pure and perfect that could possibly be designed and made. Your Heavenly Father passed on to Moses the design of the temple that Solomon built in the city of Jerusalem. David got all the material together for the building of the temple of God in the city of Jerusalem and then he encouraged his kid – who was Solomon, to build the first structure that would house the ark of God – which would be the home of God’s Divine presence. Everything that Ezekiel was seeing in his vision had a specific purpose. The ninety small storerooms that Ezekiel saw in his vision could be used to store the tithes that God’s specially chosen guys and gals would bring to the temple. What Ezekiel was seeing in his vision was another site for your Heavenly Father’s holy, fearful Divine presence to reside in on planet Earth. Many of God’s specially chosen guys and gals at this time had been exiled to Babylonia. Your Heavenly Father was punishing them for their continued disobedience and insubordination of His clearly defined worship norms that He had expected them to faithfully obey. One expectation that your Heavenly Father had been very specific about to His specially chosen guys and gals was that they were never to worship inanimate, manmade idol gods that had been handmade from wood, clay, stone and metal. Because God’s specially chosen guys and gals persisted in doing exactly what your Heavenly Father had told them not to do, they not only lost the land that God had given them to always have to live in as their very own land, they also lost having God’s Divine Presence near them when their majestic, resplendent temple was burned and razed by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army.

Your grandmaa and grandpaa lived for three years in Concepción, Ñuflo de Chávez, Bolivia administrating the rural resident leadership training center that they had implemented. There is a large Catholic Church in Concepción. The Catholic Church that is in Concepción was in the process of replacing all one hundred or so cedar pillars that ringed the church and the church’s courtyard. The cedar pillars had spiraling rings being carved into the cedar tree trunks that were being used to replace the splitting, aged cedar pillars that could have been doing their thing for over 100 years. Your grandpaa never went into the Catholic Church that is in Concepción. Your grandpaa though was not opposed to your grandmaa taking visitors into the Catholic Church that is in Concepción to show them the inside of the church. Your grandmaa was told that gold paint was used to cover many of the so-called sacred items that are in the church. These so-called sacred items that are in the Catholic Church that is in Concepción had been years before covered with real gold. The Catholic Church that is in Concepción is a well-known church in Bolivia. Guys are still building ornate, ostentatious edifices in hopes that what they have done will please your Heavenly Father. How big is your heart? How thick is your skin? God today is not looking for a fancy place – such as the Catholic Church that is in Concepción, for His Divine presence to reside; God – as God the Spirit, is unlocking small hearts like yours to host Himself – as God the Spirit, and thin skinned bodies like yours to house – as God the Spirit, His holy Being.

Ezekiel 41 (561)