“Swarms of living creatures will live wherever this river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live.”
~ Ezekiel 47:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you like to go to the ocean? If you like to go to the ocean, what do you like to do when you are at the ocean? There is a three hundred acre lake about a quarter of a mile from where your grandpaa lived when he was a kid. Lake Goldsmith is a glacial deposit lake that is about a half a mile wide and about three quarters of a mile long. Lake Goldsmith has a south point, an east point and two points on its north side. A creek runs into Lake Goldsmith from the west. When Lake Goldsmith cannot hold anymore water, water will begin to flow over a six inch high dam that is located at its northeast corner and then flow down a creek that goes through your grandpaa’s dad’s pasture. A gravel road goes along Lake Goldsmith’s south side. There are good fishing spots all around Lake Goldsmith. Your grandpaa has caught a lot of bullheads, perch, northern pike and carp out of Lake Goldsmith. Your grandpaa has also caught bluegills, crappies, walleyes, sunfish and suckers out of Lake Goldsmith. Your grandpaa when he was a kid liked to walk to Lake Goldsmith to explore around its shores. On some summer evenings when your grandpaa was a kid, your grandpaa’s dad and ma would pack all six of their kids in their Nash Ambassador to spend time at Lake Goldsmith fishing together. Your grandpaa’s dad would drive the Nash Ambassador through his dad’s pasture to the big rock or the high bank where there was usually good fishing. If your grandpaa’s dad and ma decided to go fishing on a warm summer evening, your grandpaa’s ma would usually take supper along. When your grandpaa was a young kid, your grandpaa fished using a cane fishing pole. Your grandpaa was a really happy kid the day when your grandpaa’s ma and dad gave him his very own rod and reel to fish with when he went fishing. Your grandpaa got to be good at catching fish. Your dad and your grandmaa are good at catching fish, too.

God’s first creation mockup was the Garden of Eden. God’s first creation mockup included water in the form of rivers. God made water to be invaluable for survival. Water is symbolic of life. Life cannot exist if a place does not have water. Fish live in water. You drink water. There are places like the Dead Sea – which is located about 1,300 feet below sea level, which has such a high salt content that fish cannot live in the water after the water from the Jordon River runs into the Dead Sea. The city of Jerusalem is located about twenty miles west of the Dead Sea. There is only barren, dry land between the city of Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Somewhere around 2575 years ago (about 2592 years ago as of this editing), a guy had a dream or a vision. The guy’s name was Ezekiel. Ezekiel was one of God’s prophet spokesmen during the time when God had many of His specially chosen guys and gals exiled to Babylonia to live. Ezekiel wrote in his Ezekiel Book in what is now Ezekiel 47 about this vision or dream that he had. Ezekiel had an angelic guide come into his vision or dream. Ezekiel found himself in his vision or dream in the city of Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s angelic guide took him to the inner court of a new temple that had had been built in the city of Jerusalem. Ezekiel’s angelic guide had a measuring line or tape with him. As Ezekiel in his vision or dream stood at the entrance in the inner court of the new temple that was in the city of Jerusalem, Ezekiel could see that water was flowing out from under the threshold of the temple’s east gate’s entrance. The temple faced toward the east which meant that this new temple was facing more or less toward the direction of the Dead Sea. As Ezekiel in his vision or dream was standing at the entrance of the inner court of the temple, Ezekiel could see that the water was coming into the temple under the threshold of the temple’s south gate’s entrance. The angelic guide then took Ezekiel in his vision or dream through the temple’s north gate to have Ezekiel stand outside the temple. Ezekiel then in his vision or dream watched his angelic guide measure the stream of water that was flowing out from under the threshold of the temple’s east gate’s entrance. Ezekiel recorded that his angelic guide measured the stream of water in 1000 cubit lengths. A cubit is about a meter long. 1000 cubits is about a kilometer or about three/fifths of a mile long. The first 1000 cubits of the stream that was flowing east from under the threshold of the temple east gate’s entrance that Ezekiel’s angelic guide measured was only ankle deep. The next 1000 cubits of the stream that was flowing east from under the threshold of the temple’s east gate’s entrance that Ezekiel’s angelic guide measured was knee deep. The next 1000 cubits of the stream that was flowing east from under the threshold of the temple’s east gate’s entrance that Ezekiel’s angelic guide measured was waist deep. Ezekiel’s angelic guide could not measure anymore the stream that was flowing east from under the threshold of the temple’s east gate’s entrance as the water had gotten too deep and it was running too fast. Ezekiel wrote in verse 9 what his angelic guide told him, “Swarms of living creatures will live wherever this river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live.”

Your grandpaa does not know when Ezekiel’s vision or dream is going to be a reality. Per this vision or dream that Ezekiel had, God’s specially chosen guys and gals are going to one day get all the land back that God told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land – that the land would be like it was during Solomon’s lifetime plus the Dead Sea will become a thriving fresh water lake. Your grandpaa believes that God has stored up in the plan that He made before He created planet Earth unimaginable happenings which He will release when the time arrives in His perfect plan. Are you looking forward to God bringing about planet Earth’s final days of existence?

Ezekiel 47 (462)