“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
~ Genesis 1:27


Hi James and Ellen,

How old are you? Do you know where you were ten years ago? Do you know where you were made? Do you know Who made you? Do you think that you just happened? Do you know how old planet Earth is? Do you know how old the universe – which includes the sun, moon, stars and planets, is? What do you know about planet Earth? Planet Earth is a planet in a solar system in the universe. Life exists on planet Earth. You are living on planet Earth. Do you know how planet Earth was made? Do you know Who made planet Earth? Do you think that planet Earth just happened? Do you think that the sun, moon, stars and planets that make up a solar system in the universe just happened? Moses explains – in Genesis 1, how God made everything. Why do you think that God would make a planet – like Earth, which has life? Your grandpaa does not know why God created a planet – like Earth, which has life. Do you know Who God is? Do you know Who created God? Your grandpaa categorially believes that God is a Supreme Being Who has always existed and Who will always exist. No one knows what God’s image or presence is really like but . . . Moses wrote in verse 27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” When God created you, God created you like Himself in that as God is righteous and holy so He created you to be righteous and holy.

When do you think that God created planet Earth? Your grandpaa has no idea when God created planet Earth. Your grandpaa would like to believe that planet Earth is around 6,000 to 7,000 years old. Your grandpaa knows that there are a lot of guys and gals who say that planet Earth is millions of years old. Your grandpaa thinks that when God created planet Earth that God created planet Earth with a history. Your grandpaa also thinks that there is a possibility that there may have been two creations. When your grandpaa was a Moody Bible Institute student, your grandpaa took a class that was on the Genesis Book. Your grandpaa really enjoyed this class on the Genesis Book. The professor for this Genesis Book class suggested to his student that the first verse in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible may refer to one creation while the second verse in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible may refer to another creation. If these first two verses in the very first chapter of the very first book of the Bible refer to two separate creations, the first creation just may have been for Lucifer before pride grew in his life as sin while the second creation may have been millions of years later – with the six days of creation. How do you think God first created planet Earth? How do you think God first created emptiness or space? As you grow older, you will read and hear about how you evolved from an ape. Your grandpaa hopes instead that you will always wonder where substances – such as gasses, atoms, matter . . . all came from. Your grandpaa does not believe that gasses, atoms, matter and life could have just happened; your grandpaa believes that gasses, atom, matter and life had to have been made or created by a Supreme Being – Who your grandpaa unreservedly believes is God.

How many days do you think that it took God to create a solar system in the universe, planet Earth and all the things that can be found on planet Earth? Your grandpaa’s Genesis Book class professor also taught that a day when God created planet Earth and covered planet Earth with life may not have been like a twenty-four hour day but that when God created planet Earth and covered planet Earth with life that each day may have been a period of time that may have been a thousand years. Another question that your grandpaa has is why did God not create everything in just one instant instead of over six days? As Moses wrote about the forming of and placement of planet Earth in a solar system in the universe and the planting of life on planet Earth, Moses was conveying an unequivocal sense of order on how God unfolded everything. Your grandpaa believes that God created a solar system in the universe with planet Earth in it and the life that He birthed on planet Earth from absolutely nothing. Before you were conceived, you were nothing. Other than for a Supreme Being Who is God and Who has always existed, everything that exists today did not exist before God . . . the first day of creation had God turning a formless and empty mass of . . . into something significant – which would become known as earth. God also caused light to define a period of time which would be called day and darkness to define a period of time which would be called night. The second day of creation had God separating water from water – which may mean that God put in place a canopy of water over planet Earth, rivers, lakes and seas and dry land on planet Earth and massive water reservoirs under planet Earth’s mantle. The third day of creation had God planting all kinds of vegetation – such as plants and trees, all over planet Earth. The fourth day of creation had God placing and positioning lights and orbs – such as the sun, moon, stars and planets, in the sky. The fifth day of creation had God fashioning birds that can fly in the sky and fish that can swim in water. The sixth day of creation had God creating animals to inhabit planet Earth and a guy who God named Adam. Elohim is the name that is used to characterize God in the first verse of the first chapter of the first book of the Bible. When Elohim is used as one of God’s names, Elohim describes both a plural and a singular God. Your grandpaa believes that God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit all have been and continue to be involved in . . . your grandpaa hopes that you will never accept as a probability that life and you took place through an evolutionary process that began with . . . but that you will accept as an absolute given that you were created by God as a Triune God – Elohim.

Genesis 1 (318)