“Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.”
~ Genesis 10:25


Hi James and Ellen,

How would you like to have been the very first kids who were born on planet Earth? What do you think that planet Earth was like when Cain and Abel were born? Cain and Abel were born after God had kicked their dad and ma – Adam and Eve, out of a garden called Eden. God had told Adam and Eve that there was just one thing that they were not to do – and if they did . . . Adam and Eve did it – which had God punish Adam and Eve by taking away the lives that they were living which were imbued with peace and giving them new lives to live that were infused with hard work, pain and sin. When Adam sinned, sin permeated all of God’s creation on planet Earth. After about a thousand years or so – when it was only Noah, his wife, their three boys and the wife of each boy who still believed in and worshipped God, God instructed Noah to build a great big boat called an ark. Guys, gals and kids laughed at Noah and his family as they built the ark but . . . about the time that Noah and his family finished building the ark, God covered planet Earth with water. When the rain stopped falling and had begun to settle into the ground, the ark settled on Mount Ararat. When Noah, his wife, his three kids and the wife of each kid got out of the ark, they were the only guys and gals left still living on planet Earth. What do you think that planet Earth was like for the grandkids of Noah? Genesis 10 explains how planet Earth was resettled and repopulated by Noah’s extended family. Japheth was Noah’s oldest kid. Japheth’s extended family established fourteen different countries. Ham is thought to be Noah’s youngest kid. Ham’s extended family established thirty different countries. Shem is thought to be Noah’s middle kid. Shem’s extended family became God’s chosen family line. Shem’s extended family extends all the way to Jesus’ family. Shem’s extended family established twenty-six different countries. Noah’s extended family would establish in all seventy different countries. 70 is one of those perfect numbers. 70 is made up of 10 and 7. The numbers 10 and 7 signify completeness. Jacob’s extended family had 70 descendants. Jesus sent out 70 disciples. One of Daniel’s prophetic dreams had 70 weeks in it. God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids – the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids, were kept captive in Babylonia for 70 years. Do you like numbers? Do you like geography? Do you like history? Do you like family trees? The Bible really is a book that lives. God speaks to the guys, gals and kids who have made decisions of faith when they believed in Him as God the Son – Jesus Christ, and what Jesus Christ did for them while He was cruelly nailed to a crude cross. God – as God the Holy Spirit, will help every guy, gal and kid who has come to know Who He is – as God the Father, to understand what the Bible says.

Your grandpaa enjoys having the Bible teach him. Your grandpaa wants to know more and more what each book in the Bible teaches. The Bible is continually teaching your grandpaa new things that your grandpaa did not know before. The Bible is constantly encouraging your grandmaa and grandpaa how to live their lives for God’s sake on planet Earth. Do you like it when your dad and/or ma read the Bible to you? What kind of stories to you like the most in the Bible. Your grandpaa likes the stories about the different guys who God has included in the Bible. The story of Noah and the flood is a favorite story of a lot of guys, gals and kids. Your grandpaa does not know what happened in the years after planet Earth was covered with water other than that God filled planet Earth with guys, gals and kids again. During the early years of God repopulating planet Earth, a guy by the name of Nimrod got to be known as a mighty warrior and a mighty hunter. Verse 25 intrigues your grandpaa the most. The verse says “Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.” What do you think that this verse is saying when the verse says that planet Earth was divided during the time that Peleg lived? Some guys and gals think that it was during the time of Peleg that guys and gals decided to build a great big tower that reached way up into the sky. This did not please God. God would scatter the guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth all over planet Earth – like from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea to the Red Sea. God did not just scatter the guys and gals who were living on planet Earth at this time, God caused the guys and gals to begin to speak in different languages so that they could not understand each other. Your grandpaa has wondered if maybe this verse is saying that planet Earth was literally divided during the time that Peleg lived. Planet Earth’s crust has tectonic plates under it. These plates move ever so slowly. If you look at planet Earth as a jigsaw puzzle and the seven different continents as puzzle pieces, the pieces all generally fit together. Even though the continents do not fit together perfectly, your grandpaa thinks that there may have been a time when there was just one single land mass – which may have become separated into different land masses during the time of Peleg. All this would have happened about 4500 years ago – which is when Peleg was living on the same planet that you are living on right now. 4500 years may sound to you like a lot of time – or it may not sound to you at all like a lot of time for all that has already taken place on this planet that you are living on right now – the planet that God formed to be called Earth.

Your grandpaa likes to read about the speculations, conjectures and theories about how planet Earth has been evolving or changing since God created it. Your grandpaa knows that he is being blessed by God to be able to live on this planet that He created. Your grandpaa hopes that you will become as fascinated about planet Earth as he is.

Genesis 10 (223)