“That is why it was called Babel—because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.”
~ Genesis 11:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Mesos in Greek means middle and potamas means river. Mesos and potamas put together is Mesopotamia in English. Mesopotamia refers to a specific region that existed 4500 years ago. The Mesopotamia region is located between two major, well-known rivers – the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Before planet Earth was totally flooded, the Mesopotamia region had become the population center for the first round of guys, gals and kids who were born on planet Earth. Except for four couples, the flood that completely covered planted Earth drowned all the guys, gals and kids who were living about 4500 years ago on planet Earth. These four couples had built a big boat called an ark. This ark saved them and an unknown number of pairs of birds and animals from being drowned. When the water that had totally immersed every area of planet Earth began to go down, the ark became grounded on a mountain called Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat is located in a region that is now known as Turkey. Your grandpaa thinks that there is a good probability that within a few years that the ark will be found on Mount Ararat. Genesis 11 recounts what happened with the four couples. The couples included Noah and his wife and their three sons and their sons’ wives. From where the ark became grounded on Mount Ararat, the descendants of Noah and his wife gradually migrated over the years towards the east – to the Mesopotamia region. The resettling of planet Earth would begin pretty much in the same place where a flood had ended the lives of every guy, gal and kid – with the exception of Noah, his wife and their three sons and their sons’ wives, who had been living on planet Earth.

The reason that God flooded every area of planet Earth was because almost all the guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth over 4500 years ago were living their lives for themselves instead of for God’s sake. One would think that what happened when God completely flooded planet Earth that this would have been engrained in Noah’s descendants’ minds and hearts and that they would not make the same mistake that their ancestors did when they tried to live their lives for themselves instead of for God’s sake. When the descendants of Noah and his wife arrived in the same region where Noah probably built the ark, they decided to build a city. Along with building a city – which they began building on an alluvial plain that is in the Shinar region, the descendants of Noah and his wife began to build a super tall tower using baked mud bricks. The Centro de Capacitación (Center of Learning) students at the rural resident training center that is located in Concepción, Ñuflo de Chávez in Bolivia – which your grandmaa and grandpaa implemented and administrated, made bricks out of mud and straw for additional rooms for Centro de Capacitación students and their families and for the Centro de Capacitación classroom. The students at the Centro de Capacitación would mix the clayish soil that was found on the rural resident training center property with a lot of water and with straw. After Centro de Capacitación students had with their bare feet stomped the straw into the wet clayish soil until the mix of wet clayiah soil and straw was really mucky, Centro de Capacitación students would then scoop the mix of wet muck into wooden rectangular molds. Centro de Capacitación students would then slip the wooden rectangular molds off the muck so that each of the rectangular shaped mud bricks could dry and set under the hot sun. Your grandpaa did not try to mix the muck in his bare feet. Your grandpaa did carry a whole lot of the sun baked dried mud bricks to where they were used for walls. A dried mud brick that has straw trampled into it is rather heavy and very durable.

The alluvial plain in the Shinar region became known over time as Babylonia. Babylonia is now known as Iraq. Iraq is today the center of world condemnation. It had become okay in Iraq for a dictator to rid himself of any supposed enemy by physically torturing the guy and then killing the guy. It is not okay for a guy to murder guys who oppose him so that he can use fear to continue to rule as a despot and to accumulate power and wealth while taking away the freedoms and rights of the guys and gals who are living in his country to pursue what they want to pursue. God’s rotating time wheel has circled back again to the Mesopotamia – Babylonia – Iraqi region to highlight His anger. Before the descendants of Noah and his wife began to build a ziggurat on the alluvial plain in Shinar’s region, all the guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth at that time spoke the same language. When God saw the megatower being built, God caused a babbling among the guys and gals who were living on planet Earth so that they were not able to understand each other. The megatower or temple tower or ziggurat became known as the Tower of Babel. Verse 9 says, “That is why it was called Babel—because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.” What is happening in Iraq today God is allowing to happen because it is in His sovereign plan to happen. The descendants of Shem – Noah’s middle son, settled the land which is now known as Iraq. Abram was a descendant of Shem. Abram would one day become the father of faith and the patriarch of God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Since the moment when Adam compromised to the sly, slippery devil, the Creator God of all things has been trampling mucky yuk into lives using experiential straw to ensure that His specially chosen and elected guys, gals and kids will know Him as their Maker so that they will be solid mud bricks in the growing community of Christ-followers who are living on planet Earth.

Genesis 11 (488)