“The LORD God said, “‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
~ Genesis 2:18


Hi James and Ellen,

How do you feel when you have finished doing something? Do you feel good inside when you have finished a chore that your dad and/or ma tasked you to do? Do you feel good when you have finished an assignment that your teacher gave you to do? What do you do when you have finished doing something? Do you celebrate when you have finished a chore that your dad and/or ma tasked you to do or an assignment that your teacher gave you to do? Do you rest after you have finished a chore that your dad and/or ma tasked you to do or when you have finished an assignment that your teacher gave you to do? Do you know what God did when He finished creating the heavens and planet Earth? God rested. It took God just six days to complete creating the heavens and planet Earth. Do you think that each day during the six days that God created the heavens and planet Earth was twenty-four hours long? The length of a day to God when God was creating the heavens and planet Earth might have been equal to what a thousand years is like to guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth today. Your grandpaa thinks that it is probable that a day during the time when God created the heavens and planet Earth was a different kind of day than what a day is like now. Genesis 2 is a summary of the first thirty-one verses that are found in the Bible. The day that God rested was the seventh day. God mandated at this time that the seventh day of every week be kept holy – that the seventh day of every week be a day of rest from doing any kind of chores and assignments. Sunday – which is the first day of the week, is now the day of rest for Christ-followers. Sunday became the day to rest and to celebrate as it is the day when Jesus was seen alive again on planet Earth after having been killed by being nailed to a cross.

Once God had finished creating everything that He was going to create, God tasked Adam with chores or assignments that He expected Adam to do. Adam’s life began at a site called the Garden of Eden. God tasked Adam with caring for the Garden of Eden. Your grandpaa believes that the Garden of Eden was an indescribable paradise filled with and inhabited by all kinds of flora, fauna and fowl. The Garden of Eden was purportedly situated between where the Tigris River and the Euphrates River meet. This place is in the present day country of southern Iraq. Your grandpaa believes that there were some gushing or spurting springs in the Garden of Eden. The task that God gave to Adam to care for the Garden of Eden included working in the Garden of Eden. Your grandpaa does not believe that Adam had to do much work to take care of the Garden of Eden but . . . God also at this time told Adam about a tree that He had planted in the middle of the Garden of Eden that He called the ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’. God told Adam that if he ate from ‘tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ that he would die. God told Adam that it was perfectly fine for him to eat the fruit from any of the other trees that He had planted in the Garden of Eden. Another chore or assignment that God tasked Adam to do was to assign a name to each different kind of animal and bird that He created during the six days when He created the heavens and planet Earth. When God tasked Adam to assign a name to each different kind of animal and bird, God was giving Adam dominion or authority over the animals and birds. God had created Adam after His own image. God having created Adam in His own image means that God created Adam with moral discernment. Animals and birds do not have moral discernment. After Adam began doing what God tasked him to do which was to work in and care for the Garden of Eden and to give names to each different kind of animal and bird, it was in God’s plan to give Adam a companion. Verse 18 says, “The LORD God said, “‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”’ While Adam was in a really deep sleep that God had caused Adam to fall into, God took one of Adam’s ribs and He used this rib from Adam to create another being – a being who was not physically the same as Adam. Adam would name this new being ‘woman’. This ‘woman’ became known as Eve. Eve was Adam’s wife. As Adam’s wife, Adam and Eve were as one person. When a guy and gal marry, God clearly expects both the guy and gal to leave the home of their dad and ma to live together in their own home with their own family in an inseparable union.

After the first two chapters in the first book of sixty-six books of a living book – that is called the Bible, that God – as God the Spirit, breathed on different guys to write, God has explained how He created the heavens and planet Earth and how spouses are to live together. A spouse is the guy or gal who you will really look forward to having as your husband or wife. As a husband in a marriage, a guy is to always pursue bringing his wife’s help and/or advice into any decision that he is making. As a wife in a marriage, a gal has an innate desire to always help her husband with whatever he is doing or having to decide. There is no place in any book in the Bible where God says that a marriage is between two guys or between two gals. When you grandmaa and grandpaa were overseeing the rural resident leadership training center (Centro de Capacitación) in Concepción, Ñuflo de Chávez – in Bolivia, your grandmaa and grandpaa taught a two week module on the family to the guys and gals who were at the resident training center. Your grandmaa and grandpaa had the guys who were students at the Centro de Capacitación and their wives doing things together – such as walking around in public holding hands. Your grandmaa and grandpaa found out that a husband and a wife in Bolivia sometimes do not know very much about each other because they do not spend time getting to know each other. Your grandpaa cannot be more thankful that your grandmaa is his wife.

Genesis 2 (372)