“This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.”
~ Genesis 5:1

Hi James and Ellen,

How many years would you like to live on planet Earth? When you reach the number of years that you would like to live on planet Earth, what would you like to do next? Would you like to die and be buried in the ground or would you like to be lifted up into heaven by God to live with Him. When a guy, gal and kid dies, he or she can be buried or cremated with his or her ashes kept on an urn or . . . only Enoch and Elijah did not die; God had Enoch and Elijah lifted up from planet Earth and taken to heaven to be with Him. Enoch lived during a time when guys lived for more than 900 years on planet Earth. Moses recorded in Genesis 5 Adam’s genealogy. Adam was 930 years old when he died. Seth – who was one of Adam’s kids, was 912 years old when he died. Enosh – who was one of Seth’s kids, was 905 years old when he died. Kenan – who was one of Enosh’s kids, was 910 years old when he died. Methuselah – who was one of Enoch’s kids, lived the longest on planet Earth. Methuselah was 969 years old when he died. If the number of years that each guy who passed on Adam’s family line to the next generation is literally correct – Methuselah died the same year that a flood covered every square inch of planet Earth. Noah – who had God tell him to build an ark to ride out the flood that He was going to use to . . ., was one of Lamech’s kids. Lamech was one of Methuselah’s kids. Noah was already 500 years old when his three boys – Shem, Ham and Japheth, were born. What do you think planet Earth would be like today if guys lived to be over 900 years old? Do you think there would still be enough room left on planet Earth for more kids to be born? Why do you think that God – beginning with Adam and Eve, embed guys and gals on planet Earth? Verse 1 says, “This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God.” Why do you think that God – as God the Spirit, had Moses scribe this verse having God in a third person context? Why do you think that God – as God the Spirit, had Moses track Adam’s lineage, genealogy or family tree only through guys? Moses scribed a short bio on each guy – notating that each guy had sons and daughters, identifying the name of one of each guy’s sons and stating the number of years that each guy lived on planet Earth at the time that he died. Excluding Enoch’s short bio, the other short bios end bluntly – stating that the guy who was being referred to died. Moses’ commentary that he received from God – as God the Spirit, was that one day Enoch was no more because he had spent all his life walking with God – resulting in God – as God the Father, lifting Enoch directly to Himself in heaven.

Because of the dire consequences of Adam’s disobedience, dying is now a player in the lives of every baby boy and girl who is born on planet Earth. When Adam was fatally deceived into disobeying the expressed will and declaration of God – as God the Father, not to do something – which was not to eat fruit from a specific tree that God had placed in Garden of Eden, a resulting consequence was for guys to have to work very hard in soil which had become cursed by God. Noah was given his name – which means rest or comfort, by his dad in hopes that Noah would become an agent of change to radically alter the polluted lifestyles of the guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth to want to pursue an Enoch like lifestyle. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have been very encouraged by your desire to understand and apply Biblical truths in your lives. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are very thankful that both your dad and Aunt Lynn are faithful and outspoken Christ-followers. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are presently coaches for the September 2007 World Race team of 24 radical thinking young guys and gals who are wanting to experience living a 24/7 lifestyle to help them in their ongoing transformation into the image of God. Your grandmaa and grandpaa just spent 11 days in Matamoras, Mexico where they came alongside a team of young guys and gals who are on a ten member First Year Missionary team as this team of sold-out Christ-follower guys and gals transitioned from one site to another site. The transition was the result of an Adam compromise by a guy who had the onsite responsibility of overseeing the First Year Missionary program in Matamoras. Because the guy’s failure to not do something that God – as God the Spirit, was for sure prompting him not to do, one of the young guys and three of the young gals – instead of fighting through the stomach wrenching sadness and heart exploding anger that resulted from what the leader was doing by staying in Matamoras, fled the drama that surrounds this sad compromising failure by going back to their homes in the United States. How are you learning to fight through the worst of times? Are you only living today for the best of times? It seems today for some young guys and gals that instead of trusting God to . . . they flee to something else that is more pleasurable or agreeable – which takes them away from growing from going through a . . ., as their way of fighting against a thorny and complicated situation.

Your grandpaa’s ma earlier this week went home from the clinic in Brookings to her house in Volga. Your dad’s Uncle Joel about a month ago called your grandpaa to tell him that their ma had from 2 days to 2 weeks to live. Your grandpaa’s ma is 91 years old. Your grandpaa’s ma could have died but . . . for her to be able to leave the clinic in Brookings to go to her own house, your grandpaa’s ma had to be able to walk using a walker and to be able to go to the bathroom on her own. What is it that you think that God expects you today to want – long lives lived on planet Earth enjoying all the amenities that living on planet Earth offers or living Enoch like Christ-follower lives?

Genesis 5 (898)