“This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”
~ Genesis 6:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Have you ever seen a flood? Floods can be very dangerous. Guys, gals and kids sometimes drown in floods. A flood can happen after a really hard rain or after it rains steady for days and days. Your grandpaa has never seen a really bad flood where guys, gals and kids have drowned. Your grandpaa has seen streams and rivers that after there has been a heavy rain or after there has been a lot of snow and when the snow begins to melt have overflowed their banks. Your grandpaa has seen farmland that is near a stream or river that has had water go over its banks entirely inundated with water. After Hurricane Mitch several years ago dumped flooding rain all over Guatemala – drowning 268 guys, gals and kids, your grandpaa along with three other guys took food and clothes to families who lost their homes to waters overflowing from a nearby river. How would you feel if where you had been living and everything around where you had been living became completely covered by water? Can you picture water totally covering everything that is on planet Earth? Your grandpaa thinks that about 5000 years ago God covered to over the tops of the highest mountains every bit of land with water. No guy, gal or kid would be able to live on planet Earth if there is no land anywhere for guys, gals and kids to live. If water covered every bit of land on planet Earth today, the only creatures that would be able to remain alive on planet Earth would be creatures that have their homes in water – such as crustaceans and fish and . . . it must have been awfully scary about 5000 years ago for the guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth to suddenly have deluges of water begin to fall from the sky when water had never fallen from the sky before this time. Your grandpaa does not know what guys and gals did or how guys, gals and kids lived before this immense flood that happened about 5000 years ago that entirely submerged every inch of planet Earth. Your grandpaa does know that some guys – before this devastating flood, lived to be ten times older than what guys are living to today. Your grandpaa does know that guys and gals before this purging flood would sometimes have their daughters marry the Nephilim. There are guys who think that the Nephilim were fallen or evil giant angelic beings. There are other guys who think that the Nephilim could have originated from Cain’s extended family. The reasoning of these guys is that after Cain murdered his bro Abel that Cain’s extended family took on the role of being on planet Earth the fallen or wicked family. These same guys think that there was a good, righteous family at the same time on planet Earth. That family to them was Seth’s extended family. After God kicked the ma and dad of Abel, Cain and Seth out of the Garden of Eden – a place that was filled with perfection, tranquility and innocence, because both Adam and Eve did what God had told Adam not to do, planet Earth became a place of imperfection, unrest and guilt because of Adam’s disobeying his Heavenly Father’s desires and instructions.

When Moses wrote in Genesis 6 about what took place 1500 years or so earlier on planet Earth, your grandpaa thinks that at least a thousand years had gone by since God had created the orb on which you are now living. Just a couple of pages into what today is called the Bible – the book of God’s books, God was already ready to completely destroy almost everything that He had created. Do you know what or who was making God so upset or angry that He would want to totally destroy everything that He had created? The who was man. God’s creation of a creature called man – who God had created to be like His image, had turned against Him by doing what he wanted to do instead of doing what God wanted him to do. With the exception of Noah, his wife, their three sons and their sons’ wives, every other guy and gal who was living on planet Earth were thinking only of themselves. Almost every guy and gal who was living on planet Earth had stopped listening to or for God’s voice. Verse 9 says this about Noah, “This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.” Noah seems to be the only guy who listened for God’s voice. When God told Noah to build an enormous boat – which would end up being called an ark and which would be half again as long as a football field, five times wider than a street and nearly twice as high as your house, Noah did exactly what God told him to do. Noah built the mammoth boat – the ark, using gopher wood – which may be a type of cypress, he built a roof to cover the top of the colossal boat, he built the gigantic boat with an upstairs and downstairs and he stored up on the titanic boat enough food for pairs of every single animal, bird and creature that was living at the time that Noah lived on planet Earth.

If God specifically gave you the designs for and told you to build an ark, would you begin to build the ark if you had never seen rain before and had no clue what a flood was like? Moses did. Do you like to build things? Do you like to make things with your dad? What would you say to your dad if your dad told you – because God had told him that He was going to cause an immeasurable flood of water to soon cover planet Earth, that he was to build an ark and that he needed your help? God will allow for a time sin, wickedness and depravity to take place in the lives of guys, gals and kids who are living on planet Earth but there always has come and will come a time when God will say – ‘enough is enough’. God will then pour out His anger on the guys and gals who by not listening to and being obedient to His voice have been unfaithful to Him. Are you building an ark today for yourselves – an ark that will protect you when God drowns the badness that is totally covering the orb that He created? God wants your ark today to be your faith in Him. Who have you asked for help to build your faith ark to keep evil from ever drowning you?

Genesis 6 (206)