“that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a summer”
~ Job 20:5


Hi James and Ellen,

How many friends do you have? What makes a good friend? What do friends do together? You can learn about who is not really a true friend from one of the books in the Bible. The book is Job. There are a lot of life lessons in the book of Job. The book of Job has a villain. The villain’s name is Satan. The Job Book is about what happened when Job suffered a life crisis. Job’s story begins when Job lost everything. Job had been uber rich. God permitted Satan to see to it that everything that Job owned was stolen or destroyed. God permitted Satan to see to it that all of Job’s kids were murdered. God also permitted Satan to see to it that Job’s body was covered with sores. Why do you think that God permitted Satan to see to it that Job suffered horribly? Do you think that God was punishing Job for something that he had done or had not done that he should have done? God was not just testing Job; God wanted the guys, gals and kids who knew Job to see the faith that Job had in Him. After Satan was finished with doing a number on Job, three guys – who thought of themselves as friends of Job, decided that they could help Job understand why what took place took place. Job’s three self-appointed friends were Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar were convinced that God was punishing Job for one reason or another. The three professed friends of Job though could not decide between themselves why God was punishing Job. Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar took turns explaining to Job why they were absolutely sure that he was being punished by God. These guys would each time let Job answer their reasoning but . . . how would you like to be told over and over again that you have done something wrong – especially when you know that you have not done anything wrong? Would you criticize with words a kid who you call a good friend? Should you encourage with words a kid who you call a good friend? What if you find out that a kid – who has been a good friend to you, is doing something wrong, what should you do to help this kid? It is important to have good friends. Good friends unconditionally care about each other. Good friends unreservedly encourage each other. Good friends wholeheartedly help each other through tough times.

Zophar was not really a good friend to Job. Zophar was rich and he was proud of it. When Job told Zophar that he thought that Zophar was not being faithful to God, Zophar was not happy with what Job said to him. Job 20 has Zophar trying to enlighten Job on how God deals with guys who do not believe Who He is. Zophar says in verse 5 “that the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but a summer”. Zophar is right what he says here but . . . if Zophar was really a friend of Job, do you think that Zophar would still have gotten angry with Job because of what Job said? Good friends sometimes will get very irate with each other. Sometimes a tough situation will have guys, gals or kids who have gotten upset with each other become good friends. Your grandmaa and grandpaa went on a summer team to Colombia in 1976. Your dad and Aunt Lynn stayed with their Aunt Marge and Uncle Harold while your grandmaa and grandpaa spent about eight weeks with the summer team that went to Colombia. Your grandmaa and grandpaa missed your dad and Aunt Lynn. Your grandpaa was a student at Moody Bible Institute at this time. In order for your grandpaa to receive a diploma in missions from Moody Bible Institute, your grandpaa needed to spend time in an overseas country. Because your grandmaa and grandpaa were at this time applying with South American Mission (SAM) to be missionaries, SAM asked if it was possible that your grandmaa go with your grandpaa to Colombia. Your grandmaa said that she would go with your grandpaa to Colombia if . . . your grandpaa will tell you someday how your grandmaa was able to go to Colombia. There were nearly forty college age guys and gals – plus your grandmaa and your grandpaa, on the short term missionary team that went to Colombia in 1976. When your grandmaa and grandpaa got to Colombia, your grandpaa along with one of college age guys were asked to drive a small truck that has been loaned to the team to use. The college age guy’s name is Luke. The small truck was used to transport short team participants from where they were staying to where the team had a planned ministry activity and back. Your grandmaa and grandpaa not long after they arrived in Colombia were riding in the back of the small truck when Luke while driving down a dark street decided to do something at the very last moment. Some of the kids on the summer team thought that what Luke did was exciting while your grandmaa and grandpaa thought that what Luther did was dangerous. When your grandpaa got back to the hotel where the team was staying, your grandpaa irately told Luke that he had driven very irresponsibly. Your grandpaa did not act very responsible in the words that he used to speak to Luke and in the tone of voice that he used. After your grandpaa had yelled at Luke, your grandpaa along with your grandmaa and Luke went to look for the team leader. After your grandpaa told the team leader what had happened, the team leader – Will Pence, told your grandpaa that he had been planning to talk to Luke about the way that he was driving. When your grandpaa realized how rash he had been when he confronted Luke, your grandpaa told Luke that he had spoken to him improperly. Your grandpaa also told Luke that he had been wrong when he angrily spoke to him in front of others when your grandpaa should have spoken to him alone. Instead of getting mad at your grandpaa, Luke became a good friend of your grandmaa and grandpaa.

You will learn a lot about Job and his three acquaintances. You will learn about the patience that Job had. You will learn about the faith that Job had in his Father God. Who is your one true friend? Jesus is your one true friend.

Job 20 (38)