“Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind?”
~ Job 38:36


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you good at doing grouching? Are you good at doing complaining? Are you good at doing blame casting? Do you think that you know more than what other kids know? Do you think that you know more than what your dad knows? Do you think that you know more than what your ma knows? Do you think that you know more than what your teacher knows? Do you think that you know more than what God knows? Who do you blame when things do not go your way? Ask your dad and/or ma who they blame when things do not go their way. Would you like to have everything always go your way? Your grandpaa would not mind it if everything would always go his way. Why do you think that things sometimes just do not go the way that your grandpaa would like them to go? Whose fault do you think that it is when something does not go the way that your grandpaa would like it to go? Do you think that it is always your grandpaa’s fault when something does not go the way that your grandpaa would like it to go? Do you think that your grandpaa should blame someone – like your grandmaa, for why something did not go or happen the way that your grandpaa wanted it to go or happen? Is it good to gripe when something does not happen the way that you had thought that it should happen? Is it good to complain when your dad and/or ma say that going to a zoo is not going to happen when you would like it to happen? Is it good to grouch when your dad and/or ma say that going to bed instead of staying up to play on the computer or watch TV is the only option that you have? Is it good to say that it is your teacher’s fault when you do poorly on an exam that he or she had you take? Job lived in the land of Uz on planet Earth sometime between 3000 and 4000 years ago. Job became a wealthy dude. Job had land, animals, slaves, a wife, kids, and friends. Job knew God personally as his Heavenly Father. Job offered to his Heavenly Father daily sacrifices for his kids. Job did not want sin to be a part of his kids’ lives. Job hated evil. Everything changed one day for Job when God allowed a fallen angel – who you know as Satan, to try to get Job to tell his Heavenly Father to get lost. God allowed Satan to have enemies of Job rustle Job’s sheep, donkeys, oxen and camels and murder Job’s slaves, to have a strong wind knock down Job’s house killing Job’s ten kids, to have Job’s body covered with sore like boils and to have three of Job’s friends – Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar, tell Job that it has to be his fault that all these horrendously cruel things have happened to him. Job knew that it was not his fault that an enemy had stolen his animals and killed his slaves, that gale force winds had blown down his house resulting in all of his kids being killed and that he had his body covered with painful, ugly eruptions. Job was not happy that his friends wanted to pin the blame on him for all the horrifically raw things that had happened to him. What do you think that Job did? Job did nothing other than to listen to his Heavenly Father explain why questioning His sovereignty was futile.

When something does not go the way that your grandpaa wants it to go, your grandpaa will internally and sometimes outwardly verbally grouch, complain and blame cast. Do you think that your grandpaa feels better after he grouches, complains and blame casts? How do you feel after you have grouched, complained and blame casted about something? Your grandpaa is quite sure that you do not feel any better after grouching, complaining and blame casting about something – even though you know that what happened was unfair or unjust. Why do you think that things sometimes do not go or happen the way that you would like them to go or happen? It is very easy to forget that your Heavenly Father will, is and has been unfolding scripts of every moment of every day that He specifically scripted before He created planet Earth for you, your grandmaa, grandpaa and every guy, gal and kid who has lived on planet Earth, is now living on planet Earth and will live on planet Earth. God bound every one of the scripts in a book before He created planet Earth. The scripts that is in God’s book of every guy, gal and kids who has, is and will live on planet Earth foretells every thought, breath, heartbeat, word, movement, etc. if every guy, gal or kid who has, is and will live on planet Earth. Your grandpaa believes that God uses Satan to surface evil as a way to remind guys, gals and kids to never forget Who has scripted their lives and to reinforce His mercy with the guys, gals and kids who are experiencing His specially blessings because they have ceased grouching, complaining and blame casting when things did not go the way that . . .

After letting Job waste his breath debating Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar over and over again, God spoke from a storm – to ask Job in Job 38 if he really knows Who his Heavenly Father is and if he really was understanding the why of what was happening to him. God tells Job in verse 36 what He has done for him “Who endowed the heart with wisdom or gave understanding to the mind?” Do you think that a guy, gal or kid can be as smart as God and can do the things that God does? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could have shaped planet Earth and then put planet Earth in the cosmos? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could have placed the seas where they are? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could place clouds in the sky, fill clouds with rain, cause lightening to come from the clouds and cause rain to fall? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could have storehouses of snow, hail, ice and dew ready to use? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could have make light and darkness to happen? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid could have filled the sky with stars and constellations? Job knew that God is Who did and is doing everything. Job knew that he would be just wasting his breath if he grouched, complained and blame casted to God.

Job 38 (173)