“Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.”
~ Leviticus 20:22


Hi James and Ellen,

Your grandmaa and grandpaa for the past three summers have been a mentor couple during OC International’s internship. Internship is when some of the new OC International missionary candidate units will spend five weeks in or near Colorado Springs acquiring information about OC International, missionary life, being integrated into a field missionary team and about themselves. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are to be always available to whoever has been assigned to them to answer any question that he, she or they might have. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have really enjoyed being a mentor couple during the internships that OC International has each summer. Your grandmaa and grandpaa have particularly enjoyed the summers when OC International has had their annual internship at a conference and retreat center called Bear Trap Ranch. Moral purity has been one of the topics that has been spoken into over the past three summers. Kyle and Joan Black – who are retired OC International missionaries, lead the sessions that are on moral purity. Leviticus 20 was one of the portions of scripture that Kyle referred to yesterday morning during his lecture on moral purity. Your grandpaa thinks that this chapter or portion of scripture is one of the most revolting, repulsive and gross chapters or portions of scripture in the entire Bible. This is one chapter in the Bible that your grandpaa is never going to sit down with you to read to you. This chapter begins with Molech – an idol god that the Ammonite people group’s guys and gals worshipped. The Ammonite people group’s guys and gals would attempt to appease Molech by sacrificing one of their kids to this inanimate thing that they believed to be a living spirit. Moses starts out this chapter by warning God’s specially chosen guys and gals that they were to have absolutely nothing to do with Molech or . . . once Moses was done warning God’s specially chosen guys and gals to not to worship Molech, Moses got into a ‘do not do or you die’ series of denunciations or admonitions. Moses even had a ‘do not do or you burn’ denunciation or admonition included in his invective or diatribe to God’s specially chosen guys and gals that they were to live their lives only for God. God – through Moses, did not want to leave an excuse for a guy, gal or kid to say later that he or she did not know that it was wrong to do what he or she was doing.

What do you think that it would be like today if you had to live your lives obeying unreservedly each one of the Levitical laws that God gave 3450 years ago to His specially chosen guys and gals? If you had to live your lives today by the Levitical laws that God gave 3450 years ago to His specially chosen guys and gals, you would have to be killed if you cursed or rejected your dad and ma. If you were a guy, you would have to be killed if you had an adulterous relationship with a gal who was not your wife. The gal who a guy had an adulterous relationship with would also have to be killed. If you were a guy, you would have to be killed if you had an illicit, immoral liaison with a close or extended family member. If you were a guy, you would have to be killed if you had a homosexual relationship. Your grandpaa counts at least eight times when a guy, gal or kid would have to be killed if . . . on top of this, God says that He will absolutely not have anything to do with a guy or gal who goes to a medium or spiritist for help or advice or who takes on being a medium or spiritist for guys and gals to go to for help or advice. God also clearly tells His specially chosen guys and gals to completely cut off a guy or gal from every other guy and gal who has dishonored Him by doing things that He has clearly told them through Moses and the Levitical law to not to do.

Are you obeying your Father God? You grandpaa knows that you are not sinless kids. Your dad and ma are not sinless parents. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are not sinless grandparents. There is no way that any guy, gal or kid who is living on planet Earth can escape the consequences of the ugliness and filthiness of sin. The absolute ugliness and filthiness of sin just as easily permeates or infuses into the lives of God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids as it does into the lives of guys, gals and kids who are not God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids. It is impossible to escape the pervasiveness of sin if a guy, gal or kid is not led by God the Spirit to make a decision of faith in what God – as God the Son, did when He let His blood be poured out and where He gave up His life as a sacrifice while on a cross for every guy, gal and kid who God especially elected before He created planet Earth to be His specially elected guys, gals and kids. Guys, gals and kids who are living planet Earth right now are being asked more and more to compromise their moral and ethical values. It seems as if every sitcom today has to have a least one gay, be filled with innuendos and tap into man’s sin nature. Verse 22 “‘“Keep all my decrees and laws and follow them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out.” clearly explains to God’s specially chosen guys and gals what to do in order to live their lives faithfully for Him. God would have His specially chosen guys and gals vomited from the land which He told His specially chosen guys and gals that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . your Father God expects you to put Him first before whatever it is that might cause you to sin. When your grandmaa and grandpaa lived in Aberdeen, South Dakota, your grandmaa and grandpaa got rid of their television as they felt that watching television was not edifying to their Father God. Your grandmaa and grandpaa at about the same time and for the same reason, stopped going to movie theaters to watch a new movie release If you put honoring and glorifying your Father God’s name before everything else, you will always be on the right side of your Father God. If you do get on your Father God’s wrong side, you will suffer the consequences.

Leviticus 20 (506)