“Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land.”
~ Leviticus 25:18


Hi James and Ellen,

Would you like to live on a farm? Would you like to work on a farm? Your grandpaa grew up on a farm. Your grandpaa lived for over eighteen years on a farm. Your grandpaa did the kind of work that a farmer does. Your grandpaa had chores that his dad expected your grandpaa to do each day. Your grandpaa milked by hand a couple of the twenty or so cows that his dad milked each morning and evening. Your grandpaa fed his dad’s cows and pigs. Your grandpaa’s dad often asked your grandpaa to clean the barn’s gutter. Your grandpaa’s dad had your grandpaa driving a tractor when your grandpaa was a young kid. Your grandpaa helped prepare his dad’s fields for planting oats and corn by disking and dragging the fields. Your grandpaa helped harvest the crop of oats that his dad grew every year. Your grandpaa’s dad grew up on a farm. Your grandpaa’s dad’s dad and ma settled on land that had never been farmed. The land that your grandpaa’s dad’s dad and ma settled on was called a homestead. When your grandpaa’s dad and ma married on June 1, 1939, your grandpaa’s dad and ma began living on the quarter section of land that is located just east of the homestead that your grandpaa’s dad’s dad and ma settled on thirty years or so earlier. Your grandpaa’s dad’s dad helped your grandpaa’s dad buy the quarter section of land that your grandpaa’s dad and ma would live on for over sixty years. Your grandpaa was the first kid born in his family. Your grandpaa’s dad and ma had six kids in all.

God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group’s guys and gals, 3400 years ago reclaimed the land that God had promised to their forefathers – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that their extended families would always have to live in as their very own land. Before God’s specially chosen guys and gals could begin living in the land of Canaan – which was what the land was being called that God had promised their progenitors – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that their extended families would always have to live in as their very own land, God’s specially chosen guys and gals had to purge out all the different people groups of guys, gals and kids who were living in the land of Canaan. Once the Israelite people group’s guys and gals had eradicated from the land of Canaan the different people group’s guys, gals and kids who were living in the land, the land of Canaan was divided by lots between the twelve Israelite people group’s tribal clans. Every guy and his immediate family in each Israelite people group tribal clan received a plot of land that they were to always have to live on as their very own land. Before the Israelite people group’s guys and gals moved unto the land that God had promised to them that they would always have to live on as their very own land, God gave Moses – in Leviticus 25, some specific instructions as to what to do with the land that they would always have to live on as their very own land. God first expected His specially chosen guys and gals to have a rest day once a week. The rest day for the Israelite people group’s guys and gals would become known as the Sabbath. The day that was called the Sabbath 3400 years ago was the seventh day of each week. God also gave specific instructions through Moses to the Israelite people group’s guys who farmed land that they were on every seventh year not to till their farm’s soil or plant anything but that they were to let their farm’s land lay fallow.

God 3400 years ago wanted the plots of land that were given in the land of Canaan to each one of His specially chosen guys to always stay with each guy’s extended family. God through Moses told His specially chosen guys and gals that they were to after every forty-nine years have a year of jubilee. This special year – which would become known as the Year of Jubilee, was to take place after every seven series’ of seven years. God wanted His specially chosen guys to always through their extended families keep the land that their patriarchs had been allotted in the land of Canaan. There were times when a guy for one reason or another had to use his land as collateral to borrow money or he had to sell his land. If no guy in the guy’s extended family redeemed the guy’s land through paying off the debt that the guy incurred or repurchased the land, the extended family of the guy who had settled on the plot of land when God’s specially chosen guys and gals moved into the land of Canaan was to on the Year of Jubilee get the plot of land back and any debt on the land cancelled. Jubilee connotes a happy celebration. God wanted everything to go back after every fifty years to what it was like in the land when He had it allotted to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land. God through Moses – in verse 18, specifically tells His specially chosen guys and gals “‘“Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land.” If God’s decree was still being followed today, one of God’s decrees would possibly have you living today on the farm that your grandpaa’s dad’s dad homesteaded nearly one hundred years ago. The oldest boy who was born to a dad and ma 3400 years ago who were from the Israelite people group’s guys and gals was to get when his dad died a double portion or share of his dad’s possessions. Because your grandpaa is the oldest grandson in your grandpaa’s dad’s extended family and because your dad is the only boy in your grandpaa’s family and because no guy owned the land that your grandpaa’s dad’s dad homesteaded before he settled on the land, you James would get a double share of the homestead’s land if . . . God’s specially chosen guys and gals ultimately lost the land that God had given to them to always to have to live in as their very own land because they did not follow God’s decrees or obey God’s laws. You will lose the blessings that God has promised to give to you if you do not obey what God asks you to do.

Leviticus 25 (295)