“Moses and Aaron then went into the Tent of the Meeting. When they came out, they blessed the people; and the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people.”
~ Leviticus 9:23


Hi James and Ellen,

What would you like to have your ma and dad do with you tomorrow? If tomorrow is about 3,500 years ago, what would you like to have your ma and dad do with you? Suppose that you are kids of a ma and dad who are Israelites. God chose the Israelite people group to be His specially chosen people. Your grandpaa has told you that you are going to learn more and more about God’s specially chosen people. You will learn about God’s specially chosen people in the Old Testament. Do you remember how the Bible is divided into two books? The first part of the Bible is called the Old Testament. Ask your dad if he knows what testament means. Testament is like testimony or to testify. The word testament means witness or proof. The Old Testament and the New Testament are witnessing or testifying to you through what has been written in each one of the books that make up the Biblical Canon. The Old Testament and the New Testament claim absolute proof for everything that is written in each book that makes up the Biblical Canon. The Old Testament gives the history of God’s specially chosen people. The Old Testament explains God’s desires for the specially chosen people who He chose for Himself. The New Testament tells you of God’s desires for guys, gals and kids who He specially elected before He created planet Earth to be His adopted guys, gals and kids. Who are these specially elected guys, gals and kids? These specially elected guys, gals and kids are guys, gals and kids – like you, who God has led or who He will lead to make a decision of faith to believe in His Son. The Old Testament helps you to know who God is. God sent His glory to planet Earth to be with His specially chosen people – the Israelites. The New Testament helps you to know who God’s Son is. God’s Son – Jesus, came to planet Earth for the purpose of saving His Father God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids. You are saved if you have been – through God’s grace, led by God the Spirit to make a decision of faith to believe in Jesus.

What do you think that life was like on planet Earth 3,500 years ago? Would you have liked to have lived on planet Earth 3,500 years ago? There were no cars, computers, televisions, telephones, churches, books, electricity and a whole lot of other things 3,500 years ago. If your ma and dad were members of one of the Israelite tribal clans, what do you think that you would you be doing right now 3,500 years ago? Do you remember what you did with your grandmaa and grandpaa when your grandmaa and grandpaa were living close to you? When your grandmaa and grandpaa were your age – which was about 50 years ago, there were not things like computers, cellphones, electronic games and a whole lot of other things that there are now. Both your grandmaa and your grandpaa had a ma and a dad who God had led to make a decision of faith to believe in His Son Jesus. It was very important to your grandmaa’s ma and dad that your grandmaa learned from the Bible and to your grandpaa’s ma and dad that your grandpaa learned from the Bible. Your grandmaa’s ma and dad helped your grandmaa learn how to pray and your grandpaa’s ma and dad helped your grandpaa learn how to pray. If you lived 3,500 years ago and if your ma and dad were members of one of the Israelite people group tribal clans, what would they be teaching you – as you would be a couple of God’s specially chosen kids? Where would you be living? You may have been born in Egypt. Ask your dad to show you where Egypt is on one of the maps that are usually found at the back of a Bible. Ask your dad to show you where the land of Israel is on that same map that can usually be found in the back of a Bible. After God’s specially chosen people had grown to be a lot of people in Egypt – like around two million guys, gals and kids, God had them return to Israel to live. God’s specially chosen people had to walk to get from Egypt to Israel. How long do you think that it should have taken for God’s specially chosen people to get from Egypt to Israel? Because there were a lot of kids and animals making the walk – which was somewhere around three hundred miles, it would have taken months. God had His specially chosen guys, gals and kids stop at Mount Sinai – where God gave Moses the Law. God also gave Moses detailed instructions on how to build a Tent of Meeting to worship Him plus He gave Moses instructions on how He was to be worshipped in the Tent of Meeting.

Think of yourselves as kids who were living 3,500 years ago. Your ma and dad are talking about worshipping God. How would your ma and dad worship God 3,500 years ago? Moses in Leviticus 9 asks Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel to make sacrifices. These guys are to take a bull calf, a ram, a male goat, a calf, a lamb, an ox, another ram, some grain mixed with oil to prepare as sacrifices to God. This is being done at the Tent of Meeting. Is this something that is being done today? You do meet together but it is not to make sacrifices to God like Moses had his brother Aaron do with his sons and with the Israelite elders. Thing were very different 3,500 years ago. God had His specially chosen people make sacrifices to Him – to please Him. God wanted to see His specially chosen people being obedient to Him by doing what He wanted them to do. God’s specially chosen people prepared the sacrifices just like God had asked them to do. This was the very first time that God’s specially chosen people had ever done something like this. God was very pleased! How do you know? God sent fire from heaven to burn the sacrifices that Aaron and his sons and the Israelite elders had prepared. Then what happened? Verse 23 says “Moses and Aaron then went into the Tent of the Meeting. When they came out, they blessed the people; and the glory of the LORD appeared to all the people.” God’s glory is reflected today through every guy, gal and kid who believes in His Son.

Leviticus 9 (43)