“However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
~ Luke 10:20


Hi James and Ellen,

How would you share the faith that you have in God the Son – Jesus, with another kid if you have not done so already? Would you be willing to go door to door sharing the faith that you have in God the Son – Jesus, with kids? When your grandpaa was living in Aberdeen, South Dakota, your grandpaa began to go weekly door to door with your grandmaa and four friends. Your grandmaa, grandpaa and their four friends would go in pairs one evening a week to houses on a street grid that your grandpaa made of Aberdeen’s streets. Your grandpaa had been challenged by an evangelist – Rev. Kleinpeter, to be a lot more willing to share the faith that he had in God the Son – Jesus. The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church that is in Aberdeen had invited Rev. Kleinpeter to speak. Your grandmaa and grandpaa had been members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church that is in Aberdeen for less than a year when they met and heard Rev. Kleinpeter speak. While Rev. Kleinpeter was in Aberdeen, he was asked if he would get together with guys who were members of the Aberdeen Christian and Missionary Alliance Church to have breakfast with them at a local restaurant. Each guy who went to this breakfast was to take with him another guy who Rev. Kleinpeter would challenge to make a profession of faith in God the Son – Jesus. Rev. Kleinpeter used the ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ booklet to help guys, gals and kids make a profession of faith in God the Son – Jesus. When your grandpaa saw how Rev. Kleinpeter used the ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ booklet to lead a guy to make a profession of faith, your grandpaa decided the he would begin to go systematically door to door with guys and/or gals who would be willing to join him and your grandmaa in sharing their faith in God the Son – Jesus. Harriet Van Baaken, Dee Armand and Tommy and Susan Bruskem, joined your grandmaa and grandpaa as they went door to door in a systematic way one evening a week doing evangelistic outreach in Aberdeen. Your grandpaa does not know how many guys or gals made decisions of faith in God the Son – Jesus, through the evangelistic outreach that he initiated other than there were at least twenty guys and gals. Your grandpaa does not remember how many months that he, your grandmaa, Harriet, Dee, Tommy and Susan went door to door sharing the ‘Four Spiritual Law’ booklet other than it had to have been at least six months. Your grandpaa does remembers though the first time that a guy made a decision of faith with him after your grandpaa had shared the ‘Four Spiritual Laws’ booklet with him in his home. When your grandpaa got back to the house where he and your grandmaa lived and where everyone met before going out to share the ‘Four Spiritual Law’ booklet and where everyone returned to after . . . to share their experiences, your grandpaa – as he was recounting what took place that evening, said that the guy got on his hands and knees when he prayed the prayer that is in the ‘Four Spiritual Law’ booklet – which everyone thought was funny. Your grandpaa will never forget though how blessed that he felt that evening after the guy had made a profession of faith.

Jesus one day told seventy-two guys that He wanted them to go in pairs ahead of Him to wherever they were going, that they were to share the faith that they had in Him as God the Son with guys in whatever town that they stopped and that they were not to take with them a bag, purse or sandals. Jesus gave the seventy-two guys – as they went ahead of Him in pairs, the authority to heal any guy, gal or kid who was sick who was living in the houses where they were invited in to spend the night. Jesus told the seventy-two guys – as they went ahead of Him in pairs, that they were to go into a town, knock on the door of a house in the town and if the guy who owned the house refused to let them stay in his house for the night, the pair of guys were to ‘shake the dust off their feet’ and go on to the next house. The seventy-two guys were to be like harvesters who were going into a ripened field of grain – or like a field that was ready to be harvested. The ripened harvest fields today are God’s specially elected guys, gals and kid who He specially chose for Himself before He created planet Earth to be His adopted kids. Jesus told each pair of guys to warn the guy in whose house that they stayed with that he needed to make a profession of faith in God the Son – Jesus, as God the Father’s kingdom was very close to happening. This ‘training’ that Jesus had His disciples go through Luke recorded in the book that goes by his name – in Luke 10.

When the seventy-two guys got back together with Jesus, they were an excited bunch of dudes. The guys had sensed the authority that had been given to them by Jesus – which was an authority to defeat their enemy Satan, as they went ahead of Him to the places where He was going to stop and visit. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know from experience how rewarding it feels after having shared their faith in God the Son – Jesus, with a guy, gal or kid who has never made a decision of faith to believe in what God the Son – Jesus, did on the cross on which He shed His blood to cleanse the sins from the life of the guy, gal or kid who God – God the Father had elected before He created planet Earth to be one of adopted kids and where He died to defeat the penalty of death for the guy, gal or kid. Jesus was pleased with how the seventy-two guys were feeling when they met up with Him again. Jesus told the seventy-two guys that guys and gals who had accepted them that they were His heralds because they believed like little kids in what they were telling them. Jesus also reminded the seventy-two guys what is in verse 20, “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”” Your grandpaa ultimately knows that God’s purpose for having him on planet Earth is so that God can glorify Himself through him.

Luke 10 (433)