“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
~ Luke 15:7


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you use an anecdote, a metaphor and/or a narrative when you try to explain something to another kid, to your teacher and/or to your dad? Your grandpaa uses anecdotes, metaphors and narratives when he teaches. Jesus used anecdotes, metaphors and stories to help explain the Good News to guys, gals and kids. Anecdotes, metaphors and stories that Jesus used to help explain the Good News to guys, gals and kids are called parables. Doctor Luke recorded three parables in what is now Luke 15 that Jesus used to teach guys, gals and kids. Jesus told these three parables to the guys, gals and kids to help them understand the burst of joy that takes place in heaven after a guy, gal or kid has been led by God – as God the Spirit, to and through what your grandpaa calls the faith/grace door. To visually illustrate what Jesus taught in the three parables, your grandpaa will draw a balloon on a whiteboard to show how a guy, gal or kid who is spiritually lost is led to and through the faith/grace door by God – as God the Spirit, when he or she has made a decision of faith – believing in what Jesus did when Jesus sacrificed His life for him or her on a cross. Ask your dad or ma to draw a balloon on a piece of paper. Ask your dad or ma to write ‘lost’ in places outside the balloon, ‘found’ on the balloon, and ‘faith/grace door’ on where air is blown into the balloon. Ask your dad or ma to draw guy, gal and kid stick figures in the lost areas outside the balloon and on the balloon. The guy, gal and kid stick figures who your dad or ma drew in the lost areas that are outside the balloon are guys, gals and kids who are totally lost in a world that is completely polluted with unconfessed sins and where there is no hope. The guy, gal and kid stick figures who your dad and ma drew on ‘in’ the balloon are guys, gals and kids who were with the guidance of God – as God the Spirit, led to and through the faith/grace door into a Christ-follower hope filled community that has been wiped clean of sin by and through Jesus’ blood.

The three parables that Jesus taught augments your grandpaa’s balloon visual. Jesus knew when He was living on planet Earth who the guys, gals and kids were who were lost. Jesus used the three parables to explain the difference between a lost guy, gal and kid with a found guy, gal and kid. Jesus used an example of one sheep being lost out of a hundred sheep and how desperately a shepherd will look for his lost sheep and how happy that the shepherd will be when he finds his lost sheep. Jesus used an example of one silver coin being lost out of ten coins and how a gal will diligently look for the coin and how happy the gal will be when she finds her one lost coin. Jesus used an example of a young guy wanting his inheritance from his dad – then wasting his inheritance doing evil things, then having to care for and eat with pigs in order to survive and then deciding to go back home where he found his dad waiting for him with open arms. In the parable of the lost sheep, ninety-nine sheep had already gone through the faith/grace gate into the corral where they were being guarded by the shepherd. In the parable of the lost coin, nine coins had already gone through the faith/grace slot into the box where they were being cared for by the gal. In the parable of the prodigal son, the dad had already gone through the faith/grace door. When the dad passed by the cross that is at the entrance of the faith/grace door, he was given a forgiving spirit that he used when his son returned.

Jesus concludes his lost sheep parable by saying that the shepherd called all his friends and neighbors together to celebrate finding his one lost sheep. Jesus describes the found sheep in His parable as a found sinner who has repented of his or her sins. Jesus uses the shepherd’s joyful celebration party in verse 7 to exemplify what takes place in heaven immediately after a guy, gal or kid arrives at and passes through the faith/grace door, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Jesus concludes his lost coin parable by saying that the gal called all her friends and neighbors together to celebrate her finding her one lost coin. Jesus describes the found coin in His parable as a found sinner who has repented of his or her sins. Jesus says that heaven’s angels will begin to joyously celebrate every time a guy, gal or kid passes through the faith/grace door into the growing community of Christ-follower guys, gals and kids – which is the church or the body of Christ. Jesus concludes His prodigal son parable by saying that the prodigal son’s dad celebrating with a feast his prodigal son’s repentance at the moment when his lost son returned to his home is an example of what is taking place in heaven when a guy, gal or kid has God – as God the Spirit, lead him or her through the faith/grace door that God – as God the Father, had unreservedly opened for him or her to pass through. Jesus in this parable tells the guys, gals and kids that every single repentant sinner who passed through the faith/grace door, will receive a robe of distinction, a signet ring of authority and sandals of acceptance from God plus God will have a fatted calf killed just for him or her. Where are your lives today? Are your lives outside the balloon that your dad or ma drew on a piece of paper or are your lives inside the balloon? If you know that your lives are still outside the balloon, your grandpaa hopes that God – as God the Spirit, will lead you to and through the grace/faith door to receive the gift of eternal life.

Luke 15 (752)