“With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles: he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?”
~ Numbers 12:8


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you have a critical spirit? Are you fault-finding of your dad? Are you disapproving of your ma? Are you judgmental of your teachers? Are you disparaging of your pastor? A critical spirit’s playing ground is the mind of a guy, gal or kid. A critical spirit wants to get a guy, gal or kid to demean or devalue another guy, gal and/or kid. A critical spirit will use the tongue and/or body language of a guy, gal or kid to do its task of being a minion or gofer for Satan. A critical spirit wants to wreck a relationship that a guy has between another guy, that a gal has between another gal, that a kid has between another kid, that a guy has between a gal, that a guy has between a kid and that a gal has between a kid. A critical spirit wants to wreck a relationship between a husband and his wife, between a dad and his kid or kids, between a ma and her kid or kids, between bros, between sisters and between a bro and a sis. A critical spirit will use a guise constructive spirit to give a guy, gal or kid a presumed license to ‘try to help’ another guy, gal and/or kid. A critical spirit uses a gossip spirit to sneak into a mind of a guy, gal or kid. A critical spirit will use a failure spirit to try to tell a guy, gal or kid that he or she is a better guy, gal or kid than the guy, gal or kid who has messed up. A guy, gal or kid who has had a critical spirit take residence in his or her mind so that it can harass and taunt him or her will beg to be around other guys, gals and kids who also have a critical spirit messing with his or her mind. Do you know a kid – or a guy or gal, who has a critical spirit? A guy, gal or kid who has kept critical spirits at bay by using the hedge of protection that God – as God the Spirit, uses to surround a guy, gal or kid who has made a decision of faith – who have passed through the faith/grace door into the community of Christ-follower guys, gals and kids that is constantly growing, because of believing what Jesus – as God the Son, did for him or her when He allowed His body to be hung on and nailed to a cross so that His blood would be a ransom payment for his or her sins and so that His death would defeat death so eternal life with God – as God the Father, in heaven can be realized, will sense a ‘red flag’ being around a guy, gal or kid who has a critical spirit messing with his or her mind.

Aaron and Miriam had critical spirits invade their minds. The critical spirits that got into the minds of Aaron and Miriam had them criticizing their bro – Moses, for marrying a Cushite people group gal. The patriarch of the Cushite people group was Cush. Cush was Ham’s oldest kid. Ham was Noah’s youngest kid. Cushite people group guys and gals lived in the southern Nile valley. Cushite guys and gals were dark skinned. Cushite people group guys and gals lived in countries and land areas like Egypt, Ethiopia, Libya, and even Canaan. Cushite people group guys and gals were not God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals. Moses married a Midianite people group gal before he married the Cushite people group gal. Your grandpaa wonders why Moses would not have wanted to marry an Israelite people group gal but . . . your grandpaa is not going to let a critical spirit let him criticize Moses. The Numbers Book editor recounts in Numbers 12 what happened when Aaron and Miriam began to criticize their bro for having married a Cushite people group gal. Aaron and Miriam got a call from God. God called down to Miriam, Aaron and Moses from where He was in the cloud pillar that He was using to lead the Israelite people group of guys and gals to the land area that He was giving them to always to have to live in as their very own land. When God called Aaron and Miriam, they were in the Tent of Meetings with Moses. Just as soon as Aaron, Miriam and Moses stepped out of the Tent of Meetings, the presence of God appeared at the entrance to the Tent of Meetings. God appeared to Aaron, Miriam and Moses as a theophany or divine manifestation. Aaron and Miriam were told by a very angry God to step forward towards Him. God remained in His cloud pillar when He confronted Aaron and Miriam at the entrance of the Tent of Meetings. Verse 8 has God explaining to Aaron and Miriam the kind of relationship that He has with their bro, “With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles: he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?”” To punctuate how mad that He felt about how Aaron and Miriam had been maligning and vilifying their bro because their bro had married a Cushite people group gal, God caused Miriam to become a leper

Satan has tasked his critical spirit lackeys to get into minds of guys, gals and kids to set criticism mines. When a criticism mine is set off – which is when a guy, gal or kid says something critical about another guy, gal or kid, the criticism blast will give that guy, gal or kid a physiological, psychological and emotional bruise and/or scar. When a criticism mine is detonated – which is when a guy, gal or kid says something critical to or about another guy, gal and kid, God is being told that His unfolding, preordained plan for that guy, gal or kid is imperfect – that He has made a mistake in the life of that guy, gal or kid. A critical spirit’s job is to push God’s hot button. It took Moses’ pleading to God to take the leprosy spirit from off of Miriam before God would relent to tell Moses what Miriam had to do to become leprosy free. Miriam first had to spend seven days outside the Israelite people groups campsite – suffering in humiliating disgrace for what a critical spirit had prompted her to do. Do you think that God is mean? When you feel a critical spirit trying to get inside your mind, God is having you to experience a life test which He expects you to pass – which you will if you trust God to keep the critical spirit away from you. Because your grandpaa struggles with being criticized by a guy, gal or kid, that at times stops your grandpaa from criticizing another guy, gal or kid.

Numbers 12 (802)