“But if a man who is ceremonially clean and not on a journey fails to celebrated the Passover, that person must be cut off from his people because he did not present the LORD’s offering at the appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.”
~ Numbers 9:13


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you think that life was like 3500 years ago for a kid whose dad and ma had been specially chosen by God to be among the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids? The Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids were and are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. Do you think that you would be living in a house? Do you think that you would be going to school? Do you think that your dad and ma would have a car? You would not be living in a house. You would not be going to school. Your dad and ma would not have a car. If you were a kid who was living about 3500 years ago and if your dad and ma were from one the Israelite people groups’ clans of guys, gals and kids, you would be in the Sinai Desert. Do you think that you would be 3500 years ago having a good time if you were in the Sinai Desert? A desert can get unbearably hot. You would have to move with your dad and ma whenever God wanted your dad and ma to move. You would have to spend forty years in the Sinai Desert because a lot of God’s specially chosen guys and gals decided not to be obedient to God because they thought that God had made a mistake having them leave Egypt. God’s specially chosen guys and gals had been okay with living in Egypt. God’s specially chosen guys and gals were okay with worshipping the same wood, stone and metal gods that the Egyptian guys and gals worshipped. Kids who were your age about 3500 years ago would not have had a TV to watch or a computer to play games on or a school to go to to learn. If you were kids living 3500 years ago and your dad and ma were from an Israelite people group clan of guys, gals and kids, you would have had over a very short time everything change in your lives. You may have been born in Egypt. Your dad would have been doing what Egyptian slave drivers told him to do. Then bizarre events began to happen. Your dad and ma were told that it was time for their people group of guys, gals and kids to begin an exodus to a land area that was called Canaan that had been promised to them years before by God through their patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Each time though when it seemed that your dad and ma could leave for the land that had been promised to them, the Egyptian Pharaoh would decide that you, your dad and ma and . . . could not leave Egypt. After more inexplicable occurrences majorly affected Egyptian guys and gals, the Egyptian Pharaoh finally said enough and he let God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids leave Egypt for the Promised Land.

Do you know what finally made the Egyptian Pharaoh capitulate to letting the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids leave Egypt? God had every single Israelite people group’s dads and mas kill a lamb on a certain night. The Israelite people group’s dads and mas on the night of the fourteenth of the first month sprinkled the blood of a lamb on the door jams of their houses. When the angel of death saw lamb’s blood on a house’s door jam on the night of the fourteenth of the first month, the angel of death knew that it was the home of an Israelite people group family. If the angel of death did not see blood on the door jam of a house that night, the angel of death knew that it was the home of an Egyptian family and the angel of death killed the Egyptian family’s oldest boy. The Israelite guys and gals were also to eat the meat of the lamb right at twilight. Twilight 3500 years ago was the end of a day. God’s specially chosen guys and gals were not to break any of the lamb’s bones when they ate the meat of the lamb. God in Numbers 9 tells His specially chosen guys and gals to always to remember that night that took place one year before when He had the angel of death kill the oldest boy in every Egyptian family. Dads and mas about 3500 years ago had been asked by God to remember what took place a year earlier by killing another lamb and eating the lamb after the lamb had been boiled with some bitter herbs. Dads and mas were to eat all the meat of the lamb by twilight and they were not to break any of the lamb’s bones. Dads and mas were also to eat bread at this time that was not made with yeast.

What took place 3500 years ago is still celebrated today – but in a different way. Have you been in church with your dad and ma when the Lord’s Supper was served? The Lord’s Supper originated about 2000 years ago to affirm a new belief norm. The Passover was the time when the angel of death passed over the houses where God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids lived and who had painted the blood of a lamb on their door jams. The Lord’s Supper today is a time to remember the blood sacrifice made by an incarnated man named Jesus who shed His blood on a cross for the sins of every guy, gal and kid who God especially elected before He created planet Earth. Right before Jesus was cruelly nailed to a cross to die, Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with his disciples. Jesus at this time told His disciples to begin to celebrate the Passover feast as a time to remember when He shed His blood on a cross instead of remembering the Passover feast as the time when a lamb was killed for its blood. What do you think will happen to a guy, gal or kid who decides that he or she does not want to do what God has asked him or her to do to remember what God had done for him or her? Verse 13 clearly says “But if a man who is ceremonially clean and not on a journey fails to celebrated the Passover, that person must be cut off from his people because he did not present the LORD’s offering at the appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.” If your grandmaa or grandpaa for one reason or another decide that they do not want to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, what would they be doing? Your grandmaa and grandpaa would be rejecting what God told them to do to celebrate His Son’s death.

Numbers 9 (183)