“For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.”
~ Proverbs 5:21


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you know how your grandmaa and grandpaa met? Do you know how your Uncle Chris and Aunt Lynn met? Do you know how your dad and ma met? Do you know how a guy will meet a gal who will be his wife one day? Do you know how a gal will meet a guy who will be her husband one day? Before God created planet Earth, God knew who He was going to have marry who. God still had your grandmaa, your grandpaa, your Uncle Chris, your Aunt Lynn, your dad and your ma feel as if they were making the decision as to who they would marry. God wants every guy to find the one special gal who he believes he is to marry. God wants every gal to have one special guy to pursue her to marry her. Do you know how a young guy finds that one special gal? It is always good to ask your dad and/or ma for their thoughts about who you marry. There are other guys and gals who you should ask for counsel when you think that you have found that one special gal or that one special guy has found you who you think that you really are to marry. You should ask your pastor, a real close friend and maybe a teacher what their thoughts are about you marrying the special gal who you believe you are to marry or about the special guy who believes that you are to be his wife. A guy can begin to pray for the gal who he believes that God will have him marry and a gal can begin to pray for the guy who she believes that she is to marry even though he or she will not probably meet that gal or guy for a long time. When your grandmaa and grandpaa went with a summer team to Colombia in 1976, your grandmaa and grandpaa became friends with several of the young guys and gals who went with your grandmaa and grandpaa to Barranquilla, Colombia. Something that the Colombia summer team leader did during the summer team’s time in Colombia, was to have each guy and gal pray every day with another guy or gal on the summer team. Your grandpaa one day had one of the young guys and one of the young gals come to him as Will andAileen wanted your grandpaa’s help to resolve a disagreement that they were having. Will and Aileen had just prayed together. Aileen had prayed for her future husband – even though Aileen did not know who the guy was going to be. Will thought it was silly for Aileen to pray for a guy who she did not already personally know. After your grandpaa thought about what he had been asked by Will and Aileen, your grandpaa decided that it is good for a gury to begin to pray for the gal who he will marry one day and for a gal to pray for the guy who the gal will marry one day even though the guy or the gal does not know who that gal or guy is. Will today is a pastor. Will married a very wonderful, supportive gal. Will and Rachelle have four kids. The guy who pursued Aileen and asked her to marry him became a pastor. Al and Aileen have three kids.

Do you know what the Bible teaches a guy and gal about who a guy and gal should marry? The Proverbs Book is a great teacher on the gal who a young guy should marry. Proverbs 5 talks about a young guy being careful as to who he asks to be his wife. Do you remember who wrote most of the Proverbs Book’s proverbs? The Proverbs Book is mostly made up of Solomon’s proverbs. Your grandpaa thinks that Solomon did not take getting married very seriously. Instead of marrying just one gal, Solomon ended up marrying hundreds of gals. When Solomon wrote proverbs that are in the Proverbs Book, Solomon knew that he had made some really bad choices as to who some of the gals were who he married. Solomon knew that he married some young gals who were not committed to being married to him. Solomon’s advice to young guys today – which he had learned from his own sad experiences, is to marry just one gal and that that gal must be a faithful gal who does not want to be with other guys. Solomon learned from his own many experiences that an unfaithful gal who wants to be with other guys instead of only being with him will cause all kinds of problems in a marriage. Solomon did not want any guy to come to the end of his life – as he was coming to the end of his life, wishing that he had listened to the advice of guys who had told him that what he was doing when he kept marrying gals – as well as living with more and more gals, was not right for him to do.

Your grandpaa, your Uncle Chris and your dad have been blessed with wonderful amazing spouses who want to live with the guy who they married. Your grandpaa knows that meeting your grandmaa was a God thing. If God had not led your grandmaa to go to her pastor to ask for his counsel as to what Bible College he would suggest that she attend, your grandmaa would never have heard about a college in Sioux Center, Iowa called Dordt College and your grandpaa would never have met your grandmaa. Your grandpaa was not looking for a young gal to marry when he left home to go to Dordt College. Your grandpaa remembers the first time when he spotted your grandmaa. Your grandmaa was walking down the steps to the cafeteria at Dordt College just as your grandpaa walked past the railing above the steps. Your grandpaa remembers thinking then that your grandmaa looked more intriguing than any other gal who he had ever seen. Your grandpaa knew that when he married your grandmaa that he was marrying a gal who had was beautiful physically. Your grandpaa though did not have a clue that when he married your grandmaa how really beautiful internally your grandmaa was and is. God knew that your grandpaa needed a wife who would be totally committed to be his lifetime helpmate. Solomon, in verse 21, says “For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.” It is easy to forget that God’s eyes are always on every guy, gal and kid on planet Earth. Your grandpaa knows that God gave him a wife who has really helped him live a Christ-follower life.

Proverbs 5 (117)