“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
~ Psalm 90:12


Hi James and Ellen,

How would you like to have to wander in a hot, barren desert for forty years? How do you think that Moses felt having to wander in a hot, barren desert for forty years? Psalm 90 is a psalm song that Moses scribed. Moses scribed this psalm song as a way to talk with his Father God during the forty year desert banishment that was not of his doing. God chose Moses to be the guy to lead His specially chosen guys and gals out of Egypt – where they were enslaved by Egyptian guys, to a land that He told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . when Moses scribed this psalm song, God had become very displeased with the lack of confidence that His specially chosen guys and gals had in Him – for not trusting in Him to be there for them to help them purge out the people groups’ guys and gals who had taken over this land area where 400 to 500 years earlier their ancestors – the families of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, had lived. When Moses scribed this psalm song, he knew that his Father God had been merciful to him and to the over two million specially chosen guys, gals and kids who he was accountable and responsible for to lead. Moses scribed this psalm song as a prayer to his Father God – asking God for continued compassion while thanking God for what He had done for him and for His specially chosen guys and gals. Moses totally understood why his Father God had to use His rod of wrath on His specially chosen guys and gals when he put a death sentence on every guy – except for Joshua, Caleb and himself, and gal who were twenty years old and older to die over the forty years in the hot, barren desert. Moses totally understood that his Father God was teaching His specially chosen guys and gals to have complete confidence in Him to always to be there to help them. Moses had become concerned about how melancholy or how sad and depressed that God’s specially chosen guys and gals had become. God’s specially chosen guys and gals were in a dismal state at this time. They were feeling defeated and beaten from God’s aggrieved anger. Moses used this psalm song to plead with God to give His specially chosen guys and gals reason to be happy, to be joyful, to feel blessed and to give value to what His specially chosen guys and gals were doing. Moses totally knew that God’s anger against His specially chosen guys and gals was warranted yet he still had the faith to believe that God’s unfailing love for His specially chosen guys and gals would ultimately have them in the land that He had told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . .

Moses was a realist – a pragmatist. Moses had an intimate relationship with his Father God. Moses absolutely knew that God’s existence as an eternal Being has no beginning. Moses absolutely knew that his existence as a human being on planet Earth could not be compared to God’s existence as an eternal Being. Moses purports in his psalm song that the time that an earthly being has on planet Earth may be about as long as a day or a watch in the night compared to a thousand years of God’s existence as the eternal Being. Moses also absolutely knew that when he would die that his Father God would return him to the dust from which He had created mankind. Moses wanted his Father God to do what he wrote in verse 12, “Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” How do you live your lives? What do you do with every minute of your lives? How much time each day do you waste the time that God is giving you on yourself versus giving the time back to God as a way to thank Him?

You will as you are growing older have ‘forty year’ desert experiences. Your Father God needs to discipline you or give you life lessons that will teach you to dwell, trust and have faith in Him. Your Father God needs to discipline you or give you life lessons so that you will have a real understanding of the power of His wrath or anger and what life is like without having Him in your lives ordering your lives. You Father God needs to discipline you or give you life lessons so that you can innately grasp the reality of Him as being the one and the only eternal Being Who is the creator and controller of all things. Knowing your Father God’s love will lead you to want to talk with Him in an interactive way just as Moses does in this psalm song that he scribed. Even though the God assigned time that a guy, gal or kid has on planet Earth is infinitesimal or minute compared to God’s eternal Being existence, there is no reason why kids – like you kids, cannot fill your days with activities that bring honor and glory to Who has created you and everything else. Your Father God wants you to each day have a time of quality rest or sleep. Your Father God wants you to each day obtain knowledge and wisdom. Your Father God wants you to each day talk with Him all day long as if He is sitting right next to you or walking besides you as you go about doing whatever it is that He has you doing. How often and for how long do you talk each day with your Father God? Your grandmaa and grandpaa are praying that your Father God is talking with you and that you are hearing Him tell you to always talk with Him about anything and everything. If there is one thing that your grandmaa and grandpaa know that they could do more of, it is talking with their Father God. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that their Father God hears their prayers and answers their prayers. Have you ever had one of your prayers answered by your Father God? Do you ever have intense discussions with your Father God? Your grandpaa had a professor once who was an admitted Marist who believed that if a guy or gal did not have something that he or she believed so strongly in that he or she would die for it, that the guy or gal had no real reason for living. Are you willing to die to defend your faith in your Father God? Moses is telling you in his psalm song to always lay out your concerns directly with your Father God.

Psalm 90 (481)