“Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.”
~ Revelation 22:11


Hi James and Ellen,

If you were to ever write a book, how would you begin and end your book? The Bible is a single book that is made up of sixty-six smaller books. The first part of the Bible is the Old Testament. The Old Testament is composed of thirty-nine smaller books. The second part of the Bible is the New Testament. The New Testament is composed of twenty-seven smaller books. Have you learned all the names of the Bible’s small books and are you able to recite them to your dad and/or ma in the order that they are in the Bible? Moses authored the first five books of the Bible. These books are known as the Pentateuchal books as well as the Torah. Well over a thousand years after Moses scribed or had the Pentateuch scribed, a prophet – Ezra, and a wine taster – Nehemiah, wrote accounts about their returns to the city of Jerusalem that became books in the Bible that are named after their names, to see to it – in Ezra’s case, that the temple of God that had been located in the city of Jerusalem and which had been razed by the Babylonian army was restored and then – in Nehemiah’s case, to see to it that the city of Jerusalem’s walls which had been destroyed by the Babylonian army were rebuilt. Well over four hundred years later, John Mark – who your grandpaa calls the ‘midnight reporter’, was possibly the first to write about the life and death of God the Son – Jesus. The last of the New Testament’s twenty-seven books was written less than fifty years later. Apostle John – one of the twelve guys who Jesus chose to follow Him as disciples to teach, mentor, coach, train . . . scribed the Bible’s last small book – which is the Revelation Book. The five books that Moses scribed or had scribed are about the history of what life was like four to six thousand years ago on planet Earth, about the norms of a new belief paradigm that God expected His specially chosen guys and gals to obediently adhere to and about the lives of God’s specially chosen guys and gals as they trekked to and were about to enter into the land that God had told them they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . because God’s specially chosen guys and gals disobeyed and abandoned the new belief paradigm that God had told them that He expected them to live out – which was centered around sacrifices – including animals, and laws that He gave to them through Moses – and if they did not, that He would have to . . ., it was in God’s predestined plan before He created planet Earth to replace this belief paradigm with another belief system – one in which He as God the Son implemented when He was hung on and nailed to a crude wood cross to suffer so that His poured out blood would cover the sins of His specially elected guys, gals and kids and where His death would give victory over death for His specially elected guys, gals and kids when they make a decision of faith to accept what He did for them. The Bible’s very last chapter – Revelation 22, paints a picture of a new Eden. The new Eden – which will be heaven, will have a river of the water of life flowing through it. This river of the water of life will be crystal clear. This river of the water of life will flow from the throne of God and of the Lamb – Who is Jesus as God the Son. This river of the water of life will flow down the middle of the great street in Heaven’s Eternal City. A tree of life will be both sides of this river of water. This tree of life – which will be growing on both sides of the river of the water of life, will grow twelve crops of fruit – a crop of fruit for each of the twelve months of a year. The Bible’s very last chapter in the very last small book in the Bible is all about what life will be like for God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids after they have put their faith and their trust in God – believing that He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, and after God has sent an angel or Himself as God the Son – Jesus, to planet Earth to take everyone to heaven to be with Him from that moment on to always.

What do you think that it is going to be like for you to be in heaven? What is it like for you right now to be living on planet Earth? There is now both literal and figurative darkness on planet Earth. Literal darkness is night. There will be no night in Heaven’s Eternal City. God’s shining, divine presence alone will always be more than sufficient to give enough light in Heaven’s Eternal City so that there will be no need for the sun to shine for there to be daylight or for a guy or gal to have to use a lantern to see at night. Figurative darkness is sin. There will be absolutely no sin in Heaven’s Eternal City. The leaves of the tree of life – which is on the edge of the river of the water of life, will heal God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids so that the black, dark curse of sin will not keep them from being taken to Heaven’s Eternal City by God’s angel or by Himself as God the Son – Jesus.

An angel of God nearly two thousand years ago showed Apostle John the Revelation Book’s words to write When Apostle John finished writing down the words of this apoplectic book, Apostle John wondered when what he had written down would happen. Apostle John was told by the angel – who had shown him the Revelation Book’s words to write, that the time was near when the words would be fulfilled. Your grandpaa wonders now – as other guys have ever since Apostle John’s divine encounter with an angel of God on the Isle of Patmos, that that moment that Apostle John was shown to write about by an angel of God is really close now to taking place. The angel of God told Apostle John in verse 11, “Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.” There is nothing that can or will change God’s constantly unfolding plan that He had in place before He began to unfurl His universe. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are really looking forward to the moment when they arrive in Heaven’s Eternal City.

Revelation 22 (427)