“Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne.”
~ Revelation 8:3


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you enjoying the onset of another spring? Spring is the time of the year when new life emerges. Trees begin putting out another finery of green leaves, buds begin opening up into another kaleidoscope of multihued blooms and warming weather begins again curing cabin fever. Of the four seasons in a year, your grandpaa enjoys spring the most. A life and the four seasons in a year have similarities. Spring would be the time of a life beginning. Summer would be the time of a life maturing. Fall would be the time of a life working. Winter would be the time of a life ending. The orb – or planet, that God has guys, gals and kids living on may have seasons of existence. Your grandpaa believes that God formed planet Earth about six thousand years ago pretty much the way that planet Earth is today. Your grandpaa thinks though that it is possible that God created something millions of years before He recreated this something into what today defines planet Earth’s uniqueness. Your grandpaa is convinced that before God began unfolding anything regarding planet Earth, angels existed. Lucifer was a head angel. Lucifer succumbed to pride resulting in Lucifer falling out of God’s grace. Instead of destroying Lucifer – who is known as Satan today, God is permitting Satan to use planet Earth as his playground. God is incomparably good. God though is allowing Satan to tempt every guy, gal and kid who is living today on planet Earth to do malicious, vile, perverted, atrocious things. God wants every guy, gal and kid who is living on planet Earth to feel and to learn the difference between what is bad and what is good. God is allowing Satan to influence guys, gals and kids to do bad things so that these guys, gals and kids will feel how awful it is to have done something that does not reflect His glory. The guys, gals and kids who God – before He formed planet Earth, chose to be His specially elected guys, gals and kids, will have God – as the Holy Spirit, constantly press on them to conform to do what He – as the Father, wants them to do.

God blessed you when – before He formed planet Earth, He ordained planet Earth life plans for you. God’s life plans on planet Earth for you have ends to them. But if God – as the Holy Spirit, has led you to make decisions of faith, God’s life plans for you will continue forever in heaven where you will reside with Him, with His Son – Jesus, with the good angels, with specially created beings and with all the saints – who are every guy, gal and kids who has already gone through death’s door directly into heaven. Your grandpaa believes that planet Earth is right now into its final season of existence. Spring to God would have been when He birthed planet Earth. Summer to God would have been when He showcased to every guy, gal and kid who was living on planet Earth His specially chosen guys, gals and kids – the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids. Fall to God would have been when He sent His Son to planet Earth to die for His specially elected guys, gals and kids who – before He formed planet Earth, He specially chose for Himself and for His Son. Winter to God will be when He brings to an end the lives of the wicked, corrupt, depraved, immoral guys, gals and kids who He did not choose before He formed planet Earth through destroying bit by bit planet Earth and these non-elected guys, gals and kids who will be living on planet Earth.

Apostle John – in his life’s winter, was exiled to an island called Patmos because he would not stop preaching to guys and gals the good news about Jesus. John talked a lot with God during his exile on Patmos. God had John see through visions what is going to take place during planet Earth’s winter season. A vision is like a dream. John wrote down what God had him see in the visions. John recounts the visions in his Revelation Book. Revelation is not an easy book to read and/or understand. Revelation should not be a scary book to read for the guys, gals and kids who God chose before He created planet Earth to be specially elected guys, gals and kids. John in Revelation 8 describes a number of horrific, dreadful things that are going to happen to planet Earth and to the guys, gals and kids who will be living on planet Earth during planet Earth’s winter. The terrible, awful things that are going to happen to planet Earth and to all the guys, gals and kids who God did not choose before He created planet Earth will be seen as awesome and amazing to the guys, gals and kids who made decisions of faith to believe in God’s Son – Jesus Christ. God’s forming and inhabiting planet Earth is to your grandpaa a blip in God’s never ending plan – that will include at the time of planet Earth’s demise, the end once and for all of Satan, Satan’s cohorts and the guys, gals and kids who God did not choose. God showed John through three series of seven dreadful events what He is going to do to planet Earth and to all the guys, gals and kids who are not His. The first set of events that God had John see involves seven seals, the second set of events involves seven trumpets and the third set of events involves seven bowls. The trumpets will be blown four times. Each time that the angels blow the trumpets, something awful will happen. God will send hail and fire to planet Earth with the first trumpets blowing. A third of the guys, gals and kids who are not His chosen guys, gals and kids will be destroyed. God will throw a mountain into the sea with the second trumpets blowing causing the sea to be turned into blood. A great star will fall to the earth with the third trumpets blowing. Each time the trumpets are blown, it will get worse but . . . verse 3 says, “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne.” The saints who are already in heaven are praying now that God will destroy the evil that is totally embedded throughout planet Earth. With the fourth trumpets blowing, God will take away a third of all light.

Revelation 8 (180)