“The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.”
~ Revelation 12:9


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you ready for planet Earth to be destroyed? God is going to one day completely destroy planet Earth. God may have begun the destruction of planet Earth seven years after He hurled a fiery red dragon out of heaven down to planet Earth. Planet Earth is the only place where the fiery red dragon can do what the fiery red dragon has been doing ever since God hurled the fiery red dragon – who is a fallen angel whose name was Lucifer – who is known today as Satan, out of heaven. When God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Apostle John to write in Revelation 12, your grandpaa thinks that Apostle John probably was really wondering what in the world God was having him scribe on onion skin or on sand script or on whatever Apostle John used to write the Revelation Book. Verse 9 talks about the fiery red dragon, “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” A guy or gal who focuses on future events is called an eschatologist. Your grandpaa is not into being an eschatologist. Ask your dad if he often contemplates or studies about the future as an eschatologist would. The final days of the fiery red dragon doing his thing on planet Earth are getting closer and closer.

Your grandpaa believes that God hurled the fiery red dragon out heaven down to planet Earth sometime after He created planet Earth where God let the fiery red dragon take on the form of a beautiful snake. In the vision that God gave to Apostle John while Apostle John was on the Isle of Patmos and which God had Apostle John recount in his Revelation Book, Apostle John saw the fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns. The seven heads may symbolize that the fiery red dragon has universal wisdom. Seven symbolizes a perfect number. Something that is symbolic means that it is figuratively or emblematically representative of something else such as the seven being symbolic of perfect wisdom. The number ten symbolizes total completeness. Since the number ten emblematically or figuratively represents something that is complete, the fiery red dragon’s ten horns may be symbolic of the kind of power that the fiery red dragon has. Even though God has already hurled the fiery red dragon and every one of the fiery red dragon’s angel cohorts out of heaven down to planet Earth – where the fiery red dragon and every one of the fiery red dragon’s angel cohorts are going to be totally defeated and then expunged from existence one day very soon by Michael – who is one of God’s mighty archangels, the fiery red dragon – who is the devil or Satan, has today universal wisdom and power. The devil or Satan – the fiery red dragon, was one unhappy being when God gave him the boot out of heaven. The devil or Satan – the fiery red dragon, never stops searching for guys, gals and kids or for something in God’s creation to take out his anger and frustrations while he is here on planet Earth. By the time that the devil or Satan – the fiery red dragon, believes that he has finally accomplished making planet Earth his domain, something unique will have already happened on planet Earth. The unique event is God’s specially chosen guys and gals having become reborn and having rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. God’s special chosen guys and gals will be symbolized as a gal who is dressed by the sun, has the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars in her hair. The gal will be symbolic – or emblematically or figuratively representative, of the Messianic community of guys and gals. The Messianic community of guys and gals at this time will be all the Jews who will be living in the city of Jerusalem and throughout the country of Israel. The twelve stars are symbolic – or emblematically or figurative representative, of the twelve tribal clans that make up the Israelite people group of guys, gals and kids.

Your grandpaa really does not know how the last years of planet Earth’s existence are going to unfold. Per what is written in the Revelation Book – through what God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Apostle John to write, there is going to be a period of probably seven years when planet Earth is going to experience happenings that have never ever been experienced before on planet Earth. The first event that seems like it will probably take place is God sending Himself – as God the Son, back to planet Earth – where God – as God the Son, will rule over the Messianic community of guys and gals with an iron scepter for 1,260 days or three and a half years. Once the 1,260 days or three and a half years have come to an end, God – as God the Father, will have Himself – as God the Son, return to heaven. It is at this time when Michael the archangel and his angel buddies will defeat the fiery red dragon and his cohorts in heaven and hurl them all down to planet Earth where God the Father will have brought back together again His specially chosen guys and gals to the city of Jerusalem and to Israel to live as a Messianic community of guys and gals. By this time the fiery red dragon – the devil or Satan, will think that he can completely destroy the Messianic community of guys and gals. God will have the Messianic community of guys, gals and kids head for a desert – to a place that He has prepared for His Messianic community of guys, gals and kids. These guys, gals and kids will be the guys, gals and kids who God specially elected for Himself before He created and placed planet Earth in an orbit around a sun. God is then going to leave these guys, gals and kids on planet Earth for another 1,260 days or three and a half years. God will give these specially elected guys, gals and kids spiritual protection from a very frustrated, angry fiery red dragon – the devil or Satan. Just as God is going to protect His Messianic community of guys, gals and kids during the last 1,260 days of planet Earth’s existence, God is always going to be there for you.

Revelation 12 (373)