“How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!”
~ Song of Songs 7:6


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you think that you will ever experience what it is like to become madly in love? How do you think that you would feel if you were to ever experience what it is like to become madly in love? Ask your dad how he felt when he became madly in love with your ma. When a guy becomes madly in love with a gal, the guy sees the gal being so absolutely beautiful that he just cannot stop looking at the gal. When a guy becomes madly in love with a gal, the guy sees the gal being so utterly exquisite that the only thing that he wants to do is to just be with the gal. Solomon became madly in love with a gal. The gal became madly in love with Solomon. A guy – likely Solomon, wrote a love song about the love that he had for a gal and for the love that the gal had for him. This love song is known as the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon. Song of Songs 7 is the guy describing the unbounded physical beauty that he sees in the gal who he loves. The guy begins with describing the gal’s feet, then her legs, then her stomach, then her waist, then . . . becoming madly in love is something that is totally normal that will invariably happen in your lives. God created guys to see gals as being inherently different than who they are. God embedded in guys an urge to pursue a gal who he might become madly in love with and to have her be one with him for the rest of his life. Your grandpaa became madly in love with your grandmaa. When your grandpaa looks at your grandmaa, your grandpaa by how he sees your grandmaa can easily apply how the author of the Song of Songs describes the gal with whom he became madly in love. Your grandpaa unequivocally believes that God – in His divine, supernatural way, has given your grandmaa to him as a very special, fascinating and intriguing gift that He wants your grandpaa to unwrap every single day for the rest of his life.

Guys and gals today are encouraging gals to play in the same sporting events that guys play – having the gals play alongside the guys who are on the team of the sport being played. Guys and gals today are encouraging gals to become international leaders – having the gals lead alongside the guys who are international leaders. Guys and gals today are encouraging gals to prepare to fight in battles – having the gals fight alongside the guys who are soldiers. Do you think that a gal when she is in high school should play with guys in the sporting events that the guys play? Do you think a gal when she joins the workforce should take on a leadership position over guys? Do you think that a gal when she is old enough to enlist to be soldier should fight in battles where guys need to depend on whom they are fighting with to keep them from being killed? Do you think that God created gals to be different than guys? Can you think of ways that God created gals to be different from guys? God created guys to be physically different than gals. God created guys to be emotionally different than gals. A guy senses innately a need to care for gals. A guy senses innately a need to protect gals. A gal senses innately a need for a guy to protect her. A gal senses innately a need for a guy who is willing to take on the headship of her home and over her life. A gal senses innately when a guy sees her as being uniquely attractive in how God has exclusively created her specifically for him.

Do you think that because there are now guys and gals who are doing all that they can to have gals become players on sports teams that have always been made up of just guys, should guys do all that they can now to become players on sports teams that have always been made up of just gals? Do you think that because the United States has never had a gal President and because there are now guys and gals who are doing all that they can do to have a gal become the President of the United States that guys and gals should now vote for a gal to be the President of the United States? Do you think as battalions of soldiers are now fighting desperate battles to topple a despot in Iraq that because there are now guys and gals who are doing all that they can to open up military options to gals, that these battalions should have an equal number of gal soldiers in them? The Song of Songs author – as he penned his interacting song between himself and a gal, was not looking at a gal who was really good at sports or who was a great leader or who fought in battles; he was looking at a gal who was soft, tender, caring and extremely beautiful. How do you think that a gal attracts a guy to see her as being soft, tender, caring and extremely beautiful? Do you think that a gal attracts a guy to see her as being soft, tender, caring and extremely beautiful through her physical abilities, personality, leadership and/or dominance or do you think that a gal attracts a guy though how she feels about herself as she connects with the guy who is looking at her as a little puppy dog is looking at his or her master? Your grandpaa knows that when a guy becomes madly in love with a gal that he will want to say to the gal what verse 6 says, “How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!” When a gal feels the passionate love and undivided adoration of a guy, a gal just cannot help herself but to want to love the guy back. Your grandpaa believes that it is up to the guy to begin the circle of love that is between a guy and gal who want to be together for the rest of their lives. This begins when a guy cannot take his eyes off of a gal who he sees as being soft, tender, caring and extremely beautiful. Gals physically interacting with guys on a sports field, dominating guys as leaders over them and protecting guys in battle is not why God created Eve for Adam. Your grandpaa can picture the author of Song of Songs looking at the gal who he became madly in love with because your grandpaa often finds himself looking at your grandmaa in the same way. The greatest earthly gift that God will ever give you will be your spouse.

Song of Songs 7 (354)