“Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel mourned for him and buried him in his own town of Ramah. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land.”
~ 1 Samuel 28:3


Hi James and Ellen,

How many worlds do you think there are? There is a world that you can see and worlds that you cannot see. Your spiritual enemy moves about in the world that you can see. Your spiritual enemy goes by the name of Satan. Satan and evil are synonymous. Your spiritual enemy also lives in a world that you cannot see. Satan’s gofers or minions – who are evil spirits, go where Satan sends them in a world that you cannot see. Even though the world that you can see and a world that you cannot see are Satan’s worlds today, God – through His divine sovereignty, will always have total control over these worlds. God’s will has Him allowing Satan to use his evil spirits to serve up evil in these worlds. If God – before He created planet Earth, did not choose you to be His specially elected kids, then you are destined to reject God’s existence. If God – before He created planet Earth, chose you as His specially elected kids, you will have an innate hunger to do what is right and good in God’s eyes. If you are Satan’s kids, you will have an innate urge to do what is wrong and evil to please Satan. God at times though will allow Satan’s gofers and minions to prompt His specially elected guys, gals and kids to do what is wrong and evil in His eyes so that they will be able to internalize and to appreciate wholeheartedly His unmerited mercy towards them and His unfailing love for them. God – as the Holy Spirit, will lead them to confess to Him what they did wrong or what evil they did. God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids are confident that God will forgive them when they confess to Him what they did was wrong or evil. They know that God will do this because God has promised that He will forgive the guys, gals and kids who He especially elected if they confess to Him what they have done wrong or evil. There are guys, gals and kids who God did not choose before He created planet Earth to be His specially elected guys, gals and kids but who still live good lives and do good things. No matter how good a guy, gal or kid tries to be and no matter how many good things a guy, gal or kid does, if that guy, gal or kid is not led by God’s grace to make a decision of faith to believe in His Son – Jesus Christ, that guy, gal or kid will never ever come to know God’s mercy and love.

There is another world. This world is God’s world. God’s world is known as heaven. Heaven is a place of peace and joy. What is happening today in the world that you can see and in which you are living in right now? There are people groups and countries everywhere on planet Earth who are warring. There are guys, gals and kids living everywhere who are murdering. There are pregnant gals everywhere who are aborting their babies. There are horrific diseases everywhere that are devastating lives. There are guys, gals and kids everywhere who are thinking only of themselves. There will never be the kind of joy and peace on planet Earth that will be experienced by God’s specially elected guys, gals or kids when they are called home to heaven. The world that you can see and in which you are living is a frightening world. When you are scared, what do you do? Your grandpaa is sure that you run to your ma and/or to your dad for their help when you are scared. God wants you to run to Him when you are scared. God’s will is to help the guys, gals and kids who He chose for Himself before He created planet Earth to be His specially elected guys, gals and kids. God will not help the guys, gals and kids who He did not choose for Himself before He created planet Earth to be His specially chosen guys, gals and kids. 1 Samuel 28 reports about a king who wanted God’s help but because he was not someone who God chose before He created planet Earth to be one of His specially chosen guys, God did not help him. The king’s name was Saul. God stopped helping Saul when Saul chose to go to one of Satan’s minions for help instead of going to Him for help. Satan has minions on planet Earth who are called mediums. A medium may have the capability to talk to a guy, gal or kid who has died. Saul hoped that the medium who he went to who lived in Endor could talk to a guy who had died. Verse 3 says “Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel mourned for him and buried him in his own town of Ramah. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land.” Saul hoped that this medium would through her spirit world connections connect him with Samuel. When Samuel was alive, Saul would go to Samuel for help. Samuel was a prophet. Samuel and God talked. Samuel was one of God’s specially chosen guys who God chose before He created planet Earth. When Samuel was alive, Samuel probably leaned on Saul to get rid of all the mediums and spiritists. The medium who lived in Endor is an example of the evil which always stays around you no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. Saul really wanted to know what would happen to him. The Philistines – who were God’s special chosen people’s very worst enemy on planet Earth, were getting ready to fight against Saul and his army. You spiritual enemy – Satan, wants you to go to his minions on this earth for help. Saul chose to go to an enemy of God – a medium, for an answer. Because Saul did this, what do you think God allowed Satan to do to Saul? Your grandpaa will tell you that answer some other day.

About two blocks from the office where your grandmaa and grandpaa work in here in Guatemala, there is a spiritist church. About half of the guys, gals and kids who are living here in Guatemala are Mayans. Mayans grow up knowing about a spirit world. Little kids grow up seeing sacrifices being made to spirits. There were guys in Bolivia near where your grandmaa and grandpaa lived at the rural resident training center who were recognized as witchdoctors. There are guys and gals today who wear amulets which they believe will bring them good luck. Your grandmaa and grandpaa know that their spiritual enemy will be defeated by God when they go to God for His help.

1 Samuel 28 (58)