“They demolished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal, and people have used it for a latrine to this day.”
~ 2 Kings 10:27


Hi James and Ellen,

A coup is an overthrow or takeover of a country’s government. Coups oftentimes involve a country’s military. There were several coups during the first four years that your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn were in Bolivia. Local radio stations would only play marching music as a coup was taking place in Bolivia. Because your grandpaa wanted to know what was taking place in Bolivia while a coup was taking place there, your grandpaa bought a citizen band radio. Your grandpaa would try to listen to whatever international news station – such as the Armed Forces Radio, HCJB and BBC, that he could get to try to find out what was taking place in Bolivia. Your grandpaa sometimes had a hard time hearing what was being said over an international news station because of the static and screeching that was caused by the reception that your grandpaa would get on his citizen band radio. The very first South American Mission summer team that your grandmaa and grandpaa led was in Santa Cruz when a coup took place. Just as soon as your grandpaa heard that a coup was taking place, your grandpaa contacted the South America Mission field team missionary where the summer team participants had been taken to hear about and see his ministry to have him immediately take the summer team participants to the house where your grandmaa and grandpaa were living. One of the gals who was on the summer team told your grandmaa and grandpaa later that the South America Mission field team missionary where the summer team had been taken to hear about and see his ministry had joked about all the Bolivian soldiers who were suddenly everywhere. This missionary had been on the South America Mission field missionary team for over twenty years. The summer team gal told your grandmaa and grandpaa that she was really nervous about being with a guy who did not seem to be all that concerned about what was taking place as he took the summer team participants from his house to the house where your grandmaa and grandpaa were living. Your grandpaa was not pleased at all with the missionary’s nonchalant attitude as . . .

There was a coup – at the time of the editing of this missive, over 2860 years ago in the land area of Israel. Joram – who was the king who was ruling over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel was deposed of or assassinated by Jehu. Jehu had political ambitions. Jehu’s agenda was to not just rule over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel; Jehu had been commissioned by Elijah to purge the land area of Israel of all the guys from Ahab’s extended family who were still living. Ahab – before he was killed, had been king for over thirty years over the guys and gals who lived in the land area of Israel. Joram was one of Ahab’s kids. After Jehu threw Joram’s dead body into Naboth’s field, Jehu began the task of completely expunging Ahab’s sons – and maybe grandsons, from planet Earth. Jehu knew that seventy of Ahab’s sons – and maybe grandsons, were being taken care of in Jezreel. Ahab’s palace – or home, had been located in Jezreel. Jehu sent a couple of letters to the officials who were living in Jezreel. Jehu’s first letter told the officials in Jezreel to choose one of Ahab’s kids and make him their king. Because they were really intimidated by Jehu – scared that Jehu would do to them just as he had done to Joram, the officials in Jezreel refused to choose one of Ahab’s kids to make him king over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel. Jehu’s second letter told the officials in Jezreel to send him just the heads of Ahab’s sons – and maybe grandsons, who they were taking care of in Jezreel. The officials in Jezreel this time complied with Jehu’s second letter’s demand and . . . when Jehu received the heads of Ahab’s sons – and maybe grandsons, Jehu piled up the heads in two piles by the city gate’s entrance. Jehu – through acting out barbarically and brutally, created a fear ambience that would have God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel doing what he wanted them to do.

2 Kings 10 reports on Jehu’s job performance. Jehu was a sadistic. Jehu would murder forty-two relatives of the king – who was Ahaziah, who ruled over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Judah. Jehu crossed the line when he killed Ahaziah’s relatives. Jehu set an intricate trap to slaughter all Baal’s prophets. Jehu first sent a communiqué implying that he was pro-Baal. Jehu followed with a letter advising Baal’s prophets of a special assembly to honor Baal. Baal’s prophets from all over the land area of Israel showed up for this special assembly to honor their god. Baal’s prophets who showed up for this special event filled Baal’s temple. Jehu had eighty guys ready to kill every one of Baal’s prophets – which these eighty guys did. Verse 27 details what the guys did next, “They demolished the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal, and people have used it for a latrine to this day.” Even though Jehu’s motives were not God-centered, God blessed Jehu by having guys from Jehu’s extended family rule over for the next one hundred years the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel. Jehu failed to stop the worshipping of the golden calves that were in Bethel and Dan. A coup is very seldom something good to do – even though a coup may replace a diabolical guy. Killing a guy is very seldom something good to do – even though the guy may have been a very wicked guy. Telling a lie is very seldom something good to do – even though something good may come out of a lie. As bad as these actions are, they all still come under the auspices of God’s sovereign control. Do you think that a guy, gal or kid can really comprehend God’s mercy if he or she never has an occasion to understand and compare God’s mercy to life’s ugly underside?

2 Kings 10 (584)