“I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.”
~ Psalm 120:1


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you for world peace? Are you for another world war? Do you wish that there was never fighting between guys and/or gals anyplace on planet Earth? Have you accepted as reality that there will always be fighting between guys and/or gals on planet Earth? Why do you think that planet Earth has always entertained wars? Why do you think that over the six to seven thousands years of the existence of the egg-shaped orb that you are living on that there has always been guys who have tried to as a despot, tyrant or dictator rule over the entire planet Earth? If God is a sovereign God, why do you think that God allows guys and gals to hate each other so much that they are willing and wanting to kill each other? If God is a perfect Divine Being – Who knows no evil, how and/or why do you think that God allows evil to exist? Your grandpaa does not know how to answer these questions. Your grandpaa does know that you are living on a planet and among humanity that became contaminated when Adam listened to Satan and disobeyed God. Your grandpaa does know that you are living on a planet and in a worldwide domain that is Satan’s hangout. Your grandpaa does know that not every guy, gal or kid who has lived, is living and will live on planet Earth are among the guys, gals and kids who God specially chose and elected for Himself before He created planet Earth. The guys, gals and kids who God did not specially choose and elect for Himself before He created planet Earth will not have their eyes and hearts opened by God – as God the Spirit, to apprehend or understand what it is like to be led by God – as God the Spirit, through the faith/grace door so that he or she can make a decision of faith to believe in what God – as God the Son, did when He allowed Himself to die on a crude cross to defeat death.

Your grandpaa knows that you are living today on a planet that is filled with uncertainty. Your grandpaa thinks that it would be nice to live on planet Earth amongst a humanity that did not have guys and/or gals who want to hurt, kill and be top dog. Because there are always guys and/or gals living on planet Earth who are willing to do whatever they can do to disrupt the lives of every other guy and gal who is living on planet Earth, it can be scary to live on planet Earth. Your grandpaa finds it scary that there are guys and gals today who are living in the country that you are living in – which is the United States, who naïvely believe that if they acquiesce to the demands of evil guys and gals that these evil guys and gals will not harm them. The Bible is read for different reasons. Your grandpaa believes that the Bible is the only book that has ever been and will be written that actually is alive. The Bible is a compilation of sixty-six small books that were scribed over about 1500 years by different guys with words that were breathed on them by God – as God the Spirit. The Bible is a book that delineates between two groups of guys, gals and kids. One group of guys, gals and kids are found in the Old Testament. God chose these guys, gals and kids for Himself before He created planet Earth. This group of guys, gals and kids make up the Israelite people group’s guys, gals and kids. The New Testament opened the door for a sister group of guys, gals and kids. God elected these guys, gals and kids for Himself before He created planet Earth. The second group of guys, gals and kids who are found in the Bible are the guys, gals and kids who will never make a decision of faith to believe in God – as God the Son – Jesus Christ. How do you think that the guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Spirit, will never lead to make a decision of faith to believe in God the Son – Jesus Christ, inherently and internally feel about the guys, gals and kids who have been and will be led by God – as God the Spirit, to believe in God the Son – Jesus Christ? These guys, gals and kids will be continually prompted by Satan to detest, hate, dislike, abhor and want to kill all the guys, gals and kids who have an inner peace of knowing that they are at peace with God – as God the Father. Fighting, warring, killing other guys and gals will always be a part of the lives of the guys and gals who God is allowing Satan to control.

God’s specially chosen guys and gals knew what it was like to live among guys and gals who disliked them with a passion. God’s specially chosen guys and gals learned to talk with God through songs. Psalm 120 is one of the psalm songs or chants that God’s specially chosen guys and gals sang or chanted to give themselves hope against the guys and gals who really did not like them at all. God’s specially chosen guys and gals may have used this psalm song to sing or chant as they ascended the stairs leading into God’s temple. God’s specially chosen guys and gals may have used this psalm song to sing or chant as they made their annual pilgrimages to Jerusalem – where these guys and gals would worship God in His temple that was in Jerusalem. This psalm song is a call to God asking Him for peace. This psalm song is a call to God asking Him to stop the guys and gals who Satan controls from always wanting to kill them. God’s specially chosen guys and gals had internalized what verse 1 says, “I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.” Your grandpaa knows that God is having you live on planet Earth today among self-indulgent guys and gals who really believe that the end justifies the means. Your grandpaa knows that you are living during a time when the norms and mores on planet Earth are totally changing within two year cycles versus within a twenty year cycle just a few years ago. Technology today is allowing an event that took place or is taking place in a far corner of planet Earth to have the potential of affecting you immediately. As you think today about the terrestrial orb that God created, think about where the focal points are on planet Earth today. They are Israel – God’s land, and Iran – Satan’s control center. Israel and Iran typify the constant, ongoing battle between good and evil.

Psalm 120 (334)