“He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.”
~ Numbers 25:13


Hi James and Ellen,

What would you do if you saw a guy, gal or kid doing something that he or she should not be doing? What would you do if you saw a kid cheating on a spelling test that he or she was taking in school? What would you do if you saw a kid stealing something out of another kid’s lunchbox? What would you do if you saw a kid hitting really hard another kid with his or her fists? Would you tell your teacher what the kid was doing who you saw cheating on his or her spelling test? Would you tell the kid who you saw stealing something out of another kid’s lunchbox to not to do it again – that you will tell the kid who brought the lunchbox to school as well as your teacher if you see him or her stealing something out of the kid’s lunchbox again? Would you try to stop a kid who you saw hitting another kid really hard with his or her fists? Do you think that a guy, gal or kid should get involved when he or she sees a guy, gal or kid doing something that he or she should not be doing or do you think that it is better for a guy, gal or kid not to get involved when he or she sees a guy, gal or kid doing something that he or she should not be doing? During the time that your grandpaa was a student at Moody Bible Institute, a young guy who had just arrived from another country and who was planning to study at Moody Bible Institute was killed when he tried to break up a knife fight between two guys. When the young guy tried to stop the two guys from fighting each other with knives, the two guys turned on the young guy and . . . whenever a guy, gal or kid decides to challenge a guy, gal or kid who is doing something that he or she should not be doing, that guy, gal or kid is literally putting his or her life on the line. Would you be okay with being told by another kid that you should not be doing something that you were doing? Would you be okay if you were caught doing something that you should not be doing? Would you be okay with suffering the consequences of doing something that you should not have been doing?

What do you think will happen if nothing is ever done when a guy, gal or kid does something that he or she should not be doing? Do you think that there should be a consequence if a guy, gal or kid does something that he or she should not be doing? Your grandpaa believes that there can be a horrible consequence for both the guy, gal or kid who does something that he or she should not be doing and for the guy, gal and kid who has the opportunity to confront or tell the guy, gal or kid who is doing something that he or she should not be doing and who does not confront or tell the guy, gal or kid that he or she really needs to stop doing what he or she is doing that he or she should not be doing. Something that a guy, gal or kid is doing that he or she should not be doing is a sin. All sins are offensive and insulting to God. God has given life laws for guys, gals and kids to live by on planet Earth. If a guy, gal or kid decides not to live by God’s life laws and he or she does what he or she wants to do his or her way instead of living life that way that God expects him or her to live his or her life, your grandpaa is convinced that sooner or later God is going to allow an eye opener to happen in the life of that guy, gal or kid which will be a reminder to the guy, gal or kid that the next time when he or she has to decide between doing what is right for him or her to do and what is wrong for him and her to do, that the guy, gal or kid will decide that he or she will do what is the right thing to do as . . .

Moses scribed in what is now Numbers 25 what happened when God’s specially chosen guys – the Israelite people group’s guys, decided that they wanted to marry Moabite gals and that they wanted to worship the Moabite’s god – Baal of Peor, instead of worshipping the one true God – your Father God. The Moabite people group’s guys and gals were descendants of Lot. Lot was Abraham’s nephew. How do you think that God felt as He watched His specially chosen guys and gals worshipping, bowing down to and eating before an idol god that was located near Shittim on the top of Mt. Peor which was nothing more than an inanimate object made from wood, stone or metal? God’s specially chosen guys did not make God happy when they began doing something that He had told them clearly not to do – which was not to marry and live with foreign, evil Moabite gals and not to bow down to and worship an idol god that could not help them at all. What do you think that God did when He saw what His specially chosen guys were doing when they began marrying and living with foreign, evil Moabite gals and began bowing down to and worshipping an idol god that could not help them at all? God sent a plague that began to kill His specially chosen guys because they were doing something that they should not have been doing. This ghastly plague which God allowed to kill His specially chosen guys as a consequence for what they were doing when they began marrying foreign, corrupt Moabite gals and began bowing down to and worshipping an idol god that could not help them at all killed 24,000 of God’s specially chosen guys. God put a stop to this horrendous plague when one of God’s specially chosen guys stood up against all the evilness that was taking place among God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Phinehas – who was one of Aaron’s grandkids, killed one of God’s specially chosen guys and the Midianite gal who was in his tent with him when he drove a spear through both the guy and gal. God will always bless the guys and gals who will stand up for His will. Verse 13 says this about Phinehas, “He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.”’ Your grandpaa believes that God will bless guys, gals and kids who serve Him with their lives.

Numbers 25 (380)