“In the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping.”
~ Isaiah 15:3


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you like to read stories or have stories read to you? Do you like stories that have happy endings or stories that have sad endings? Do you like stories that are filled with romance or stories that are filled with adventure? Do you like stories that have been made up or do you like true life stories? Do you like to read or have the Bible read to you? The Bible has in it different kinds of stories. The Bible has in it true stories that have happy endings, that have sad endings, that have romance and that have adventure. God – as God the Spirit, over more than a 1500 year period breathed on different guys to scribe the sixty-six books that are included in the canon of the Bible. Isaiah is one of the guys who God – as God the Spirit, breathed on words to scribe in a book. God chose Isaiah to be a prophet spokesman for Him to His specially chosen guys and gals – who were the Israelite people groups guys and gals, who were living in the country of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. Some of the chapters that are in Isaiah’s missive are called oracles. Oracles are predictions, forewarnings or prophecies. What became Isaiah 15 when the Isaiah Book was divided into chapters and then into verses – which was somewhere around 600 years ago, was an oracle that was specifically directed at the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Moab. God – as God the Spirit, gave the words to Isaiah to scribe before it took place that the cities that were in the land area of Moab would be totally overrun and razed overnight by a rampaging, pillaging army – which probably would be Assyria’s army.

A guy by the name of Moab established the land aera of Moab. Moab was a kid or grandkid of Lot. The land aera of Moab bordered to its west the east side of the Dead Sea or Salt Sea, to its south the north side of the land area of Edom, to its north the south side of the land area of Ammon and to its east the inhospitable Arabian Desert. Moab was not much of a land area. When God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids on their forty year exodus to the land that God told them that they would always have to live in as their very own land if . . . trekked through the land area of Moab, some of the gals who were living in Moab began pursuing having relations with God’s specially chosen guys. God at that time taught the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Moab a lesson for what those gals were doing. God had 24,000 of the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Moab die from a plague that He brought about in response to gals who were living in land area of Moab infiltrating the Israelite people group’s guys and gals – His specially chosen guys and gals, causing guys among His specially chosen guys to compromise their moral beliefs. God would later have Eglon – who ruled for a time as king over the guys and gals who were living in the land area of Moab, suppress God’s specially chosen guys and gals for eighteen years. Eglon’s subjugation of God’s specially chosen guys and gals came to an end when a left-handed judge by the name of Ehud killed the dude. God will never forget the guys and gals who live in land areas or countries who have picked on His specially chosen guys and gals. God also does not forget the guys and gals who live in land areas or countries who befriend His specially chosen guys and gals. A lot of guys and gals in most countries over the centuries have not wanted to have anything to do with God’s specially chosen guys and gals – who are known as Jews today, who have become scattered all over planet Earth. The heritage of every single guy, gal or kid – who is a Jew or one of God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids, begins from a little bitty land area that was settled about 3400 years ago by about two million guys, gals and kids. This little bitty land has been a festering irritation for guys and gals in almost every other country on planet Earth from the moment that this little bitty nation took root.

God told Isaiah to tell the Moabite people group’s guys and gals that real soon that their country was going to be overnight totally destroyed. Isaiah’s oracle to the Moabite people group’s guys and gals is not a very fun reading. The towns of Ar, Kir, Dibon, Nebo, Medeba, Heshbon and Elealeh were some of the places that were to be targeted by an enemy nation’s army when it invaded the land area of Moab. Verse 3 describes how bad it would get, “In the streets they wear sackcloth; on the roofs and in the public squares they all wail, prostrate with weeping.” Moab does not exist today while Israel does. God’s specially chosen guys and gals live on while the countries and the guys and gals who perpetually oppose God’s specially chosen guys and gals will never be happy if just one Jew or if just one of God’s specially chosen guys and gals remain alive on planet Earth. The enemies of God’s specially chosen guys and gals will never learn how futile it is to oppose in any way – especially by killing them, God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Moab’s story does not have a happy ending. Moab’s story has bad things happening to bad guys and gals. God tasked Isaiah as His prophet spokesman to leave both His specially chosen guys and gals and the guys and gals who were rabid enemies of His specially chosen guys and gals overt warnings regarding their future existence. How would you like to be tasked to have to tell other kids – or guys or gals, that they are going to get it really bad if they do not shape up their act in their relationship with God and in their relationship with the guys and gals who have a born again relationship with God? Too many guys and gals today are completely ignoring the true incidents that are found in the Bible – the times when God had had it with the guys and gals who were living in a land area who had a total disregard for Him and for the guys and gals who were His who were living on planet Earth. Your grandpaa is really intrigued with the backdrop of each story that God – as God the Spirit, had scribed in the Bible.

Isaiah 15 (474)