“I will direct my jealous anger against you, and they will deal with you in fury. They will cut off your noses and your ears, and those of you who are left will fall by the sword. They will take away your sons and daughters, and those of you who are left will be consumed by fire.”
~ Ezekiel 23:25


Hi James and Ellen,

Ezekiel could see that it was about to happen. He is desperately trying to get through to God’s specially chosen guys and gals to get them to understand that their time in the land that God gave them to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . was about to run out because of the pacts that they had made and were making with their evil neighboring nations and people groups of guys and gals. Ezekiel used a couple of gals’ names – Oholah and Oholibah, to describe how he saw the state of God’s specially chosen guys and gals. The meaning of Oholah is her tent. The meaning of Oholibah is my tent is in her. As you are reading the words that are found in Ezekiel 23, your grandpaa wants you to remember that what Ezekiel scribed in what became a book that goes by his name and which is now this chapter were breathed on him by God – as God the Spirit, to scribe. Your grandpaa thinks that this is one of the coarsest chapters in the entire Bible. Ezekiel describes Oholah and Oholibah as being sisters – who were born to the same ma, who turned to prostitution while they were still living in Egypt in order to survive. It is now about 850 years later and Oholah and Oholibah are still prostituting their lives. A prostitute is a gal who believes that the only way that she can get enough money to survive living on planet Earth is to have illicit, immoral relationships with guys. Ezekiel uses these two gals as an analogy or a comparison to God’s specially chosen guys and gals. Your grandpaa thinks that Ezekiel used Oholah to represent God’s specially chosen guys and gals who ended up living in the land area that became Israel and that he used Oholibah to represent God’s specially chosen guys and gals who ended up living in the land area of Judah. Ezekiel’s description of Oholah makes this gal a really bad gal. Ezekiel has Oholah ending up in the hands of the Assyrian nation of guys and gals. Ezekiel’s description of Oholibah makes this gal an even worse gal than her sis. Ezekiel has Oholibah ending up in the hands of the Babylonian nation of guys and gals. Ezekiel has these two gals to actually seemingly really enjoy the political alliances that they were making with the pagan powers that were around them. The graphic language that God – as God the Spirit, had Ezekiel scribe in his Ezekiel Book is God’s way of underscoring His absolute repulsive disgust and distaste in the ways that His specially chosen guys and gals were trying to play the game of international politics for their security versus completely relying on Him for their security.

The sad thing about the message that Ezekiel is trying to get through to God’s specially chosen guys and gals is that it is still not being listened to today. Oholibah would not learn from what happened to her little sis – if Oholah represents Israel or Samaria and Israel or Samaria were taken away by the Assyrian people group’s army as captive slaves to their country. 136 years after the Assyrian people group’s army carried away God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land area of Israel or Samaria, the Babylonian people group’s army carried away God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in the land area of Judah and in the city of Jerusalem. God’s words in verse 25 clearly say how He felt about the kinds of relationships that His specially chosen guys and gals had with the guys and gals in their pagan neighboring nations and people groups and what He was going to do about it, “I will direct my jealous anger against you, and they will deal with you in fury. They will cut off your noses and your ears, and those of you who are left will fall by the sword. They will take away your sons and daughters, and those of you who are left will be consumed by fire.” It is really obvious to your grandpaa by what this verse says how really ticked off God can get if one of His specially elected guys, gals or kids opts to compromising his or her relationship with Him by making pacts with the evil that is all around them. A pact that a kid can make with the evil that is all around him or her is to do all that he or she can do to make as much money as he or she can. Another pact that a kid can make with the evil that is all around him or her is for he or she to do all that he or she can to be the kid who can tell every other kid to do whatever it is that he or she wants them to do.

You are being blessed today to be living in a nation of guys and gals in which the majority of these guys and gals do not want to be an Oholah or an Oholibah. God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids who are living in the United States and who voted have communicated to the world that they want a principled society that is centered on their Creator God. (NOTE: Your grandpaa wrote this missive seventeen years ago. A rapidly growing minority of guys and gals who are living in the United States are acquiescing today to a deceitfully enforced socialized lifestyle.) God’s specially elected guys and gals who are living in the United States and who voted have communicated to the world that they do not want to align themselves with self-absorbed societies and self-seeking organizations. God’s specially elected guys and gals who are living in the United States and who voted have communicated to the world that what they are experiencing in their relationship with God that brings them hope and peace, that they would really like to see guys, gals and kids throughout the world be able to have a similar opportunity to experience that same kind of relationship with God. Your grandpaa is convinced that the nation of guys, gals and kids who you are being blessed today to live with will be blessed by God for their majority stand for Him. Last night in His sovereign timing God severed the head of one of the world’s beasts – the Palestinians. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are praying that you will never stop asking God for the security that He wants to give to you because if you do not . . .

Ezekiel 23 (539)