“You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “‘He did not make me”’? Can the pot say of the potter, “‘He knows nothing”’?”
~ Isaiah 29:16


Hi James and Ellen,

What would be something that would rile your dad? Would your dad be riled with a guy who breaks into his house and hurts you? Would your dad be riled with a guy who says good things about him but who really does not mean what he says? Would your dad be riled with a guy who pretends to do nice things for him in order to take advantage of him? What would be something that would rile your Heavenly Father? How do you think that your Heavenly Father has felt over time about His specially chosen guys and gals getting beaten up and taken away as captive slaves by other people groups of guys and gals? How do you think that your Heavenly Father has felt over time about His specially chosen guys and gals talking as if they were obeying His worship mandates but whose hearts were following manmade worship rules? How do think that your Heavenly Father has felt over time about His specially chosen guys and gals trying to mold or form their own lives so that they can control their own destiny? Isaiah answered these questions in his Isaiah Book – in Isaiah 29. Your Heavenly Father will never forget or forgive a people group of guys and gals who has made no effort to come alongside His specially chosen guys and gals by being kind to them or who does things to His specially chosen guys and gals to cause them pain or harm. Your Heavenly Father will never forget or forgive guys and gals among His specially chosen guys and gals who have said flattering words that supposedly honor Him but whose hearts are only focused on what is important to them. Your Heavenly Father will never forget or forgive guys and gals among His specially chosen guys and gals who thought that He could not see them if they secretly did things that were in opposition to His worship and life norms.

Have you done something today that riled your dad? Have you done something today that has probably riled your Heavenly Father? Your Heavenly Father is a potter. A potter is a guy or gal who molds or forms things out of clay. Your grandmaa, Aunt Lynn and ma like pots, bowls, dishes and cups that are molded or formed from clay. Do you like things that have been molded or formed out of clay? You are continually being molded or formed out of clay. Verse 16 says, “You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, “‘He did not make me”’? Can the pot say of the potter, “‘He knows nothing”’? You are your Father God’s creation. There are no two things that are molded or formed by a potter that are identical. A potter is who decides how something that he or she is molding or forming will look like. The clay cannot decide how it will be molded or formed and what it will be molded or formed as. Your lives will always be in the process of being molded or formed on planet Earth by the hands of your Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Father is constantly molding or forming you to be who He designed you to be before He created planet Earth. It is completely impossible for you to change who you are, how you are, how you will be and who you will be. You rile your Heavenly Father when you complain about how He has physically molded or formed you. You rile your Heavenly Father when you grumble about the life circumstances that He has planned for you to experience. You rile your Heavenly Father when you ignore Him as being your Creator God. You rile your Heavenly Father when you do not do all that you can do to be kind to the guys, gals and kids who He is molding or forming to be the way that He desires them to be.

If your grandpaa is just a piece of clay and if his Father God is in complete control of molding or forming your grandpaa into a perfect pot, bowl, plate or cup, how can your grandpaa rile his Heavenly Father? Just as a potter is constantly reshaping or reforming the piece of clay that he or she is spinning on a potter’s wheel, your grandpaa is being constantly molded or formed by his Heavenly Father to be exactly who his Heavenly Father predetermined your grandpaa will be on the day when he will come face to face with his Heavenly Father in heaven. Before you become that perfect pot, bowl, plate or cup in your Heavenly Father’s hands, you are imperfect. Imperfection has guys, gals and kids doing bad things. A place like Ariel – which is another name for the city of Jerusalem and which your Heavenly Father chose to be His holy city on planet Earth, has taken hits from different people groups of guys and gals throughout history. Ariel or the city of Jerusalem is still taking hits. Ariel or the city of Jerusalem – a micro dot of a city among all the different cities that are scattered over planet Earth, is a news making center today. There is going to be a day per Isaiah when Ariel or the city of Jerusalem will be the place where the Lord Almighty will step back down on planet Earth to bring to an end all the badness that He is allowing to take place and exist in His creation. There will be booming thunder, devastating earthquakes, destructive windstorms and devouring fires on the day that the Lord Almighty steps back on planet Earth. Every former and present enemy of your Heavenly Father’s specially chosen guys and gals will be zapped by your Heavenly Father. Every guy, gal and kid who thought that he or she was in control of his or her own life will be zinged by your Heavenly Father. Every guy, gal and kid who humbles himself or herself before the Lord Almighty will be redeemed and saved by your Heavenly Father. Ruthless guys, gals and kids who mock the Lord Almighty will simply vanish or disappear from existence. Your Father God has already done some of what He has said that He will do to the people groups of guys and gals who have riled Him. As of the editing of this missive – which was written seventeen years ago, nearly five million guys, gals and kids have died over the past eighteen months from a worldwide pandemic that originated from a lab that is in China.

Isaiah 29 (540)