“Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?”
~ Isaiah 2:22


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you trust in man’s ways or in God’s ways? Isaiah 2 explains the difference that is between man’s ways and God’s ways. God’s ways have always existed. God’s ways were first violated by Adam when he ate the one fruit that God explicitly told him that he was not to eat. God would later have water completely blanket planet Earth in order to drown every guy, gal and kid who was living on planet Earth – with the exception of Noah, Noah’s wife, their three boys and their kids’ wives who escaped the flood in a boat that was called an ark that God compelled Noah to build. It did not take long and God’s ways were once again being violated by guys, gals and kids who were living on planet Earth. Instead of this time drowning all the guys, gals and kids who were violating His ways, God chose an old couple – Abraham and Sarah, to have a kid who would begin a family that would become God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. The Israelite people group guys and gals are God’s specially chosen guys, gals and kids. When God met with Moses on the top of Mount Sinai, God gave Moses a new set of worship mandates to pass on to His specially chosen guys and gals that He expected them to always obey. The Israelite people group by this time was made up of over two million guys, gals and kids. God gave His specially chosen guys and gals His new worship mandates while they were on their way to a land area called Canaan – which was where Abraham lived when he was alive on planet Earth and the land that God was giving them to always to have to live in as their very own. No one knows the timeframe when God placed planet Earth among all the other celestial bodies that He created, when God formed a guy – Adam, out of dust and the number of years that passed before God opened up the water filled canopy that He had encircling planet Earth and the wells of water that He had stored under planet Earth’s crust – to entirely flood planet Earth, so that He could start over again on planet Earth using the guys and gals who He had saved from dying by having them ride out the flood – with pairs of animals, in an ark. Bible commentators have only been able to begin Bible referencing to back around 4500 years ago. Abram or Abraham was born 4188 years ago. Abraham was 100 years old when his kid – Isaac, was born. Moses was born 3548 years ago. Moses was 80 years old when God gave him the new worship mandates that He expected the Israelite people group guys and gals to always obey.

In whose way do you think that God’s specially chosen guys and gals chose to trust – in man’s way or God’s way? It did not take long and God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals, were once again trusting in man’s ways. After punishing His especially chosen guys and gals over and over again because they would not change their sinful ways, God came Himself – as His Son and also as an incarnated guy – who was given the name of Jesus, to planet Earth. God – as God the Son, was born on planet Earth about 2023 years ago. God – as God the Son, was killed about 34 years later by being hung and nailed to a cross. The death of God – as God the Son, was the ransom payment for the sins of all God’s specially elected guys, gals and kids and His resurrection after He died on the cross defeated death. About 1478 years passed between when God gave His specially chosen guys and gals worship mandates that were works based and when God – as God the Son, changed to – when He gave up His life on a cross, worship norms that are faith based that God expected, is expecting and will expect His specially elected guys, gals and kids to always obey. What happened about 1976 years ago when God – as God the Son, died on a cross and arose from a tomb, will ultimately end with God’s temple being reestablished in the city of Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem will become the place where every guy, gal and kid will want to go. Guys, gals and kids will walk in God’s paths. The light that all guys, gals and kids will follow will be God’s light. There will no longer be wars. When God – as God the Son, died about 1992 years ago after being hung and nailed to a cross and after He arose from a sealed tomb, the last days for planet Earth’s existence began. No guy or gal knows when the last day of planet Earth’s existence is. Every guy, gal and kid will know that the last day of planet Earth’s existence has arrived when God – as God the Son, will suddenly be seen everywhere at once on planet Earth.

Before God – as God the Son, first appeared on planet Earth and which He will do again, many guys and gals – who God had chosen as His specially chosen guys and gals, trusted in man’s ways. They were superstitious, practiced divination, accumulated wealth, acted arrogantly and prideful, exalted themselves and worshipped silver and gold idols. God gave His specially chosen guys and gals timeouts. Through having enemy people groups guys attack and kill them, God humbled His specially chosen guys and gals. God’s specially chosen guys and gals hid in caves to try to escape God’s anger against them. To try to appease God, God’s specially chosen guys and gals gave their idols to the rodents and bats that were in the caves. Verse 22 says, “Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?” Because of what has taken place on planet Earth over time, it is a no-brainer to only trust in God’s ways.

Isaiah 2 (773)