“Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
~ Luke 21:36


Hi James and Ellen,

Are you ready for the end time? Do you ever think about the end time? Do you ever wonder what the end time will be like? Do you believe that there is going to be an end time? Jesus stated that there is going to be an end time. Doctor Luke recounts in Luke 21 what Jesus stated about the end time. Jesus was explicit and graphic about what the end time will be like. The Roman army’s devastating destruction of the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. – through their demolition of a micro community that had been Christendom’s center, may have been God – as God the Father, doing a run through so that His specially elected guys and gals would know that what He has preprogrammed to take place to the guys, gals and kids who are alive on planet Earth is really going to take place at the end time. Jesus warned His disciples that they were going to be facing tough times. Jesus told His disciples to look for signs that would be pointing to the tough times that would be ahead of them. Jesus told His disciples that the same signs that would be warning them of the tough times that were ahead of them were the same signs that will warn His specially elected guys and gals of the tough times that are ahead of them. Forty years after Jesus outlined ominous warnings and signs to His disciples regarding the tough times that were ahead of them and ahead of the emerging, burgeoning Christ-follower fellowships of Christ-follower guys and gals that were centered in the city of Jerusalem, the Roman army surrounded the city of Jerusalem and . . . the Roman army fulfilled Jesus’ omens – which included the entire dismantlement stone by stone of the ornate temple of God that was located in the city of Jerusalem.

Do you know what signs to look for that will point to the end time? The signs that Jesus told His disciples to look for regarding the end time includes an uptick in guys who will use His name to deceptively deceive other guys. Other signs that Jesus told His disciples to look for includes increased rumors of wars and revolutions. Jesus told His disciples that besides nations going against nations and kingdoms going against kingdoms in attempts to destroy or maintain the viable existence of a nation or kingdom, that there would be an upsurge in major earthquakes, famines, varieties of pestilences or pandemics in various places, fearful events and great signs from heaven. Do you know what is taking place right now in different countries all over planet Earth? There is fighting between people groups taking place right now. Hezbollah and Hamas extremists are doing whatever they can – as surrogates or proxies for the country of Iran, because of their inborn hatred for all guys, gals and kids who are Jews, to kill the guys, gals and kids who are living in the small nation of Israel. Through their misguided and erroneous fanatical beliefs, Muslem radicals feel licensed through their Islamic belief paradigm to terrorize guys and gals who they see as being infidels who are living in countries all over planet Earth. Sects and cults have surfaced over the years because of arrogant, narcissistic guys having twisted Biblical truths to fit what they want the Bible to say. There were several years ago a couple of massive earthquakes that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of guys, gals and kids. There are today countries that are located in Africa where guys, gals and kids are dying because of a dire lack of food to eat. There is an ongoing fear internationally of an epidemic breaking out someplace on planet Earth which will ultimately affect every guy, gal and kid who will be living on planet Earth. A massive tsunami recently drowned thousands of guys, gals and kids. Hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes and persistent rainfalls have caused the deaths of thousands of guys, gals and kids. Sudden catastrophic tragedies – such as plane crashes, train wrecks, bridges capsizing and mine explosions, will always invariably take place. Do you think that what has taken place recently on planet Earth and is now taking place on planet Earth is pointing to the end time being imminent? Your grandpaa does not think that the end time is impending but . . . verse 36 says, “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”” Your grandpaa does not doubt for a moment though that the end time could take place on your dad’s clock’s next tick.

A guy, gal or kid could become paranoid thinking that the end time is about to take place. When the end time does get closer, guys, gals and kids will get really scared. Bizarre happenings will take place in the sky – with the sun, moon and stars freaking out guys, gals and kids. Guys, gals and kids are going to faint from terror when they see sea waves begin to toss about like they have never seen them do before. The end time is going to be a horrifying abominable time that will be filled with dread and anguish. The end time will be culminated with the return of Jesus via a cloud to planet Earth. Jesus will return to planet Earth with absolute power and unqualified glory. Guys, gals and kids who God – as God the Father, elected to be His adopted kids, will be filled with incomparable joy as they know at this time that their moment of redemption has taken place. Your grandpaa hopes that you will consciously decimate and mentally file each divinely issued sign – from the warring zones that are centered in different places on planet Earth to the most recent cataclysmic, unexplainable incidents that have occurred on planet Earth. Something that your grandpaa hopes that you realize as you reflect on each incident is that you are living in a safer and securer environ compared to the environs that a lot of other kids are living in other places on planet Earth. Are you prepared for a new beginning of time – which will begin when God – as God the Son – Jesus Christ, returns to planet Earth?

Luke 21 (852)