“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.”
~ Isaiah 65:18


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you think that God’s will is for your lives? Your grandpaa knows that you are not ready yet to answer that question. Your grandpaa is sure that your dad is wondering what God’s will is for his life. Do you know how you will know what God’s will is for your life? To find out what God’s will is for your life, you need to ask God. What would you ask God if God was right now standing right in front of you – and you could see Him? God right now is with you. God the Holy Spirit – who has been tasked by God the Father to sanctify you or to clean evil from out of you as well as to be your counselor, is there to guide your heart in God the Father’s perfect will. Do you think that doing God’s will is something that you will generate in doing or do you think that it is something that God will do through you? To do God’s will or to be in God’s will is to always have God doing His will through your life. It is God’s will that your life will always be for Him what He has planned to do with it. It is not God’s will that your life be for yourself to do whatever you want to do with it. Do you know how to start knowing God’s will? Isaiah lived about 2700 years ago. Do you know what Isaiah’s vocation was? Isaiah was one of God’s prophet spokesmen who God sent to His specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group, to warn them. Isaiah was there when the Assyrian army invaded and overran Israel’s land area – taking away captive God’s specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Israel’s land area. Isaiah wrote a very long letter that is known as the Isaiah Book. Isaiah – in the letter that he wrote, tells about what God tasked him to do. Isaiah was for almost sixty years one of God’s prophet spokesmen to His specially chosen guys and gals. Your grandpaa is not sixty years old – yet. Sixty years is a long time. Do you know what kind of work that a prophet spokesman does? A prophet spokesman was a guy who God spoke to directly. A prophet spokesman was a guy who God told to tell other guys – and gals, a message that He wanted passed on to other guys – and gals. God’s messages usually were dire warnings. Do you think that there are still prophet spokesmen today? There are today guys and gals who call themselves prophets. The guys and gals who are calling themselves today prophets are not doing what the prophets did when Isaiah was alive. Your grandpaa does not know of any guy today who is going to different places with an ominous message to tell other guys – and gals, that what they are doing is wrong and that they need to change or else.

Isaiah knew that he was doing what God wanted him to do but . . . after almost sixty years of warning God’s specially chosen guys and gals – who were the guys and gals who God had sent him to warn, Isaiah was wondering if it really had been worth it. Isaiah had not gotten God’s specially chosen guys and gals to listen to him. In a talk that He has with Isaiah, God – in Isaiah 65, tells Isaiah that through Isaiah’s faithful doing what he did, His specially chosen guys and gals will never have an excuse when they see their families destroyed and when they end up being carried away to be slaves by an enemy nation. Because of what Isaiah did, God could say to His specially chosen guys and gals who were living in Israel and in Judah, that you were warned but you did not listen. God knew that His specially chosen guys and gals were no longer being and doing for Him. God knew that His specially chosen guys and gals no longer wanted Him to be a part of their lives. God knew that His specially chosen guys and gals no longer wanted to talk to Him about being for Him. God had been very patient with His specially chosen guys and gals. God had held out His hands – through Isaiah, to His specially chosen guys and gals to help them do His will.

God’s specially chosen guys and gals became obstinate. Obstinate means to be stubborn or pigheaded. Are you sometimes pigheaded? A pigheaded guy, gal or kid will do what he or she wants to do. God’s specially chosen guys and gals did what felt good to do. God’s specially chosen guys and gals offered sacrifices to other gods instead of to God, they hung out with the dead in graveyards and they ate pig meat. What God’s specially chosen guys and gals were doing had God reject them. Now you know why Isaiah felt the way that he did after nearly sixty years of going throughout the land that God had given to especially chosen guys and gals to always to have as their very own land to live in if . . . warning them to stop doing what they were doing or else God would . . . and the guys and gals just snubbing their noses at him and doing even more offensive things against God. Even though Isaiah knew what God was saying to him was true, your grandpaa thinks that Isaiah felt discouraged – thinking that maybe he had wasted his life doing what he had done for so long. Why do you think that God allowed His specially chosen guys and gals to become so evil? Why do you think that God allowed evil to happen on planet Earth? Your grandpaa knows that God had everything in place before He created planet Earth. This means to your grandpaa that God allowed evil to have a place in His perfect will when He created planet Earth. Evil was birthed way before God created planet Earth when an angel – Lucifer, became proud of who he was resulting in his separation from God. As God talks to Isaiah near the end of Isaiah’s life, God tells Isaiah – in verse 18, what His will is for His specially chosen guys and gals “But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.” Your grandmaa and grandpaa have been sent by God to Guatemala for your grandmaa and grandpaa to enable guys and gals to tell their families and friends about God’s will to destroy evil. God wanted Isaiah to know that His good would in the end totally destroy Lucifer’s evil. God tasked Isaiah to pass on this message of hope through his letter.

Isaiah 65 (141)