“He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
~ Deuteronomy 32:4


Hi James and Ellen,

How are you today upholding God’s holiness? How are you today investing all your time, strength and faith in worshipping God? How are you today standing on the Rock – the Rock being God? What has a sacred book – which is the Bible, of inspired, living words taught you about a compassionate, merciful, caring God? What heartwarming, inspirational words have you heard Christ-follower guys, gals and kids say about an omnipresent, all-knowing God? What has a spectacularly breathtaking ordered universe – which is everything that is visible and invisible, told you about an omnipotent, all-powerful God? If you were given the opportunity to say in about 1000 words to the kids who are in your class at school Who God is, what would you say to them? When Moses was given the opportunity to say in about 1000 words to his Israelite people group family of guys and gals – who were God’s specially chosen guys and gals, Who God is, Moses used the time to proclaim the awesome magnificence of God and to pour out his deep-seated frustrations regarding the ungodly actions of warped, corrupt guys and gals among his Israelite people group family of guys and gals. Shortly before God told Moses to climb to the top of Mount Nebo to die, God gave Moses the opportunity to impassionedly pour out his heart in a song to his people group of guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals. Moses’ song is found in Deuteronomy 32. Moses begins his song by asking the heavens to hear him speak and the earth to listen to the words that God had given him to say to the Israelite people group guys and gals – his extended family of guys and gals. Moses continues in the song that he was imploring intensely to the Israelite people group guys and gals for them to heed to what God was having him say by asking God to let his words fall like a refreshing rain, descend like a covering of dew, bring results like showers on new growing grass and be like abundant rain showers on tender plants. Moses used his song to proclaim the God’s holy name and to praise His greatness. Even though Moses knew that because of the Meribah fiasco where he angrily struck a rock out of pent up frustration instead of putting his faith in God to supply the needed water for a cranky, complaining two million or so Israelite people group mob, that God was not going allow him to go into the land that He was giving to his specially chosen guys and gals to always to have as their very own land to live in if . . . Moses would still go on to say in verse 4, “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”

As Moses ‘sang’ his song to God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals, Moses recalled how God had in different ways supplied the needs of His specially chosen guys and gals and how God had taken care of them even though there were times when they made Him jealous such as when they went back to worshipped foreign gods instead of only worshipping Him and when they made Him angry after they made detestable idol gods to worship instead of only worshipping Him. Moses reminded his extended family of guys and gals – the Israelite people group of guys and gals, that God purposely rejected them for a time when they deserted Him to sacrifice to demons, to gods that they had never known, to gods that they had recently obtained and to gods that they did not fear. Moses reminded his people group of guys and gals – the Israelite people group of guys and gals, that God was Who had fathered them and given them birth. Moses reminded God’s specially chosen guys and gals – the Israelite people group guys and gals, that if they did not obediently do God’s will, that He will heap calamities upon them, that He will spend His arrows against them, that He will consume them with deadly plagues and that He will send wild beasts and poisonous vipers to kill them. Moses uses his final swan song to exalt his wondrous, incomparable God Who judges, Who puts to death, Who brings life, Who avenges, Who wounds, Who heals, Who atones and Who securely holds His specially chosen guys and gals – and His specially elected guys, gals and kids, in the palm of His hand.

Moses has reminded your grandpaa again that there are unequivocally no coincidences in life – that God is in absolute control of everything that He has in the universe that He created. Not long after your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn arrived in Bolivia, South America where your grandmaa and grandpaa joined the missionaries who are the South America Mission field missionary team in Bolivia and the eleven member church planting team that was led by Troy and Joan Beckma, Troy and Joan asked your grandmaa and grandpaa if they, your dad and Aunt Lynn would go with them and their three kids to the Yapacaní for a couple of days – staying in a house of a missionary who Troy and Joan knew. It took your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn and the Beckma family three hours by bus to make it to the Yapacaní. After your grandpaa was back in Santa Cruz, your grandpaa heard Joan inferring that she was surprised that your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn did as well as they did on their paseo to the Yapacaní. Your grandpaa’s time in the Yapacaní to him was a celebration adventure for having made it to the country where God had called him to go to with his family to serve Him as a missionary. A news account this morning on AT&T’s website reports rioting taking place in the Yapacaní. To enjoy God’s presence, pull a Moses. Pulling a Moses is to always ask God to be your guide to lead you to where He is wanting you to go.

Deuteronomy 32 (916)