“You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.”
~ Ezekiel 38:16


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you know where your bellybutton is? Your bellybutton is located in the center of your body. A bellybutton is also referred to as a navel. Navel means center. God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Ezekiel to scribe in what is now Ezekiel 38 that the center or the navel of planet Earth is the city of Jerusalem. This chapter begins a two chapter foretelling of what is going to take place one day when the enemies of the Israelite people group’s guys and gals decide that it is time to liquidate once and for all all of God’s specially chosen guys and gals who are living in the land area of Israel. Verse 16 says, “You will advance against my people Israel like a cloud that covers the land. In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes.” The ‘you’ in this verse refers to a prince whose name will be Gog who will be living in the land of Magog. Gog will be the chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal. Some eschatologists or some of the end time thinkers think that Mescheck and Tubal are two Russian cities – Moscow and Tobolsk. Magog is the land area where Russia is located. Magog was the name of one of Japheth’s seven boys. Japheth’s dad was Noah. Japheth’s name means God will enlarge. Japheth settled the land area to the north of the land area of Israel and into the land area that is now southern Europe. Japheth received a special blessing from his dad. It just does not seem right to your grandpaa that the guys who are descendants of Japheth will be the guys who God has chosen to be the guys who will try to purge God’s specially chosen guys and gals from off planet Earth.

When that day arrives when God’s specially chosen guys and gals who will be living on planet Earth are to face extermination, a coalition of countries and/or guys from people groups of guys and gals who are living to the north and south of the land area of Israel will merge for the purpose of annihilating the guys and gals who will be living in the land area of Israel. Three countries that are located south of the land area of Israel are specifically mentioned in this chapter in Ezekiel as being members of a coalition of countries and guys from people groups of guys and gals that will attack the land area of Israel for the purpose of wiping out all the guys and gals who will be living in the land area of Israel. The three countries that are mentioned are Put – which is now Libya, Cush – which is located in the upper part of the Nile River region, and Persia – which is the land area that once extended from India to Ethiopia. The main reason why your grandpaa thinks that what God – as God the Spirit, breathed on Ezekiel to scribe in what is now the Ezekiel Book has not yet taken place is because when that time does take place, the Israelite people group’s guys and gals will be enjoying a season of peace. The Israelite people group’s guys and gals will have let their guard down at the time when they will be hit with a coalition of countries and/or guys from people groups of guys and gals who are out to eradicate them. Because the Israelite people group’s guys and gals will be is such total denial about ever being attacked again by anyone when that day takes place when a coalition of countries and/or guys from people groups of guys and gals begin to try to eradicate the Israelite people group’s guy and gals, the Israelite people group’s guys and gals will no longer be living in walled cities and in barred and gated houses. God’s specially chosen guys and gals – ever since Ezekiel scribed what God – as God the Spirit, breathed on him to record in his Ezekiel Book, have been living in almost constant turmoil.

Your grandpaa is convinced that there will be a series of signs that will never be forgotten by any guy, gal or kid when the momentous confrontational day takes place that Ezekiel scribed about. A mega earthquake will take place on that day which will cause fish, wild beasts, crawling creatures and guys and gals who will be living on planet Earth to tremble. Mountains at that same time will be overturned, cliffs will be crumbled and walls will be toppled. Torrential rain also at that time will fall, hailstones will cover the ground and there will be a sulfur stench everywhere. The enemies of the Israelite people group’s guys and gals will feel God’s righteous wrath or His hot anger on them. God will use plagues and swords to execute judgment – for the purpose of annihilating them, on the countries and/or on the people groups of guys and gals who join in on attacking His specially chosen guys and gals who are living in the land area of Israel. Your grandpaa believes that what is taking place in the Middle East right now is a precursor to that day when God will pour out His wrath on the countries and/or on the people groups of guys and gals who grew up in home environs that conditioned them to despise God’s specially chosen guys and gals. It is good to be intrigued about the end times but . . . there have been a lot of guys who have tried to predict the day when the end times will take place. The guys have invariably been proven wrong in their prognostications. Your grandpaa is very intrigued with the ongoing happenings in the Middle East as . . . your grandpaa now thinks that a people group of guys – who are Muslims, may be the pivotal players who will instigate the colossal attack on God’s special chosen guys and gals who will be living in the land area of Israel. Muslims are living in countries throughout the Middle East, Africa and into southern Europe. When this day finally does take place, it is going to be a really, really scary time for the guys, gals and kids who will be living on planet Earth as they witness via technology the horrific carnage that God will incur on the invading enemies of His specially chose guys and gals. It is planet Earth’s bellybutton or navel – the city of Jerusalem, where God has ordained that this final battle is to take place one day.

Ezekiel 38 (576)