“I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them.”
~ Ezekiel 39:21


Hi James and Ellen,

Do you know where Magog is located? Do you know what or who Gog is? Magog may be a country. Magog may to be a country that is located north of the land that God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . the Ma in Magog may mean place of the prince. Gog is who may be the chief prince over two sites in Magog. These sites are referred to as Meshech and Tubal. Ezekiel wrote about Magog, Gog, Meshech and Tubal in Ezekiel 39. What Ezekiel scribed in this chapter and in the previous chapter – where he references the same places, is a prophecy. A prophecy is a message that God gave to His prophet spokesmen to record for guys and gals to know what He has predestined to take place in the future. Ezekiel probably did not have a clue what the country of Magog will be like, where Magog will be located and who Gog will be. Biblical pundits at one time or another have included with this mix of names another name – Rosh. Rosh is not mentioned in this chapter nor was Rosh mentioned in the previous chapter but . . . are you intrigued with what the final days or end times are going to be like? The study of the final days or end times is called eschatology. This Ezekiel Book chapter is especially intriguing to your grandpaa. Some guys think that the name Rosh – which your grandpaa does not know when guys began to insert Rosh into the mix of names, refers to Russia and that Meshech and Tubal refer to a couple of cities – Moscow and Tobolsk, that are located in Russia. Your grandpaa thinks that it is a stretch to believe that just because their names seem to be somewhat similar that Magog has something to do with Rosh and that Rosh may be Russia and that Meshech and Tubal may be Moscow and Tobolsk. Ezekiel does clearly say though that a country that is located in the north will . . . Russia is north of the land that God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always to have to live in as their very own land if . . . your grandpaa is leaning today towards believing that God is going to have an army of guys who profess a belief paradigm that is aligned to Islam to one day head for the land of Israel – from the north, with plans to kill every guy, gal and kid who is living in Israel.

What Ezekiel scribed about at this chapter probably has not happened – yet. Nothing has been historically documented that describes a massive army having marched literally across hundreds of miles to beat up on a tiny country called Israel. Your grandpaa though has no doubts that there will be one day a supersized army marching north to south with one goal in mind and that goal will be to take direct aim on the country of Israel for the specific purpose of totally wiping out a very hated people group of guys and gals and to take over a very wealthy strip of land. Ezekiel lays out how everything is going to go down once this massive army from the north arrives in the land that God gave to His specially chosen guys and gals to always have to live in as their very own land if . . . God says in His prophecy that He gave through Ezekiel that He will destroy this army from the north. God’s specially chosen guys will not have to kill one single enemy soldier. God says in His prophecy that He gave through Ezekiel that He is going to supply a feast in the country of Israel for the carrion birds and wild animals to eat of all the dead enemy soldiers. The enemy soldiers’ weapons – their shields, bows and arrows, war clubs and spears will be used for fuel by God’s specially chosen guys and gals for seven years for fires for preparing meals and keeping warm. Your grandpaa does not know how the weapons that Ezekiel refers to in this Ezekiel Book chapter translates to the kinds of weapons that are being made today; your grandpaa did read though someplace that the weapons that are now being made are combustible – which means that they can be burned which means that they can be used for fuel. One of the things that will be expected of God’s specially chosen guys and gals when this great punishment is inflicted on an enemy army when this enemy army invades the land that God gave His specially chosen guys and gals to always have to live in as their very own land if . . . is to bury all the soldiers that He will kill in a place that will be known as the Valley of Hamon Gog. It will take God’s specially chosen guys and gals seven months to bury in the Valley of Hamon Gog all the enemy’s soldiers. Even after the seven months are over with, bones of enemy soldiers will be found. These bones are to be marked and then taken to the Valley of Hamon Gog to be buried. Verse 21 gives the reason why this horrific event is going to happen, ““I will display my glory among the nations, and all the nations will see the punishment I inflict and the hand I lay upon them.” God is going to give the guys, gals and kids who will be living in the countries that will be at this time on planet Earth when this horrible event takes place one last chance to turn to Him to ask Him to become their Lord and Savior before . . .

To be where guys are trying to kill other guys has to be tremendously terrifying. Your grandmaa and grandpaa were living in Bolivia during the last coups or government overthrows that took place in Bolivia. One of the scariest things for your grandmaa and grandpaa was not really knowing what was taking place outside the house where they were living. Your grandmaa, grandpaa, dad and Aunt Lynn were told to stay in the middle of their house just in case guys started shooting near their house and . . . at the time of a coup – when only marching music was being played on all the stations that could be gotten on the radio that your grandpaa had, there was always a stressful sense or dread of something awful about to take place. Your grandpaa has no doubts that the final days or end times is going to be an exceptionally scary time for every single guy, gal and kid who will be living on planet Earth at that time.

Ezekiel 39 (487)