“The LORD said to Noah, ‘“Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.”
~ Genesis 7:1


Hi James and Ellen,

What do you think that planet Earth was like about 5000 years ago? How many different kinds of animals, birds and reptiles do you think that there were about 5000 years ago on planet Earth? What do you think that the guys, gals and kids were like who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth? What do you think that the guys, gals and kids drank and ate who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth? What do you think that the guys, gals and kids did for work and fun who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth? What do you think that the guys and gals did to worship and serve God who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth? Do you think that the guys and gals who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth personally knew God? Do you think that the guys and gals who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth really cared whether or not that there was a transcendent God? Just about all the guys and gals who were living on planet Earth about 5000 years ago only cared about themselves. Just about all the guys and gals who were living on planet Earth about 5000 years ago did not care at all whether or not that there was a transcendent God. Almost all the guys and gals who were living on planet Earth about 5000 years ago had no desire to worship and serve the God Who had created them and everything else. Your grandpaa believes that 5000 years ago is about 1000 years after God created planet Earth, Adam and Eve and all the animals, birds and reptiles that roamed planet Earth. If you have wondered about the prehistoric animals, birds, fish, etc. that are being found, your grandpaa has wondered, too, how they fit into God’s big picture plan.

Your grandpaa believes that the different land masses that are now on planet Earth looked very differently the first 1000 years after God created planet Earth. Your grandpaa believes that it is possible that the continents that make up the land masses that are on planet Earth today were 5000 years ago once possibly just a single massive land mass. Your grandpaa believes that even though there was 5000 years ago never a shortage of water on planet Earth, it did not rain on planet Earth. Your grandpaa believes that planet Earth about 5000 years ago was like a greenhouse where plants grew extra big, where there was always plenty of food for guys, gals and kids to eat and where guys and gals lived to be hundreds of years old. There lived on planet Earth about 5000 years ago a guy by the name of Noah. Noah had a friend. Noah’s friend was God. When Noah was about 500 years old, God told Noah to build a great big boat. The great big boat that God told Noah to build became known as an ark. Why do you think that God told Noah to build an ark? God told Noah to build an ark to save himself, his wife, his three sons and their wives and a pair of each animal, bird and reptile from drowning. Do you think that Noah really knew why God wanted him to build an ark? Noah could see himself how wickedly that the guys and gals were behaving who were living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth. Why do you think that God wanted to save Noah, Noah’s wife, Noah’s three sons and their wives, and a pair of each animal, bird and reptile from drowning? Noah personally knew God. Noah cared who God was. Noah knew that God cared about him. Noah’s wife, her and Noah’s three boys and their wives personally knew God and cared who God was, too. When the time had arrived in God’s perfect plan – that He had originated before He spun an orb called planet Earth into an orbit around a sun, to destroy every guy, gal and kid who was living on planet Earth because other than Noah, Noah’s wife, Noah’s three boys and their wives, no other guy, gal or kid who was living about 5000 years ago on planet Earth had any desire to know or show God that he or she cared about Him. The ark that God told Noah to build was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. About what happened after Noah had finished building the ark is found in Genesis 7. Seven days before God let loose the water that He was storing in the sky above planet Earth and in springs below planet Earth’s land mass, God had Noah, Noah’s wife and Noah’s three sons and their wives go inside the ark that Noah had built with the help of his wife, sons and their wives. There was enough room in the ark for a pair of every single animal, bird and reptile. God also had Noah take on the ark seven pairs of animals and birds which were considered clean. An animal or a bird that was considered clean could be sacrificed to God. It took forty days for God to cover planet Earth’s land mass from all the water that He had stored in the sky and in springs below planet Earth’s land mass. The highest mountain that was on planet Earth’s land mass after 40 days was covered by 20 feet of water. Once God had stopped covering planet Earth’s land mass with water, it took 150 days for the water to settle into planet Earth’s land creating oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. How would you like to have been one of Noah’s boys – having to help feed on the ark for 197 days every single pair of animal, bird and reptile?

God had a very good reason for being willing to save Noah, Noah’s wife and their three boys and their wives from drowning. Verse 1 says, “The LORD said to Noah, ‘“Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.” If you do not want to be destroyed when God again destroys the insidious wickedness that is taking place today on planet Earth, respond to God the Spirit speaking to you to accept what God the Son did on a cross when He allowed Himself to be nailed to it – to die, as an atonement for your sinful nature so that you can always live in hope. Your grandmaa and grandpaa are trusting God that He will lead you to believe in the Bible’s truths and that you will apply these truths in order for God to reflect His glorify through you.

Genesis 7 (278)